Hello everybody! Thank you for the reviews! I'm glad you enjoy my story!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Witch Hunter Robin characters...
Robin's pov
I watched as Amon walked away. I thought on this girl and boy for a minute. How could we not of known of Li's children. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when the chief started to yell...again.
"Doujima! This is the eighteenth this month, IN A ROW!" He yelled obviously at Doujima "Sorry chief, I slept late..." Doujima said "It's always 'slept late' Doujima!" snapped the chief "Hey Robin!" Doujima said as she walked over to me obviously ignoring the chief "Hey! I'm talking to you! Doujima! Doujima! ERRRRRRRRRRRR!" the chief yelled as he walk, or more like stomped, to his office.
"Hey is that your new case?" asked Doujima as she looked at the pictures in the file that was on my desk. I nodded "Man, boy did they give you a doozy. Well best of luck!" called Doujima as she walked out the door and building "Doujima get your butt back in here!" the chief called out as he ran after her I smiled and shook my head. I look at the files and decided to go to one of the libraries in this place to see if I can find out exactly what powers Li Higarashi had...
Kagome's pov
I told Inuyasha everything. Inuyasha just held me and Souta, not really knowing what to do. I looked up at him and I stepped back from his embrace, Souta too so followed. Inuyasha looked at me and Souta.
"So you and Souta are witches and your mother sent you to live here...for the rest of your lives...did I get that right..." Inuyasha said as he took in that information.
Both Souta and I nodded. "Well I hate to tell you, but I know of the witches in this era...and their too hunted." Inuyasha said gravely
"Then what do we do?" I asked "I don't know. I suggest we ask Kaede." Inuyasha said "That's what I was going to do." I said as Inuyasha walked in front of us. I motion for Souta to follow us. We all walked to the village in silence. As we got to the village we all heard the familiar "HENTAI!" 'BOOM, SLAP, BANG'. "What was that?" Souta asked "That would be two unofficial lovers hitting on each other." I replied easily with a smile
After she said that the two unofficial 'lovers' came in sight. "I heard that, Kagome." Sango said "As well as I. Oh my dear Sango, what a pleasure it would be if we became lovers." Miroku said with stars in his eyes Sango hit him over the head with Hiraikotsu. "Come back down from Nirvana and welcome to hell, Miroku." I heard Sango say "Any where, where you are, dear Sango, IS nirvana." Miroku said earning another slap and meeting his old time friend Hiraikotsu and then the nice place called unconsciousness.
"Will he ever learn...?" I heard Shippo say from my shoulder, surprising me "Kagome...who are these people?" Souta asked from behind me It was then everybody (minus Inuyasha) noticed Souta
"Oh sorry Souta! Everybody I want you to meet my brother, Souta! Souta I want you to meet Shippo, Sango, and Miroku...and I believe you already know Inuyasha." I said to everybody as I pointed to the people I was talking about
"Kagome...it's a pleasure to meet your brother, but...why is he here?" Sango asked
I started to cry. "We'll explain when we get to Kaede's hut." Inuyasha said as he led us to Kaede's hut
On the way there Sango looked at me worriedly and walked beside me.
"Kagome...I'm sorry if I upset you..." Sango said "It's okay...You'll all know soon so..." I started to say but I was interrupted by her "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." She said sincerely "Thanks but you all need to know..." I said as we stepped into Kaede's hut
I introduced Kaede and Souta and then we all sat down. I started to tell my story...
Robin's pov
I had found some information on Li's powers, key word 'some'. The book I found was the only one that had information on Li's power and history. The book only had 13 pages out of 65 on him. I found out he had multiple powers, five to be exact. I was only able to find out three of the powers. One: life enhancement, I found out that Li was a little over 450 years old. Two: water powers, I had read that he had drowned several people in his younger years. Three: Electric powers, He had formed this ability when he was at least 355 years old. I'm sure that both children has the increased life ability, but the electric and water plus two others as well...I'm not sure. All we know is that their powers have been increasing and could very well release if need be. We were even lucky that we caught it in time before it got out of hand. I had told Amon of the information I gathered and he just nodded and we left to the shrine once more. As of now we were at the well house and obviously the family had locked it up.
