Every wolf needs a moon

By Talia-Rose

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Harry Potter so don't sue me. This story is set during the Marauders time at Hogwarts because I absolutely love Sirius and Remus….

Chapter One: The eve of a new school year.

            "Now Sonya, you really must learn to sit down when you're told to." Her aunt Hillary instructed, pointing towards the plush couch in the corner of the study. "Alexander will be in here momentarily to tell you what's going to happen. But I suspect that you will be transferring from your school in the Balkans to one here in England."

            The young girl's nostrils flared – a trait that Hillary knew she had inherited from her mother Bethany – and she lifted a pair of sharp blue eyes to meet her Aunt's, "You're kidding me right? Leave Saint Luthors? But all my friends are there and I've only got this year and next year left before I graduate."

            Hillary smiled faintly, "But Hogwarts is close to here and here is where you have to live now. I know you'll miss your friends back in Bulgaria and Romania but it was your parents wishes that you came to live with us if they passed on before you were grown."

            "But can't I stay at Saint Luthors and just come here during the summer holidays? You know that could work." Sonya pleaded, not at all happy.

            "I'm sorry Sonya, but you're going to go to Hogwarts and that's final. You don't come into your inheritance until you turn twenty-one and until you're eighteen, your uncle and I are your legal guardians. Perhaps during the holidays you will be able to have your friends come over and visit or you can go and visit them?" She smiled and ruffled the girl's short blond hair.

            Leaving the room, Hillary glanced back over her shoulder to see her niece staring into space with tears running down her cheeks. Sighing, she refused to go over and comfort the girl, knowing that that was detrimental to her objectives. Closing the door behind her, the older woman headed off down a set of stairs to find her husband, who would be hiding somewhere on the first floor of their London home.

            "Marcus! Marcus where are you?" She called shrilly, hands on her hips.

            Sonya shook herself and looked over at the window. She could hear her aunt calling for her uncle and knew that if she were going to run away, now would be the time, before Alexander got there. Alexander was her parents' lawyer and a man who she had known all her life… but that was only to be expected when one had parents to run an international corporation in the Muggle world. She's always found that amusing, the fact that her parents had made themselves rich and successful in the Muggle world when they both came from pureblood Wizarding families. But the Delcots' had been interested in Muggle affairs – the reason why they had become rich by Muggle standards by being prominent members of the business world … but she had never really spent much time with her parents and had never really had any clear idea of what they did because when she wasn't at school, she was somewhere else with people her parents thought she would like to spend the time with. In her lifetime, Sonya had been to nearly every country in the world… that is, nearly every country of importance. In fact, she had spent these last summer holidays in America, in Los Angles with her good friend Andre and his twin sister Andrea.

            "You weren't planning on going anywhere were you Miss Delcot?" A man asked from the door and Sonya turned around to shake her head. "I didn't think so. Now sit down Sonya, we need to talk about what you don't like about your parents will."

            "Don't tell me, you're going to insist that I attend Hogwarts as well? Well I don't want to! Why can't I go and live with Andre and his family? At least then I would still be able to go to Saint Luthors." She snapped, her eyes narrowing angrily.

            Alexander smiled faintly, "You're just like your parents sometimes, so incredibly stubborn. Now, who said you have to go to Hogwarts? I didn't realize that there was anything in the will that said you had to change schools. In fact, I believe your parents expressed a specific desire for you to stay at Saint Luthors because of… of… you know what I mean."

            There was a look of pure dislike for him on her face, "You still can't bring yourself to talk about the trait that I inherited from my father's side? Come on Alexander, tell me what I am."

            "Now Sonya, there's no need to be like that. You have enough troubles at the moment without having to think about what I think about that slightly distasteful talent you have." He replied, refusing to meet her eyes.

            "If you say so. Aunty Hillary said that because I have to live with them here in England now, I have to transfer to Hogwarts. Which is, as it happens, away from my friends and everyone I know. Name one person in Hogwarts that I would probably know… that is, besides Lucius Malfoy." Her voice was low and her eyes narrowed in such a way that she reminded Alexander of an angry hawk.

