Hylian Nights

Disclaimer: Don't own either Aladdin or Zelda

A/N: &cringes& Wow, hehehe, it's been awhile, hasn't it? &hides from angry readers& Sorry, this school year was just really hectic for me, but now that it's over, I have tons more time for writing, which means I should be updating a lot more! I hope you stuck with me, and that this was worth the wait. Many thanks to the encouragement from certain reviewers, and hope that you aren't to angry with me!

Chapter 4

"Who's there!" Link demanded, leaping to his feet. Navi had darted to his shoulder, wings buzzing angrily. The thief's eyes scanned the darkness, trying to find the speaker, his body tensed for a fight.

A soft chuckle came, and for the first time Link noticed a ragged old man sitting in the corner, cloaked in shadows. He was ancient and filthy, clad in gray rags with an old walking stick propped by his side.

"Just a prisoner like yourself," the man whispered, his eyes gleaming gold in the moonlight. "A prisoner who has been waiting for an opportunity like this."

"Sure you have, lazy old fruitcake," Navi muttered under her breath. Her fairy intuition was buzzing at her like an alarm, making her even more anxious and irritable than normal. There was something about this creepy guy that she didn't like.

Link eyed the stranger warily, though his voice did not show any of his uneasiness. "Well, fellow prisoner, you say there's another way out?" he asked casually. "Then lets have it."

"Uh, uh, uh," the ancient man chided, waving a bony finger. "Why should I tell you anything?"

"I don't believe you know a way out!" the tiny fairy exploded, her short temper finally reaching its limits. "If you did, then why are you still in here?"

"Because I need help," he answered softly. "There is a treasure that I discovered before I was thrown in here, treasure enough even to impress a Princess," he added slyly, gold eyes gleaming as he glanced pointedly at Link. "If someone were to aid me in retrieving it, I would split the riches with them fairly."

Link felt his breath catch, ignoring Navi's muttered exclamations. If I had those riches, Saria wouldn't have to worry about money anymore. The Gerudo wouldn't have to steal, and I- I could get close to Zelda again!

"Why should we believe you?" Navi demanded, knowing that Link was ready to accept the proposal without even being completely sure of what he was being offered. "How do we even know that you've really got a treasure? Huh? Answer that, you loony old freak!"

He grinned toothily, reaching into his filthy robes and holding out his hand. Five diamonds the size of eggs glittered there, causing Link to gasp and Navi to squeal in excitement.

"So then, if you'll come and help me young man, I can promise you a fabulous reward," the old man declared, stuffing the jewels back into the folds of his rags.

Link began to nod, then stopped with a frown. "Wait, there's still one problem. It's out there and we're still in here."

Cackling like a mad man, the ancient prisoner lurched toward a section of the wall, leaning heavily on his cane. "What did I tell you before boy? There's always another way out."

He leaned heavily against one of the large stones, and to Link's astonishment, it moved with a shudder, sliding aside to reveal the starry night sky of the outside world. Smirking widely, the man turned back to him, holding out a bony hand. "Well, boy? Do we have a deal?"

Link glanced at Navi who seemed to have recovered from her joy over the diamonds and was once again scowling in distrust at the prisoner. He gulped inwardly, knowing that somehow there was a catch in this all, and that he'd probably regret his decision later. But the image of Zelda's tearstained face filled his mind, and he reached out, grasping the man's hand.


"Zelda?" Bram paused in the doorway, stunned.

The young woman was sprawled across her bed in a heap, weeping in great sobs that shook her entire slender body. The King hadn't seen his daughter like this since the day her childhood companion, Marin, had died of the Gray Fever; Zelda had always been so strong, never allowing anyone to see the tears she'd deemed a weakness. He'd blamed himself for that, for forcing her to grow up so quickly. But that didn't matter; all that did was that he do something to fix the pain that was tearing her apart.

He crossed the room quickly, sitting on the side of her bed next to her shuddering body, touching her shoulder gently. "What's wrong dearest?"

