Hello again my dearest readers. Bludgeon me if you must for my tardy updates, but you're getting more than one entry today, so don't bludgeon too hard. . I've been swamped with serious drama-like-bs, so I've not had any time to actually sit down and write. But, of course, I had some time now, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this uber-shweet chappy! Yay! . Anyway, I humbly thank all of those wonderful people that reviewed, and I hope this chapter is up to you expectations! Lol.

Joe: Willow, you are a sick, twisted little turd, you know that?

Willow: Yep! And I love it too! .

Joe:shakes head: And your scary

Izzy:laughs: Joe, don't compliment her…she takes "scary" to mean really good…

Willow:giggles and accidentally-on-purpose lets bondage chains show: Scary is fun!

Joe:sees the chains…turns to Izzy: Run! She's got devices of torture!

Izzy:looks at Willow and spots chains: Willow…put those away. Those belong to Matt and Tai, remember?

Willow:blushes and scuffs foot: Oh darn…you caught me. :grins evilly:

Joe:passed out on the floor from shock:

Izzy:looks to readers: Anyway, enjoy the chapters. And don't forget to review!

Willow: Yeah! The Review button is your FRIEND!

Love Journals 101

Matt's Journal Entry 10

March 23, 2004 1:30 a.m.

I wish I could just get out of here. The doctors said that they're going to discharge me tomorrow morning, but all I really care about is the fact that Tai didn't come back in tonight. What's going on? I asked if he showed up (he was supposed to be bringing me something to munch on that wasn't "healthy and good for you, because you've just been shot") and the head nurse (a really ugly, really big lady who grinned whenever she gave you a shot…with a needle that could have easily been the size of my pinky……okok, so I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea. Big. Fuckin. Needle. Enough said.) said that he never showed. She likes me (how creepy!), and told me that she would keep a close watch out for him.

Why didn't he come back? What happened to him? I'm sitting here in a horrible hospital bed, praying that the media won't see me when I leave the hospital tomorrow. My bandmates told me that they're going to put on a street concert tomorrow morning, around the time I'm to be discharged, to keep the crowds from mobbing me. I don't need that stress added onto the stress of not being able to find Tai tonight…

Lets see…what can I write about to take my mind off of Tai's obvious absence? Well…Joe and Izzy came back to see me today. They're getting a place together, and I think that is just about the coolest thing ever. If Tai and I are together long enough, I think we might do the same thing…ya know, get a place together. That'd be nice. . It would also seriously annoy our younger siblings ('cause then they'd have no place to crash when we'd be at the others houses). Joe brought me some sugar free chocolate (had to resist the urge to kick him…hehehe) but Izzy brought me some McDonalds…oh it was so good…..until the nurse walked in and saw it and took it away. Grrrrrr. They got a real kick out of my expression.

Anyway, I'm really tired. The sooner I go to sleep, the sooner I can get the hell out of here in the morning. I hope Tai is there….Peace Out.


Tai's Journal Entry 10

March 25, 2004 10:30 p.m.

Right now I sit here simultaneously nursing injuries to my head, right shoulder, left ankle, and back while I write this. Getting Matt out of that hospital yesterday was not the easiest thing in the world, I can assure you. Even though his band put on a "street concert", we still pretty much got mobbed as we tried to slip out the back door. It does help though that the rest of the didgidestined (minus Sora-she's apparently angry for me at being gay…i.e. not being able to go out with her…and davis, 'cause mat would'a killed him just for being there) helped us get out of there. They brought Yoli's minivan (don't ask…I don't even know). When I picked Matt up yesterday, I think he was crying…he asked my why I didn't come back two nights ago.

Well, remember those injuries that I'm nursing? I got my ass kicked the other night. Now, I'm not weak, but I was fucking ambushed! They knocked me out (head injury) and started beating the shit out of me. And no, I don't know who "they" is. Sorry. All I know is that I woke up yesterday morning at Joe and Izzy's new place and I was covered with bandages. Good thing Joe's studying to become a doctor! He said I had a concussion, a sprained ankle, and I should really stay off my ankle. Oh goody eh? Well, anyway, Matt is in the shower right now. He insisted that he shower alone, since he's had those butt-ugly nurses after him with "sponge baths" for the last few days. I still laugh at that!

I'm going to take him (Matt) out to eat in a few hours. I know I'm not supposed to be on my feet (especially since I have to go back to the soccer tour and I won't be able to write in here for a really long while), but I think he deserves to get some real food. I mean, it's the least I can do for shooting him. And now he's mentally smacking me. Oi. Some good news though. When I get back from tour, Matt and I are really going to get an apartment together! I'm so excited! It'll bug T.K. and Kari, no doubt, but that's ok. At least we'll be together. Anyway, I have to go. Matt's getting out of the shower, and I can hear him banging around in the bathroom. Peace.