"Robin, use your powers to burn off the lock." He said I nodded and put on my glassed and shot at the lock with my fire powers. The lock dripped to the ground in a melted puddle of metal. Me and Amon opened the door and went in. We looked around and only saw a well in the middle of the room. I went to it and looked down it. I pulled away quickly at the feel of immense magical power. Amon saw my movement at the well and checked it out. He too pulled away and frowned.
"I've never been able to sense so much magical power." I said as he nodded then he smiled "A time traveling device." He said simply "How do you know?" I asked "Because witches of the old had created such devices and only people with magical senses or powers could only be able to sense this magical power, but these devices were so well hidden that no body has been able to find them. Obviously we just found one of those devices and somehow I got a feeling that's where the girl is." Amon said bored
"Well who's going to go first?" I said as I knew what was about to come "I will." Amon said as he jumped in and I followed him...
Kagome's pov
I told everybody what Souta and I are and what is happening.
"Wow!" was all Shippo said Sango and Miroku were shocked speechless and well Inuyasha was...asleep probably after hearing my story once before. Souta was beside me sleeping from the tiring day. Kaede looked like she was in deep thought.
"Well ye and Souta can stay in this village if ye like. I have to think this over, what ye children are going through is hard and it will be a problem with ye's powers. I will think of a solution while ye deal with the one at hand." Kaede said as she looked at the boy beside me I nodded and set my sleeping bag out and got Souta's out and picked him up and set him on it. Then I crawled into mine and went to sleep, never knowing of the two people that were hunting her and her brother...
The parings are at the moment...
Okay I know the Inuyasha things weren't there before but someone gave me an idea and I decided to see if you all wanted Inuyasha pared with someone different. Well please send me your votes in your reviews. Please review!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Witch Hunter Robin characters...
Robin's pov
I watched as Amon walked away. I thought on this girl and boy for a minute. How could we not of known of Li's children. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when the chief started to yell...again.
"Doujima! This is the eighteenth this month, IN A ROW!" He yelled obviously at Doujima "Sorry chief, I slept late..." Doujima said "It's always 'slept late' Doujima!" snapped the chief "Hey Robin!" Doujima said as she walked over to me obviously ignoring the chief "Hey! I'm talking to you! Doujima! Doujima! ERRRRRRRRRRRR!" the chief yelled as he walk, or more like stomped, to his office.
"Hey is that your new case?" asked Doujima as she looked at the pictures in the file that was on my desk. I nodded "Man, boy did they give you a doozy. Well best of luck!" called Doujima as she walked out the door and building "Doujima get your butt back in here!" the chief called out as he ran after her I smiled and shook my head. I look at the files and decided to go to one of the libraries in this place to see if I can find out exactly what powers Li Higarashi had...
Kagome's pov
I told Inuyasha everything. Inuyasha just held me and Souta, not really knowing what to do. I looked up at him and I stepped back from his embrace, Souta too so followed. Inuyasha looked at me and Souta.
"So you and Souta are witches and your mother sent you to live here...for the rest of your lives...did I get that right..." Inuyasha said as he took in that information.
Both Souta and I nodded. "Well I hate to tell you, but I know of the witches in this era...and their too hunted." Inuyasha said gravely
"Then what do we do?" I asked "I don't know. I suggest we ask Kaede." Inuyasha said "That's what I was going to do." I said as Inuyasha walked in front of us. I motion for Souta to follow us. We all walked to the village in silence. As we got to the village we all heard the familiar "HENTAI!" 'BOOM, SLAP, BANG'. "What was that?" Souta asked "That would be two unofficial lovers hitting on each other." I replied easily with a smile
After she said that the two unofficial 'lovers' came in sight. "I heard that, Kagome." Sango said "As well as I. Oh my dear Sango, what a pleasure it would be if we became lovers." Miroku said with stars in his eyes Sango hit him over the head with Hiraikotsu. "Come back down from Nirvana and welcome to hell, Miroku." I heard Sango say "Any where, where you are, dear Sango, IS nirvana." Miroku said earning another slap and meeting his old time friend Hiraikotsu and then the nice place called unconsciousness.
