Chapter 11, people, and OMG, it's so sooooooon!

Writing mood, man. It's a good thing. Keeping it short, so here it is: Chapter 11.

DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in this story are mine. They all belong to the maker of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto. And I own nothing. No SUE!

WARNING: You should know by now what this story is about. Boy's love, angst, and a good helping of both!

SEMI-IMPORTANT NOTE: I have realized that the one-year birthday of 'Put me Out!' has passed! I am a damn good author, ain't I? But, yes! It was published on 6-14-04 (JUNE 14, 2004!), so… HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FOR MY (2nd!) LONGEST RUNNING STORY!

VERY, VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: For those who have visited by author page, you may already know this. But for those who haven't: I MAY BE CREATING A DIFFERENT STORY, but it has a different format and the same plot. I'm basically saying that I'm going to create a different story that will be named 'Put me Out: Version 2', or something less corny. It will just have a different format, which will be that it won't have a 'first and second' part. The first parts will be the later chapters, and I'm going to improve on the second parts so that they can become full chapter material. So, that said, tell me if this would better enhance your understanding of this story, or if I should just not waste my time. Ok?

OoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO- separates first from second part

O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O..O- End Chapter



Put me Out, chapter 11

About with all…

I was your mind, you were my, my enemy,
You were mine, I was your, your enemy,
You would mind, I was your, your enemy,
You were mine, I was was your en ... aaahh

You rang
Your ears rang

I was your mind, you were my, my enemy,
You were mine, I was your, your enemy,
You would mind, I was your, your enemy,
You were mine, I was was your ena ... aaahh

-Hairspray Queen, by Nirvana


Sasuke's blood.

His hands, his palms, his arms, all of them were burning his eyes and eyelids because there was blood on them and he was shoving them, pushing them into his eyes hard, with all of his strength, because he could not believe he had done that to Sasuke. Had choked him, had licked his blood, had made him whiskers identical too his own… Couldn't believe that he had gotten excited from it and that terrified himso much that he didn't want to be awake and conscious.

He wanted to be dreaming in a far away place with Queen Maab giving him dreams that were so much better than anything he could ever imagine, including being Hokage and being clean from all the hate-filled stares of the villagers. Yet all of that wasn't possible to him now, now that he had tried to kill one of the citizens of Konoha, one of the most precious, even if this person did abandon them all.

'Abandon, abandon, abandon… I hate that word. It means leaving.'

He was reminded again, oddly, of the blood of Sasuke's, how it had abandoned Sasuke in favor of being on clothes like a jubilant costume of a masquerade ball, and he become painfully aware of it, and how much of it was on him.

Everywhere he could feel, he could feel Sasuke's blood, which was burning with such a live vengeance, such a fierce feeling, and he couldn't believe he hadn't cried yet, hadn't screamed out why he totally hated himself right now and how he loved Sasuke because he did love Sasuke and he didn't know why he loved Sasuke now of all these timesafter hurting him to an extent where it excited him.

Their was a salty taste to the mixture of metallic sweetness, creating a peculiar taste in his mouth and it was quite… It felt… It was odd, since he couldn't think of anything besides 'I'm so fucked up'. He didn't know where the taste was coming from until he comprehended that tears were actually leaking from his eyes and passing the palms smashed into them, so much that it was beginning to hurt, and at least he was crying for what he did to Sasuke and what Sasuke did to Hinata.

'Hinata. Hinata Hinata Hinata. Lying in the hospital, blood running down her body, covering her completely, I can't see her eyes…'

Hands, attached to arms, which had a pulse, which he could hear so loudly in the silence, had gripped his wrists and somewhere in the confusion of figuring out which pulse belonged to whom did he realize he could see, and he could see Sasuke's face and there was hardly any blood on it, just smudged, and he knew Sasuke had wiped it all away. Wiped away the evidence of the fact that he had been trying to really hurt Sasuke.

'Like Sasuke was trying to really hurt Hinata?'

'Hinata Hinata HinaTA. Like a song. Hinata Hinata HinaTA.'


His name sounded so unfamiliar at the moment, so… unreal. Like it wasn't his, because this person wasn't him, and who was he again? Who was he to begin with?


