(Disclaimer - I own nothing. So... yeah. Also, I used a reference for the spell ingredients.... So I don't own those, either. - Have fun)

/Hermione, feeling excluded from the mischievous adventures everyone else seemed to be having, creates a supposedly infallible love potion. But before she shows anyone, she has to test it. The only question is - on whom? It has to be someone who has not the slightest feelings of affection for her - not even friendship/


"Angelica... Hawthorne.... Yarrow...."

Hermione Granger was muttering to herself, surrounded by jars of herbs and magical ingredients in the cold dungeon of Hogwarts School. She was there under the pretense of studying for a Potions exam, but she'd had that down weeks ago. What she was doing was whipping up a potion of her own.

A love potion.

All this had started when Harry and Ron had gotten three weeks of detention with Professor McGonagall for making their transfigured dinner plates duel each other. While she had not been happy with the 10 points taken off Gryffindor, she was surprised at herself for how disappointed she'd been to not be serving detentions with them. Though she got caught up in their troublemaking every once in a while, it seemed like everyone around her was having a better time than she.

So she decided to brew a little trouble on her own.

She had first gotten the idea when Professor Snape mentioned that they would be testing a few Potions he'd made himself. Surely she, a bright witch beyond her years of wisdom, could whip something up using only her brain and imagination. What cemented her plan was Ron finally asking that girl from Ravenclaw out, and her acceptance. It seemed that a disturbing percentage of the population on their year was pairing off, and Hermione herself had no one to pair with.

Oh, there were rumors about boys who fancied her, but mostly these were bumbly, typical teenage boys, with clumsy limbs and sweaty hands. Unfortunately she'd broken it off with Krum a while ago, after the failed summer expedition they'd planned. Things just weren't working out the way she'd wanted them to.

So the only logical solution was what she was currently working on.

"..Heartsease, rose petals, chamomile, rosemary, a touch of lavender...." she continued with her work, fully focused but always alert for anyone approaching. She'd die if anyone caught her working on something so... frivolous as this.

"...And," she ended with a cautious glance around "some yemonja root." She tossed the final ingredients in and watched them simmer under the dwindling candlelight.

She smiled.



(Sorry this was a little short but it was only supposed to be a prologue of sorts.... anyway, I just wanted to know if it was a good idea for a story :d Yeah, so... tell me what you think. I'll have the first real chapter up in no time, though )