"Will he ever learn...?" I heard Shippo say from my shoulder, surprising me "Kagome...who are these people?" Souta asked from behind me It was then everybody (minus Inuyasha) noticed Souta
"Oh sorry Souta! Everybody I want you to meet my brother, Souta! Souta I want you to meet Shippo, Sango, and Miroku...and I believe you already know Inuyasha." I said to everybody as I pointed to the people I was talking about
"Kagome...it's a pleasure to meet your brother, but...why is he here?" Sango asked
I started to cry. "We'll explain when we get to Kaede's hut." Inuyasha said as he led us to Kaede's hut
On the way there Sango looked at me worriedly and walked beside me.
"Kagome...I'm sorry if I upset you..." Sango said "It's okay...You'll all know soon so..." I started to say but I was interrupted by her "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." She said sincerely "Thanks but you all need to know..." I said as we stepped into Kaede's hut
I introduced Kaede and Souta and then we all sat down. I started to tell my story...
Robin's pov
I had found some information on Li's powers, key word 'some'. The book I found was the only one that had information on Li's power and history. The book only had 13 pages out of 65 on him. I found out he had multiple powers, five to be exact. I was only able to find out three of the powers. One: life enhancement, I found out that Li was a little over 450 years old. Two: water powers, I had read that he had drowned several people in his younger years. Three: Electric powers, He had formed this ability when he was at least 355 years old. I'm sure that both children has the increased life ability, but the electric and water plus two others as well...I'm not sure. All we know is that their powers have been increasing and could very well release if need be. We were even lucky that we caught it in time before it got out of hand. I had told Amon of the information I gathered and he just nodded and we left to the shrine once more. As of now we were at the well house and obviously the family had locked it up.
"Robin, use your powers to burn off the lock." He said I nodded and put on my glassed and shot at the lock with my fire powers. The lock dripped to the ground in a melted puddle of metal. Me and Amon opened the door and went in. We looked around and only saw a well in the middle of the room. I went to it and looked down it. I pulled away quickly at the feel of immense magical power. Amon saw my movement at the well and checked it out. He too pulled away and frowned.
"I've never been able to sense so much magical power." I said as he nodded then he smiled "A time traveling device." He said simply "How do you know?" I asked "Because witches of the old had created such devices and only people with magical senses or powers could only be able to sense this magical power, but these devices were so well hidden that no body has been able to find them. Obviously we just found one of those devices and somehow I got a feeling that's where the girl is." Amon said bored
"Well who's going to go first?" I said as I knew what was about to come "I will." Amon said as he jumped in and I followed him...
Kagome's pov
I told everybody what Souta and I are and what is happening.
"Wow!" was all Shippo said Sango and Miroku were shocked speechless and well Inuyasha was...asleep probably after hearing my story once before. Souta was beside me sleeping from the tiring day. Kaede looked like she was in deep thought.
"Well ye and Souta can stay in this village if ye like. I have to think this over, what ye children are going through is hard and it will be a problem with ye's powers. I will think of a solution while ye deal with the one at hand." Kaede said as she looked at the boy beside me I nodded and set my sleeping bag out and got Souta's out and picked him up and set him on it. Then I crawled into mine and went to sleep, never knowing of the two people that were hunting her and her brother...
The parings are at the moment...
Okay I know the Inuyasha things weren't there before but someone gave me an idea and I decided to see if you all wanted Inuyasha pared with someone different. Well please send me your votes in your reviews. Please review!