            Taking a step back, the lawyer smiled faintly, "I believe that there is one of the Black boys there… or maybe both, I'm not sure. You remember Sirius Black don't you?"

            "He possesses one of the most distasteful mothers alive. The Black family is terrible and they are supporters of You-Know-Who."

            "That's not the point." Alexander snapped. "And last I heard, the eldest boy ran away from home because he couldn't stand his family. Now, if your aunt and uncle think it best that you change to Hogwarts, then I won't stand in their way. In fact, I believe that it may very well be the best thing for you if you get out of the crowd you hang around with at Saint Luthors. I've heard about the people they have attending there and frankly, Hogwarts is a much better choice."

            Sonya laughed bitterly, "Yes, you're worried about the werewolves and Vampires and Animagi influencing my behavior and what I might become."

            "Sonya!" Her aunt Hillary was in the doorway again, her arms crossed and her plain brown eyes narrowed angrily. "There's no need to be like that. Now your uncle is prepared to take you to get your things from Diagon Alley this afternoon since you will be leaving for school tomorrow. An owl just arrived with your booklist from Hogwarts."

            Alexander sighed in relief – he wouldn't have to take the girl back to Bulgaria for school. As much as he had respected her parents, the daughter was a stubborn and spoilt girl who expected everything to go her way… though it wasn't her fault really. Her parents had made her that way by trying to compensate for not being around all that much. Dusting his hands off, he smiled at Hillary and shrugged, "If Marcus is going to take her to get her school things, then you obviously don't need me anymore. Now, you know that if you have anything you need to talk to me about all you have to do is send an owl and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

            "You're a busy man Alexander, you know that we wouldn't take up any of your time unless it was absolutely necessary." She replied, shooing Sonya out of the room.

            "I'm willing to do anything in my power for the family of Bethany and William… though I can't stand their daughter. I wish you luck with that one Hillary, she's going to be a right handful even without the added problem of her little gift." He followed the woman out of the study and down the stairs towards wherever it was that Marcus was hiding.

            Sonya snorted, rolling her eyes as she walked off along a hallway to her bedroom. "Oh I'll show them one day. They can't cage a bird and expect it to sing the tune they try to teach it nor can they collar a wolf and expect it to sit when they tell it to."

            Going through her trunk, she found her favorite skirt and shirt to change into. Even if she didn't want to go to Hogwarts, she enjoyed shopping for anything and would do all she could to make the people around her believe that she really was the perfect angel.

            Carefully pulling a pair of skin colored tights on, she slipped the ankle length cream suede skirt on and the white cotton blouse. Brushing her hair, she fastened the side curls back with a silver clip. She had only just finished pulling her shoes on when her uncle knocked on the door and looked in to see if she was ready.

            "Come on Poppet, let's just get this over and done with so you can get some rest. I believe you'll be having a long day tomorrow." Marcus smiled kindly at her.

            He was a plain man, a simple man who was ruled over by his wife… though between them, they only just made it to average intelligence. But she liked her uncle well enough; it's not like he was inclined to make any comments about her habits or her gift and he was a dopey man who, like her parents, was well disposed towards buying her whatever she wanted if she just asked.

            They took the floo to Diagon Alley and when they got there, Sonya was amazed by the number of people around her age shopping for school things at the last minute. But once she and her uncle had gotten all of her books and other necessary school things, he stopped outside the owl shop and shook his head.

            "You realize that you're going to have to get an owl now because Hogwarts won't allow you to keep Rybe there." He flicked his hand towards the shop and glanced at her sadly.

            Rybe was her beloved hawk – the present her parents had gotten her for her fifteenth birthday last year. She had spent all of her free time working with the bird, training Rybe to respond to her commands and her signals… and to not be allowed to keep her at school was dreadful. It just made her hate Hogwarts more than she already did.