So unfamiliar but he knew that was his name, somehow, and he replied with a nod and a stare, and the only real red on Sasuke's face was his Sharingan, bright red against black and white. Another odd thought, and it was 'A white crow with black eyes or a black dove with red eyes?'.

"Are you Ok now?"

Ok? Ok, ok, ok. Two letters that meant fine, happy, good, nothing near unhappy and other bad emotions, nothing like the things he was feeling.

"… Ok? I dunno. Are you Ok?"

Asked as a physical question, towards the neck which was red from blood and markings and the scratches on the pale skin in front of him, like whiskers, and he guessed that's how weird it looked on him too. But since Sasuke's were more red, maybe it didn't even look all that weird.

A smile-smirk (because Sasuke never did truly smile) and the whiskers drew together slightly, because it wasn't a big smile-smirk, just a small one that conveyed something to him… Something he couldn't quite comprehend at the moment. "I'm OK."

He could only stare at Sasuke's face, notice that the shop that he could barely see from where he was (still sitting on Sasuke, and why was he still on him?) was starting to open and laughter was coming from an open window above him, and the question of 'How long have we been up?' sprang into his mind before he brushed it away.


Did he say 'good'? Or was it Sasuke?

"…Mmmm." Sasuke had brought a hand to his throat, was rubbing at the red marks that had come up (from his own hands), rubbing away the rest of the blood he had missed. And he was drawn to staring at that hand before Sasuke spoke again, before words came running out of Sasuke's mouth and he could hear that horrible pulse once more.

"We have missions soon. C'mon, let's go."

'Hinata is usually on missions with us, but no, she's dying right now, in the hospital, with blood…'

'Since Sasuke hurt her, ya know?'

A crunching sound and he didn't even know he had hit Sasuke, hit the exact same spot as before and he was standing up and backing away, backing away from someone who almost murdered his friend, and this was Sasuke, his best friend.

And for a second, his morals and thoughts and everything were mixed up and he was thinking something along the lines of 'Hinata isn't the kind of friend that I would do everything and anything for, and Sasuke is, and when she was trying to get close to me, maybe he got jealous and decided she needed to back off, and she wouldn't, so he almost killed her and thought that was good enough to show me that he loves me, and God…'

It was broken. He wasn't sure what it was, but he missed it already, and he wanted it back.

Maybe he would have to think about what it was later, when he was alone and Sasuke wasn't staring at him through all the blood and blood-red Sharingan and white pale hands and blonde hair. He only noticed it was his blonde hair when his dazed blue eyes focused on Sasuke as he spoke and his voice was beyond angry, frustrated and a little more than mad.

"What the hell, Naruto!"

So angry, he thought through the haze in his mind. Sasuke was really emotionally fucked. He was just making it worse too, wasn't he, by rejecting Sasuke in his twisted form of love for the other?

'What am… I talking about?'


His own voice was layered with so much emotions, so much that it sounded like he spoke like wind would; a soft sound that still carried so far and would sound gentle, even if it was saying something that would hurt.


Still frustrated and a little mad.

What was he going to say again, and why? He could feel his mouth forming the words, fitting around each syllable, tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth and teeth…but he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"I dislike you, Sasuke. I really do."

Was that what he was trying to say? 'I dislike you, Sasuke. I really do.'?

He only had enough time to catch the look on his best friend's/rival's/lover's-but not-really-lover's-now face, because he had turned his back and ran as if he was wind, never minding the stares and shouts he got for his blood stained appearance, and he had a sudden wish. A sudden wish (and he was so desperately hoping for it)that he was the wind for a second, or a ghost again, so he could float away on a current of nothingness.

And was he really trying to say that to Sasuke?


"Aaaaah! Finally! The damned mission!"

Naruto let out a loud sigh of happiness as he threw up his arms into the air, flinging his covers off at the exact same time and giving the world a wicked grin. It was that day! The day he'd be delivering the important medicine to the Hidden Village of the Cloud! Who cared what it was for, anyway? It was B-rank, and probably dangerous with lots of ninja ass he could kick!

