Alright, I better make an explanation of how the story layout will go, so here. Each chapter will be in 4 different parts: one view from Angel's view, the second one from Stitch's view, third Lilo's view, and the last one 625. Anyways, the story takes place after the Angel episode, obviously. All the Turian spoken will be translated, except for a few words, like 'Ih' and 'Meega' and occasionally 'Naaga'. I'm a procrastinator, so it'll be a miracle if I update this story. I update all the views at once, so updates may take a bit. I also came up with this title while listening to "Light and Day", with the line "Reach for the sun" playing.

DISCLAIM-IT FOR THE STORY, SO I DON'T HAVE TO DO IT OVER AND/OR OVER AGAIN: I don't own L&S, but if I did, I'd make the world a better place. Ok, maybe I wouldn't. I do own the word "freak-off" though, along with "crako". Every time you say it from now on, I get 5 cents. I own this story, also. All terms are copyrighted, and if you take them, I will send Stitch after you and rip off your left foot, shoe and all.