A/N: This is short I know, the rest will be longer feedback is appreciated. This is a more serious fic so if you want something light I suggest you try the Way of Words or something from my favorites.

Disclaimer: This goes for the whole story. This all belongs to JKR I'm just not original enough to use my own characters.


Professor M. McGonagall looked over her students lounging around the Gryffindor common room. It was the second term just after the Christmas holidays; due to the increasing dark activity in the last few weeks, she was here to announce some news that wasn't exactly pleasant. As it was late afternoon on a Saturday the students were all in their common rooms, the head girl, Ginny Weasley sat at a table studying, Colin Creevy was taking pictures of a few first years, a few second years were lazily making their potions homework soar around the common room rather than do it. Sights like this made her sad, thinking about how they were about to lose the last bit of youthfulness they had.

"Attention students," she cleared her throat and unrolled a long scroll. "I have a few things to announce, things that you will not like." The students all looked up from what they were doing. Professor McGonagall failed to notice the dark circles around Ginny's eyes and gaunt look in her cheeks.

"There will be some new rules this term. As much as we teachers hate to assign them, these rules are for your safety and we will do whatever necessary to enforce them. From today forward, there will be no Hogsmede visits, all students must be back in their common rooms strictly after dinner every night, no Quidditch practice is allowed and all Astronomy lessons are discontinued as we will be needing that tower for look out purposes." The students all looked at her, stunned that so many new rules were needed and so much freedom was being taken away.

"You are also," Professor McGonagall continued. "Required to wear these." She held up what looked like a bunch of flimsy bracelets, "Snap them twice and they will take you directly to the headmasters office. You are required to wear these at all times, if you lose one please see a teacher immediately to get a new one. That is all." She motioned to Ginny to come forward and asked her to distribute them. "I have a staff meeting." She told her quietly, explaining her rush to leave. Ginny quietly handed out the bracelets and went back to her seat.