            Following her uncle into the owl shop, Sonya was stunned by the diversity of the birds within. She was instinctively drawn to a large grey owl that was perched on a stand; it's large yellow eyes watching her steadily. Running her fingers lightly across the bird's feathers, she glanced over at her uncle and smiled faintly. He nodded, trusting her to be able to pick the right bird. It was when the owl ruffled his feathers and blinked at her that Sonya realized what was in her hand. Opening her hand up, she stared at the feather there in sadness before letting it fall to the ground. Holding her wrist in front of the bird, Sonya didn't even wince when he stepped onto her wrist and let out a faint "hooo". While her uncle paid for the bird and brought a cage for it, she rummaged through her mind for a suitable name and eventually decided on Teran.

            "Are you alright to look around the shops while I go into the Ministry to speak to a friend? I'll drop all of your things at the room in the Leaky Cauldron where you'll stay tonight. Your aunt Hillary has already sent all of your other things there." Marcus messed up her short blond hair and smiled. "Make sure you're there before dark. I don't want to have to worry about you."

            She grinned, "I'll be fine uncle and you know it. Now go see your friend and I'll go and buy myself an early birthday present."

            Marcus studied her for a moment before nodding to the owl, "Do you want me to take the bird back to the room?"

            "No, I'll keep Teran with me. I would like to get to know my new bird before I have to rely on his training to carry my letters for me. Now, more importantly, are you going to be okay without me watching over you?" Sonya blinked at him, reminding her uncle of a hawk watching its prey.

            Turning his back on her, the older man walked away, "Remember Sonya Delcot, you must be back at the Leaky Cauldron before dark or I will be forced to send someone looking for you. And don't spend all of your money; I'm not taking you back to the bank to get more."

            Calling out after him, Sonya replied, "I don't know what I'm going to buy yet… since I already have the latest broom."

            Once he was out of sight, she made a beeline to the broom shop and went inside to gaze thoughtfully at all the brooms. She loved flying and Quidditch was her second favorite sport after hunting. Standing in front of a display which incorporated the broom she had at home as well as several others from the same line, Sonya stroked Teran's feathers gently while staring at the brooms and thinking about the last game of Quidditch that she had played.

            "Hey Moony, where are you going?" A boys' voice rung out from behind her, causing Sonya to turn around to see who was talking.

            She saw a small group of boys around her age standing just outside the shop talking. From what she could see, one of them – a tallish, pale boy – was trying to go across to a bookshop while the other three were trying to get him to come into the broom shop with them.

            One of the boys, a tall boy with messy hair and glasses, rolled his eyes and tugged at the sleeve of the boy next to him, "Let Remus go to his beloved bookshop. It's not like we won't be able to find him since I doubt he will be in there for any less time than we will be in here."

            "He's right you know Sirius, I won't go anywhere else but the bookshop and besides, I don't play Quidditch and though I enjoy cheering for you and James, I'm not that interested in it." Remus shrugged and managed to dash across the street and into the bookshop.

            Coming inside the shop, the three remaining boys were chattering about the latest brooms…. Well, Sirius and James were while the third boy just seemed to be tagging along. Sonya stared at the boy dubbed Sirius for a moment, remembering last time she had met him at a large dinner her uncle Terrance had given. She hadn't liked him then and she didn't think she would like him now. When he looked over at her, she ducked away from his gaze, hoping that he didn't recognize her.

            "Hey James, Sirius, come look at this!" The nameless boy called – he had just seen Sonya.

            She turned around to leave the shop, thinking that she might go over to the bookshop to see if there were any new books that she might like when she came face to face with James. He studied her for a moment before holding out his hand.

            "James Potter."

            Sniffling, Sonya eyed his hand distastefully before carefully side stepping him and sweeping past, "That's nice." She replied before walking out the door.

            He watched her go then turned around to his friend, "Who was she Sirius? I don't think I've ever seen her before."

            Sirius stared out the window and watched Sonya go into the bookshop. "If my memory serves me correctly, that girl was Sonya Delcot. I met her at Terrance Delcots' home one year when my parents dragged us to one of his annual parties. She's a stubborn git who thinks the world revolves around her."

            "Well stubborn git or not, she's rather pretty. Don't you agree Peter?" James flashed a grin at the other boys.

            "Yes, rather pretty… her looks have certainly improved with age but I bet her attitude hasn't." The young master Black murmured, shaking his head.