Zelda lifted her face, lovely sapphire eyes rimmed with red from crying as she looked up at her father, slowly moving to an upright position. She hadn't been able to confide in him for the longest time since he'd grown more and more distant and engrossed in his duties as king as she'd grown older, but she felt so lost, so helpless now. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed her father.

"Father- Ganondorf has done something terrible," she managed to say hoarsely, fresh tears springing to her eyes as she broke down once more.

Bram leaned forward, pulling Zelda into his embrace as he stroked her long golden hair. She stiffened momentarily, startled, before relaxing, clutching at the fine silk robes he wore as she allowed the tears to fall.

"There, there. I'll do whatever I can to make it right," the King soothed her softly. "Now, tell me everything."


"WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER!" the giant skull boomed, causing those assembled to cover their ears against the deafening sound.

Link licked his lips nervously, feeling Navi cowering at his neck. The journey to this cavern had been harrowing, and on the way, the old man had explained what he had to do. Gathering all his courage, the young thief spoke.

"It is I, Link of-" He faltered here, not knowing what to say. He'd been abandoned in the Kokiri Forest, and now resided at the Gerudo's Fortress, but neither place was his true home. "-Hyrule," he finished awkwardly, hoping that this would be accepted.

For a long moment, the single, glowing jewel that served as an eye stared down, seeming to see straight into the young man's soul. "PROCEED!" it rumbled at last. "TOUCH NOTHING BUT THE LAMP!" With these last words, its jaw opened, revealing a tunnel that seemed to lead to the very depths of the earth. Link started in, but glanced over his shoulder as the stranger shouted out to him.

"Remember! Bring me the lamp, and you shall have your reward!"

Link bobbed his head in understanding before turning his eyes forward and beginning the long journey into the cavern. Navi, recovering slightly from her fright of the talking skull, emerged from her hiding place to light his way down the spiraling stairs. It grew colder as he proceeded, the air filled with the scent of damp and mold. He had started counting the stairs, but stopped at 230, instead concentrating on not falling down the rest of them. When at last he reached the end of them, he saw only a single doorway, a doorway that was emitting a soft, golden glow.

He walked through, and grinned, hearing Navi's squeal of delight. "Well, would you look at this!"

The young thief had entered an enormous room, filled to bursting with every kind of treasure imaginable. There were mountains of gold, heaps of silver, and hills of jewels among other odd items. It was a thief's paradise, an endless amount of treasure that dazzled even the fairy's mind.

"Just a pocketful of this stuff would make us richer than anyone in Hyrule!" she cried enthusiastically, buzzing toward a glowing emerald, preparing to lift it.

"Navi!" Link said sharply, causing her to pause. "Don't you remember? We can't touch anything besides that lamp!"

Her wings drooped, and she sighed. "Awww! What's so special about an old lamp anyway?" she pouted, slumping down for a moment on the elegant rug that was laid beside the pile of jewels. It was blue and green, embroidered with silver thread that formed the images of the ancient Sages' symbols, and gold that formed the Triforce.

Link shrugged, continuing walking. "Who knows? We just have to find it so we can get out of here."

Navi huffed, buzzing up to fly behind him, unaware of the movement out of the corner of her normally observant eyes. "You just want to get out of here so you can find a way to get near Princess Zelda again! You don't even care about the reward-" A sudden rustling breeze and light tap made her cut off in mid sentence.

The thief hadn't been paying attention to Navi's ramblings, until he heard her screech. She zoomed into her hiding place at his collar, trembling like a leaf as Link whirled around.

"Nav! What on earth-?" His voice trailed off as he stared in amazement at what floated timidly in the air before him. "I can't believe it!" he whispered reverently, eyes filled with awe. "I thought that merchant in the desert was the only one with one of these!"

"Make it go away!" Navi moaned, shuddering.

"Don't you know what this is Nav?" Link demanded as he took a step closer. "It's a magic carpet!"

