Hermione and Ron

Chapter 3


Sumary: It's crazy what one kiss can do…

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and friends was created by J. K. Rowling.

Author's Note: I almost got out of having to do this…I thought no one would comment and then I'd be off the hook, but NOOO. Well, enjoy, this is your doing.


Ron sat there, stunned. What the hell had he just done? He didn't just…he did!

"Ron, you're a fucking idiot," he said to himself as he pushed himself up off the pouf. Any effects the fire had once had on him were gone, and he rushed to open the trap door that he had seen Hermione disappear under only moments before.. He pulled the handle, and the door swung open. Ron jumped to the floor, not bothering to close the door or use the ladder. It was late, and the only light was a few torches here and there. Ron peered into the darkness, looking for Hermione. He couldn't see her anywhere!

Ron rushed along corridors towards Gryffindor Tower, scolding himself the whole way. How could he be so stupid? This was Hermione! He didn't like Hermione, so why would he do something that stupid? Or maybe he did like Hermione…but no! HERMIONE! With her stupid house elves, and her knitting and she didn't even have a life outside of schoolwork! She was always going to the library and such, and he wasn't even attracted to her! At all! Well, maybe a little bit… no!

"Godric Gryffindor," Ron wheezed. He had reached the fat lady and was bent over, clutching the stitch in his side. He'd run all the way from the divination tower to Gryffindor Tower, and was sure feeling the affects. When the portrait swung aside he stumbled gasping through the hole, looking wildly around the room.

"Hey Ron, how was-"

"Where's Hermione!" Ron shouted, wild eyed, still clutching his side. Harry was sitting in the armchair by the fire, apparently waiting up for him.

"What? I thought she was with you?" He said, confused.

"She hasn't come back yet!" He asked, exasperated, and Harry shook his head.

"But-she was in front of me! I saw her leave! Goddammit, where the hell can she be!"

"Ron, what's going on? What happened? Did Snape do something?" Harry asked, with a slightly frightened look on his face.

"No, no, we had detention with Trelawny, Snape-" Ron stopped; something had occurred to him. What would happen when he did see Hermione? What would she do? What would he do? What could he possibly say after doing…that? It would just be awkward, and she would probably hate him now! Why was he looking for her? He should be avoiding her!

"I'm going to bed." Ron said simply and started up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. Harry was standing up at this point, and rushed to catch up with Ron.

"Ron, what are you talking about? What happened? Where's Hermione? You have to tell me what happened!" Harry said as Ron walked silently up the stairs and opened the door. He was staring straight ahead, with an unusually calm look on his face. It was actually more…resigned…than calm.

Harry stopped, grabbing Ron's arm to stop him before he turned toward his bed and they would have to go their separate ways.

"Come on Ron, you're scaring me."

"I said, I'm going to bed," Ron said as he yanked his arm out of Harry's grasp and laid down on his bed, fully clothed.


"Drop it Harry." Ron said as he yanked his curtain closed. Ron heard Harry sigh and go to his own bed, and he closed his eyes, willing away the horrified look he had seen on Hermione's face.


Author's note: It was short and full of dialog and probably incredibly boring, and I apologize. Also, sorry I took so long. I was going to totally drop the story, until I got my recent comment. I will continue with this story, I guess. I don't know when; either whenever I feel like it, or as soon as I get 5 comments. Whichever comes first.


Through our bleeding we are one