i am sorry i do not know the character's last names so i will make them up.

Kagome Miko, Kurama Rose, Hiei ( has no last name). i will make up the others last names while im writing/typing this story...

Chapter 1: Owl Delivery

Kagome sat in her room studying when she heard a tap on her window.Curious kagome opened her window seeing a flash of silver zooming through the window into her room. Kagome turned around to see a snowy owl pearched on her chair with a small letter attached to its leg. Causiouly kagome untied the letter on its leg. Kagome opened the letter slowly reading it outloud

" Dear Miss Miko,

You are......( i dont know the letter be heart...sorry)....you are given a first class ticket to London, there you will meet hagrid at the station and he will give you further notice.


Albus Dumbledore."

Kagome dropped the letter shocked...."MOM!!!!!!!!!" shouted kagome. Kagomes mother busted into the room worried something was wrong. Kagome jumped into her moms arms screaming with joy. "Grandpa mailed me!!!!" Kagomes mother faced had shoked all over it...then she smiled softly and held the jumping kagome tightly. "im glad" she said softly to her daughter Grandpa and Souta just stood at the door dumbfolded. Then souta pouted" How come kagome gets a letter and I dont?" whined the pouting souta. Kagomes mother just smiled warmly " you'll get your letter soon souta, patience" then she looked down at kagome" as for you, you better start packing". "yes mommy!" Kagome ran to her closet looking for her suitcase. Kagomes mother just shook her head and dragged souta and her father out of kagomes room.


Kurama was catching up on school work he had missed while he was on another mission with his friends. Kurama sighed as he finished his homework he leaned back on his chair. " you can come out hiei". A soft 'hn' was heard from the shadows.Hiei sat on kuramas bed quietly then tapping was heard on the window. Kurama got up and openned the window as a barn owl flew in dropping 2 letters on kuramas desk. Patting the owl on the head kurama watched the bird fly out the window. Hiei started at the letters with narrow eyes suspiciously. Kurama rolled his eyes at Hieis behavior. He picked up the two letters and raised an eyebrow at them and handed one to hiei. Hiei took it and opened it as did kurama. Both said:

Dear Mr Rose/Hiei

You are.....(again i do not know the letter by heart).....you are given a first class ticket to London, there you will meet hagrid at the station and he will give you further notice.


Albus Dumbledore

Just as they finished the letter Koenma Popped into Kuramas room. " You will be attending that school and will be guarding the students at that school from an evil force. You are to especially keep an eye on 3 children" a picture popped infront of koenma showing three children " Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley... You will attend as 2nd years and you are to keep your identaties a secret got it?" Kurama nodded his head in agreement and Hiei only grunted in response. " So were supose to go to a school full of bratty little kids with magic and protect them from an unknown evil force? Why cant we just kill this evil force and NOT go to this school?" growled hiei. "because i said so!! thats why!". Kurama sighed " so im guessing we are to start packing? and what pretell am i supose to tell my mother?" asked kurama. " Yes you are to start packing because you are leaving the next morning and make something up and make it believable". Kurama nodded his head "hai". Hiei grumbled angrily and jumped out the window kurama watched as his friend jumped away.

End of chapter one
