Inu-rose: Hey guys! This might be the last chapter. NO! ::bawls::

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Inu-rose: ::sniff:: I must be strong! Here are some review responces.

YoukoElfMaiden: Thank you very much for reviewing! ::gives you Youko plushie:: ; )

SugarHighSpaz: Nope. It's not good at all! : ) ::gives you Kurama shaped cookie::

krazy-krispi: I'm glad you liked it! : ) ::gives you Hiei shaped cookie::

sabrina39: How could I forget you?! Thanks for reviewing! : ) ::hands you jawbreaker::

BlueEmbyr: Thank you very much for your review. : ) ::gives you one of Kurama's roses::

sakurasango: Thanks for reviewing! Many smiles sent to you! :: gives you Kurama shaped brownie::

Dragonflyr: Of course you wanna see what happens next!!! ::hands you Kurama plushie::

Mischa Kitsune: Thanks for your review. ::gives you chocolate::

Minakara: Thankies! ::hands you candy::

SlightlyInsane: I thought I was the only one! I mean...A-hem, here. ::gives you pictures of Kurama::

ryuugitsune: Thank you for reviewing! ::hands you rare plant of Kurama's::

Jessica: I'm glad you think so. Here, ::hands you Hiei plushie:: : )

Sikes: Dude, I'm not thanking you! You're rude! ::sticks out tongue at you::

IcyzInnocentz: Thank you for reviewing! ::gives you Kurama shaped ice-pop:: ; )

Hoshi: Thank you for reviewing! ; ) And BTW, he will be allergic to them soon! Mwahahahahahaha! ::throws you candy::

Inu-rose: I know there were many more, but I'm too lazy to look back. Sooo....

To everyone else that has reviewed: Thank you all soo much! Your reviews really made me happy, and I wish I could thank you all personally, but I'm too lazy. So, here you go! ::throws candy, plushies and cookies at reviewers::

Inu-rose: Alright, now that that's done, on with the fic!


Kurama woke up the next morning. He sniffled and looked around.

Wait a sec...

He took a sniff at the air.

He smiled. He wasn't sneezing! He was cured!

Only one way to know for sure...

He walked over to a vase of roses.

He leaned down and sniffed.

Wait for it....

Nothing happened! He really WAS better!

"Yahoo! I'm cured!" Kurama shouted, jumping up happily.

"Shuiichi, are you alright up there?" Shiori called from the kitchen.

Kurama paled. "Um... yes, mother." he cried, quickly changing into his school uniform. He dashed down the stairs and out the door to Genkai's temple.


"Aww! It's so cute! Yukina where'd you find it?" Botan asked, holding up a baby fox kit.

Yukina grinned. "I found him yesterday while I was walking in the woods." she said, tickling the pup's stomach.

It yipped in jaw, leaving the girls in a world of cute-ness.

(A.N: Ugh, I'm getting sick typing this, -.-''')

Kurama rushed over to them. "Guys! Guess what?! I'm cured! Look! I'm not sneezing! My allergies are gone! The medicine worked!" he shouted all at once.

But, (of course) the girls were too absorbed in the cute-ness to even look up at the fox.

Kurama peeked at it. "Kawaii!" he whispered, starry-eyed.

He lifted the fox up to his face and nuzzled it with his nose.

He soon jerked back.

"A-A-A-A-ACHOO!!!!!" He sneezed loudly, and the kit jumped back into Yukina's arms.

Kurama blinked. "But...but how?"

He pulled out the bottle of medicine he had took the night before.

He looked at the back and began to read.

"WARNING: May cause reversal allergies to the following:




His knees began to shake. No...was he reading this right?


Yukina and Botan leaned in, waiting for the ending.

"Foxes." Kurama said astonished.

Botan and Yukina gave uncertain glances at eachother before bursting out laughing.

Kurama flushed. "This is NOT funny!" he shouted.

Yukina, now finished giggling, smiled and said, "Yes it is!"

Botan nodded. "C'mon Kurama, you gotta admit, that's a lot of irony. First you were allergic to pollen, and now you're allergic to foxes!"

Kurama thought a minute. "Yes... it is rather odd.... wait... I wonder what Youko is doing right now...."

Botan and Yukina thought again, and once more, went into a coma of laughter. Youko, where-ever he was, was probably sneezing his brains out.

Kurama twitched and stomped into Genkai's temple. "Maybe I'm not allergic to them. I mean, I could've just sneezed because of something else... ::sigh:: to the doctor's I go."

------- AT THE DOCTOR'S------

"Back again, Shuiichi?" Doctor Yin asked, raising a brow.

Kurama nodded. "I think I'm allergic to something else..." he said.

Lee thought a moment. "Do you have a cat, in your home?"


"A dog?"


"Well, I doubt you had a run-in with a fox--"

"Yes! I just did!"

Lee brought Kurama into a testing room. He pulled out a syringe.

Kurama cringed. This was gonna hurt.

He slowly wedged the needle into Kurama's arm, and took a blood sample.

"There," he said finally, taking out the needle, "I'll be back with the results in a few minutes."

Kurama waited patiently for Yin until he finally came in.

"Well, Mr. Minamino, I have good news,"

"I'm not allergic to foxes?!" Kurama asked hopefully.

"No. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geiko."

(A/N: I don't own that, and I think I spelled it wrong,)

Kurama face faulted.

"Can it get any worse?" He mumbled.

Lee cleared his throat. "You also appear to be allergic to foxes. I'll sign you a perscription and--?" He was cut off, seeing that Kurama had passed out on the floor.

"Um... Shuiichi? Are you alright? Shuiichi?"



Inu-rose: Well? How was it? I hoped you enjoyed my fic, and if you really liked it, I'll make a sequel, only Hiei is allergic to sulfer. : ) See you next time! ::waves::