"I don't care what kind of moth-eaten rug it is, just make it go away!"

Link rolled his eyes at the fairy's drama, lightly running his finger over the edge of the finely woven carpet. It trembled, almost as if it were alive. "Well, we have to get going anyway and find that lamp." He patted the carpet one last time before beginning to walk away. He knew that the carpet was floating along silently behind him like a ghost, but didn't bother to say anything. It was amusing to see Navi so terrified of something so helpless, and besides, it might be useful later on.

"Touch my wings again, and I'll make you into a spool of thread!" Navi warned the carpet as she floated along side Link.

He ignored her and the carpet both, continuing on through the maze like passages until they opened once more. Link found himself in a dark stone chamber, the only light shining over a small shrine situated in the rear of the room. Sitting on an elaborate alter, was a small, bronze colored object. . .

The carpet began to shiver with excitement as Navi began bouncing around in the air, squealing. "That must be it Link! It has to be!"

He nodded, eyeing it warily. "Stay here Nav. I'll be right back. . ." And he began to cross the great expanse of floor that would take him to the lamp that he'd come for.

The fairy frowned, feeling pouty. "Stay here. . . like I'm some kind of human child! Jeez!" Then a glimmer of cool blue caught her eye, and curious, she turned, freezing. Oh no!

Shining in perfection and beauty on a round purple cushion, was a huge, blue fairy jewel. Fairy jewels were special stones that came from places deep within the Kokiri Forest, places that the fairies fought to keep a great secret. These wondrous jewels were a fairy's only weakness, and people looking to catch one often used such gems as bait.

Navi felt herself drifting closer to the stone, unable to help herself. She had to touch it! She had to! Never had she ever laid eyes on a fairy jewel so large and perfect in her life!

Link was getting closer, now able to see the lamp more clearly. It certainly wasn't very large, for something that seemed to be so valuable to that loony old prisoner. Two more steps, and he'd be there. . .

Navi was mere inches from the jewel, almost able to touch it! The carpet was quivering madly behind her, as if trying to warn the fairy, but she paid no mind, unable to resist its alluring beauty.

Slowly, carefully, Link's gloved hands closed over the lamp as he lifted it to the light. It was made of dull bronze in need of a good shining, fairly simple and its handle rounded. His nose wrinkled as he examined it, muttering out loud to himself. "This hunk of junk is the reason I came all the way down here?" He turned, just in time to see Navi latch onto a shining blue stone, and gasped in horror.


But it was too late. The cavern began to rumble, and Link realized with growing dread that they'd be buried alive as he tucked the lamp into his tunic.

"FOOL! NOW YOU SHALL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!"the voice of the guardian ran out, as fire began to leap around the walls in addition to the falling rocks.

The carpet suddenly snatched up Navi, before racing down the length of the room to Link who didn't hesitate to throw himself on. The rug then wheeled about it mid air, speeding back towards the entrance way of the cavern with Link clinging on to it for dear life.

"I'm sorry!" Navi moaned, clutching at Link's tunic as she fought to hang on. "But you know I can't resist fairy jewels!"

"Shut up and hold on!" he shouted at her, too scared to be angry with the fairy.

The magic carpet was incredibly agile, seeming to need no direction from its passengers as it dodged the falling rubble and the searing flames that danced up to snatch it eagerly in fiery fingers, with the carpet slipping through its burning clutches. They climbed higher and higher as they soared towards the entrance, now mear feet away.

The carpet suddenly got hit by a bit of rock that had been dislodged, causing it to throw its passengers and tumble away into darkness. Link managed to grasp onto what remained of the staircase, hanging there with fire leaping far below him in the darkness.

Out of the storm that had arisen outside, the old man's face appeared, his golden eyes wild as he stretched out his hand. "Give me the lamp!"

Link stared at him like he was insane, his fingers clutching painfully into the cold stone. "Are you crazy! I can barely hold on! Help me up!"

"First give it to me!" the old man demanded furiously. "Then you'll have your reward!"

