N/A: Well, as our first Good Burger fan fiction, I hope you like and have a few laughs.

Disclaimer: We do not own any of these characters, we only own this simple plot.


'Strawberry Jacuzzi'

Writen and posted: Tuesday, June 15, 2004.


"Ed, what are you doing, man?!" Dexter said walking up to Mr. Bailey's office.

"Dex!!" Ed cried jumping in to Dexter's arms.

"Man get off of me!" Dexter said as he threw Ed out of his arms.

"Psychopath is gonna work here now! Yippy skippy!" Ed cried as he walked over to the counter.

"Welcome to Good Burger home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?" Ed said as a tall man walked up to the counter.

"Yeah I'd like one good burger to go please" The tall man said nervously biting his nails.

"Ok here you go. One good burger to go!" Ed said as he through it out the door"

"Ed! He said to go!" Dexter said "One good burger to go. Not out in the road!" Dexter explained and handed the tall man another burger.

"Thank you Good Burger!" the tall man yelled and giggled leaving the store.

Just then Heather walked out from Mr. Bailey's office.

"Psychopath!" Ed said jumping up on the counter

"Ed! I got a job!" Heather said jumping up and down

"I know! Let me show you around good burger!" Ed said jumping down and grabbing Heather's hand and leading her into the back.

"Over here to your right is Monique. Hey Monique! This is Heather. She's working here now" Ed said and put a big smile on his face.

"Hi. Good luck" Was all Monique said as she turned around to serve a customer

"Over here to your front is Dee Dee. She doesn't eat fur."

"I don't eat meat. I don't wear fur, Ed" Dee Dee said happily

"And over here is the strawberry jacuzzi" Ed said cheerfully leading Heather over to the milk shake machine.

"Come on, join me!" Ed said climbing into the machine.

"Whoa, whoa, strawberry jacuzzi!!" Ed said as he spun around in the machine.


Will get up next chapter.. ASAP
