Summary: Posted after OotP. Harry returns to the Dursleys feeling extremely depressed after the year events, but things go from bad to worse when his uncle goes mad. Will Harry be saved before it's to late. Maby some romance in later chapters.... haven't really decided yet.

In this story are, abuse, time travelling, super powers and lots more.

A/N: Warning: I just wanted to let you lot know that English is not me first language so please don't flip and flame me heaps when the spellings goes wrong. And this happens to be my first story so bare with me people, OK?

And by the way you can flame all you want for all I care. I'm writing this crap form me, not for anyone else and I'm going to finish this even if it is the last thing I do. Constructed criticism is always welcome of course. Now enjoy.



Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything you are familiar with. It just happens to be miss J.K.Rowling who is the lucky one.

Chapter 1 – home sweet home.

3 days had gone by since Harry had arrived back at Privet Drive # 4 from his school and 3 days had passed since Harry found out- not to his surprise- that Dudley had been kicked out of Smelting. Unfortunaly for Harry. Of course his ever so lovely uncle had blamed Harry's abnormality for everything. This had not been a good thing, not a good thing at all. When they had arrived from the train station Harry's uncle had been a madman.


Harry hurried to his room so he would not be in the way. Later he found out that that had been the best decision he had ever made. His uncle had decided to give Harry a little surprise that evening. After dinner (witch Harry had been banned from) Vernon went to Harry's room and told Harry to take his trunk and go downstairs and wait for him there. Harry did that with out a protest, he simply thought that it was to be locked in the cupboard until a new school year started, and he had already removed anything he thought he couldn't live with out from the trunk. Later he though found out was not exactly what he thought. His uncle had not told him to put his stuff in the cupboard but he had told him to take in the back yard.

His uncle then burned his trunk and everything in it. After that he dragged a shocked Harry in the living room and told him of the new rules,

"listen and listen well for I will only say this once. From now on things will be different. Your aunt has been complaining for ages on how boring this street is and since Dudley will not be attending Smeltings anymore I have decided that we will be moving. In the end of the summer to be more accurate."

"W-w-w.... where?" Harry finally got out.

"That is none of your business boy and stop asking questions. Frankly I have no desire what so ever to bring you along, but... your aunt insists, says that those freaks of yours will be mad if we don't. Personally I don't see the point, it's not like you will be going back to that- that- that blasted school of yours again." He gloated when he said that and it made Harry sick.

"What do you mean by that? The headmaster will never agree do this. He will find me and take me back and then you will be in heaps of trouble." Harry said panicigng

"DON'T DARE SPEAK TO ME IN THAT TONE YOU FREAKE." His uncle yelled then he whispered in a low icily voice that made Harry's hair rise up, "that old goat will never be able to find you. He won't even know what hit him until he finds out that you are gone and then there is nothing you, him or anyone else could do about it, and even if he somehow manages to find you it wouldn't matter because I doubt you will life to find out. And if you ever speak like that to me again I will swear that you will regret it. Do I make myself clear boy?"

Harry didn't say anything. His uncle hit him,

" I said to I make my self clear boy?"

Still nothing. His uncle hit him again.

"So this is how you are going to play eh? I'm warning you boy?"

Nothing. His uncle slapped him so hard this time that Harry's nose
broke. "Do I make myself clear or do I need to take you in some privet lessons boy?

Harry still said nothing but wondered how his uncle manage to not
explode. His uncle looked ready to kill the next person he saw. He hit
Harry again, this time Harry fell on the floor. "

So you are gonna play stupid, are you? Nothing better than your worthless parents, should just have made the world a favour and died back then to. But no you have to come here and ruin some others people life. You should just do us all a favour and finish it off before I will boy. And if you will not answer me now I swear you will regret it. Now lets try one more time, do I make myself clear?

Harry answered this time. He didn't want to be the rezone his uncle had
a heart attack.

"Clear as a crystal sir," he had said.

This however had not helped Harry. His uncle only smiled evilly and
dragged him up and chained him to the wall. Then he had beaten Harry to unconscious.


Like earlier said, this had been three days ago. Harry was still chained in his room.
His room had never been special or anything like normal boys room looked like but Harry noticed some chances. His bed was gone and instead there was a very worn out blanket. Dudley's old things still decorated the room but other then that there was nothing in it expect that little black pile in the corner that was called Harry Potter.

Harry had never felt so bad in his entire life. He had not gotten anything to eat since he got "home" but his uncle and cosine made up for that with their daily visits were they beat Harry up until he was unconscious. It was official, life for Harry Potter or the boy-who-lived was sucked big time.

-------------------------------------- ---

"I can't to this anymore. He is going to kill him I know he will. But what can I do. You can leave. Just take the boys and leave. No he will never let me. I know he will stop me. I need a plan and I need a plan soon."

It was two a clock in the morning when Petunia sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and arguing herself.

She simply did not know what to do.

Unlike everyone believed, Petunia Dursley did NOT hate her cousin; neither had she ever hated Lily Evens/Potter. She had only been trapped in a marriage and had never been able to leave.

She knew what her husband was capable of. She knew very well that if she just picked up and left with the boys her husband would find her and kill her and then he would kill Harry.

To tell the truth she was the only rezone Harry was still alive. Her husband had wanted to get "rid" of Harry ever since he got there and if it hadn't been for her disliking it he would have killed Harry long time ago. But it didn't matter anymore; her excuses didn't work anymore since they were moving. She knew that if she didn't' do anything Harry would be dead before the summer ended.

She thought about going to Arabellas Figg house. She knew that she belonged in the magical world. She had seen one of her cats one time when she was picking Harry up. And that cat was no ordinary cat, that cat was Minvera MgConagall professor at Hogwarts. But she didn't know if she should go there. After all she had left the world to be with Vernon and she wasn't sure if they would help her. She wasn't even supposed to know t that there were people watching Harry. Petunia also knew that although Arabella belonged in the magical world she was no witch but a squib and their for could not do anything to protect them from Vernon.

If he found out about Petunia switching sites there would be hell to pay. Finally she came to the conclusion that Harry's life was more important and decided that if the opportunity would come, she would take it. She just had to be careful.

She started to thing about the good old days, when she and Lily had been so close. Then she thought about how she could have been so stupid to let Vernon ruin everything. It's funny she thought how love can work both ways.

She had been 15 when she had meat Vern. Lily and Vern had never gotten along. Lily kept saying that there was something about him and that she should just leave him alone. Petunia had always thought that she was just jealous and they started to fight.

She remembered the first fight they had ever had. It had been about Vernon. Later when she was 16 their parents had died. He- who-must-not-be-named killed them. Somehow Vernon convinced Petunia that it was all Lily's fault for being a freak. She wondered why she had believed him like that, because she knew that, that wasn't the truth. After that Petunia quit school and moved in with Vernon. Lily only had a half semester until she would gratuity and after that she moved in with that Potter bloke, they married and in their honeymoon she got pregnant.

Petunia knew this because she always sent her letters in every month. Herself had gotten pregnant right before Lily, only at the age 17, when Vernon found out they got married. It wasn't until Lily had gotten in hiding with James that she found out that Lily had been right all along about Vernon. But by then she had gut al relations with the wizarding world and since Vernon never let her out of house she had no close friends to turn to. She remembered when she had tried to leave on her one when the boys were 2. She shuddered and looked at the clock on the oven and was startled to she that the clock was 5 in the morning.

She had spent 3 hours dwelling over the past. Oh shit she said and hurried up in bed hoping that Vernon hadn't noticed.


A/N: so what did you think about my first chapter ever? Bad? Good?... please R&R and let me know what you thought :D