Against his better judgement, Link let go of his hold with one hand, reaching into his tunic and producing the lamp, holding it out to the former prisoner.

"AIHAHAHAHA!" The ancient man snatched it up with a wild cry. "AT LAST! MINE! IT'S MINE!" He suddenly leaned down, grasping hold of Link's wrist as he drew out a long, silver dagger. "And now for your reward!" he sneered, suddenly menacing and evil in the flash of lightning that rent the sky.

"No way you psycho path!" Navi appeared out of nowhere, and did the first thing that came to her mind: she sank her sharp little teeth into his outstretched hand.

He screamed, flinging her away, and Link lost his hold as the lunatic let go of his hand. The thief let out a cry before he was tumbling down with nothing to break his fall. Navi screeched as she zoomed after him, watching in horror as his head smacked against the wall. But somehow, the carpet came whizzing up from the darkness to catch the unconscious young man, floating him safely downward.

Outside, the cave shuddered, and the dodongo skull closed its mouth with a roar as the jewel in its eye exploded. The old man sat there stunned, gazing at where the cavern had been. But then he began to laugh wildly, ripping off his rags and casting off the magic that had made him appear old.

"It's mine," Ganondorf cackled. "After so many years, it's mine!" Still laughing, he reached into his tunic pocket for the lamp. His chuckles faded abruptly.

Frantically, he patted his pockets to find nothing. "Where is it!" He slammed his fists into the ground, rage coursing through him. "NOOOOO!"


"Wake up Link!" Navi's soft voice moaned in his ear. "Please be alive! If you're not , I'll never forgive myself!"

The thief winced, his eyes slowly fluttering open. "Cut the decibles Nav," he groaned, lifting a hand to his head. "Do I ever have a killer headache!"

The carpet wiggled sympathetically, and Navi rubbed against his cheek. "Some fairy guardian I am!" she grumbled. "This was all my fault!"

He chuckled, stroking her wings lightly. "Nah, it's mine for accepting that loon's offer. I should have known better." Link's cobalt eyes wandered upward, narrowing as they caught sight of the blackness. "And it looks like we're trapped down here."

An uneasy silence fell over the trio as they sat there glumly. No one had any suggestions, for the cavern was sealed. They were doomed to live down there until they starved to death.

"I shouldn't have given him the lamp," Link muttered, pounding the floor. "It must have been important!"

Navi suddenly grinned impishly. "That kook doesn't have it," she said slyly. "I do!" The fairy sped behind a rock, and came back dragging the tarnished old lamp. "I swiped it from him and it fell in the struggle," she announced proudly.

Link burst into disbelieving laughter. "Why you little sneak! You really are the best fairy thief in Hyrule!" While Navi's glow turned a bright red as she mumbled something, he picked up the bronze lamp, examining it in the fairy's faint glow. "It seems to be just a hunk of junk," he muttered.

Navi wrinkled her nose as she eyed it. "Yeah, no kidding. Maybe that old fart really was crazy after all. But there looks like there's some writing on it, if you can get all that grime off!"

Link nodded absently, and started to rub at it with his sleeve. Suddenly the lamp began to glow with an eerie red light, quivering in his grasp. He let out a yelp as Navi buzzed in panic.

"What's it doing?" she cried as scarlet smoke began to pour from it.

But it wasn't Link that spoke. A deep booming voice filled the cavern as the scarlet smoke grew thicker and thicker. "AH! Free at last!"

Link found himself lying on the floor, staring up into a pair of beady purple eyes that belonged to the most bizarre creature he'd ever seen.

"So, you're my new master!" came the booming voice. "You look awfully puny, nothing like a real man!"

"Oh no," Navi muttered. "What have we gotten ourselves into now!"

And now, time for a poll! In my next segment, what should Navi be turned into as a mode of transportation?

1. A car, lol, JK! Epona

2. A pegasus

3. Something entirely different!

I'm leaving it in the hands of my reviewers!