His happy thoughts continued parading around through his head as he jumped out of bed with only his boxers on, flinging off his sleeping cap and running towards the kitchen and towards his precious ramen.

As he got it ready for the awful three minute wait for the ramen, he hummed a tune he often heard as a child. No, nothing was going to ruin his day! Except being killed. But there was a chance that even THAT wouldn't ruin his day, because he could come back as a ghost and haunt the bastard-that-had-killed-him's ass! Or even Sasuke's ass! He could just imagine embarrassing the guy every time he went somewhere, and even staying in his house to annoy him!

Any perverted thoughts that could have followed that were forcefully shoved out of his mind and into his ramen bowl as he blew the steam away from the top, almost drooling at the scent that followed the action. No, nothing could ruin his day, because a day started with ramen was bound to be a great day!

(Never mind that he practically ate ramen every single morning and when ever possible)

His joyful mood followed him into the shower and heightened as he found out that he had a lot of hot water left, and that there was a lot of soap to wash his hair with.

Yes. This was going to be a very, very good day.

So caught up was he in his good mood and hot shower that he missed the sound of the bathroom door opening and the voice that accompanied it. The second time he heard it, he blinked before shrugging it off, washing the rest of his body with the soap and continuing the tune he had started humming earlier.

He only noticed the person when he thrust open the shower curtains a few minutes later and was met with the gaze of his cocky looking teammate.

For the first few seconds they only stared straight at each other in silence, Sasuke's brow gaining a tick and Naruto's eyes widening every few seconds. The silence was broken, of course, but not by what he expected.

"Nice, idiot."

"GET OUT YOU BASTARD AND WHO SAID YOU COULD JUST BARGE IN HERE LIKE THAT!" He had expected it to be broken by none other than himself and his trusty soap, but since it was already broken, he threw it as hard as he could at the boy still standing at the doorway.

It actually managed to hit him, and he almost gave a cackle before remembering that Sasuke was still there and staring.


The black-haired boy left slowly and peacefully, since he didn't have anything else to throw and he could only very well yell. Bastard.

With the click of the door and a sigh, he stepped out and sat on the ledge of his bath tub, hanging his head in self-pity.

Ok. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a great day.


"… I still can't believe you walked right on in when you knew I was in the shower."

"Shut up, idiot."

"Like, c'mon! Steam was there. You could hear me showering. I was even humming, for Christ's sake!"


"Geez, Sasuke, all the signs were there! I bet you're just a pervert like Ero-sennin and Kakashi-sensei, but a closet one, and you wanted to see me in the shower!"

Sasuke turned around abruptly at this, eyes giving The Deathly Uchiha glare and hands clenching in his pockets. His voice was a hiss and his eyes were slit, and Naruto got an image of the snake bastard in his head before quickly swiping it away. "I am not a closet pervert, idiot, and it's not like I meant to see you. I was trying to tell you we were gonna be late since Kakashi-sensei decided to leave earlier then he told us."

He paused for this new information, since both had been too embarrassed to actually speak to each other before Naruto had commented on Sasuke's 'keen' observational skills. The pause was only that, a pause, before he gave the Uchiha a wicked grin. "Liar."

Sasuke sighed, shaking his head and turning, starting to walk away. "I obviously can't convince you that not every person in Konoha wants to see your naked ass."

"Just you, Sasuke!" He laughed, catching up to his friend and slinging an arm over the boy's shoulders, getting a disapproving glare for the action. "You know you want me!"

He laughed again, fluttering his eyelashes at his comrade in a complete and stereotypical girl-in-love fashion. Receiving no response, he pouted, dropping the act and crossing his arms. "You're no fun, Sasuke. You can't stand a bit of teasing at all! It's hard being your friend!"

He huffed a bit, reluctantly removing his arm away from his chest to hook them behind his head. Geez, the guy was being more an ice prick than usual. Could seeing him naked really do that to you?

… He hoped not. He didn't want to be all virginal all his life, ya know.

They continued on in silence, Sasuke in his icy silence and Naruto in his angry one. It continued and continued until Naruto got sick of it and awkwardly started to get a conversation going through them, even if it might have been one of all insults.

"Hey, Sasuke?"

"What?" Sasuke's voice was stiff and quiet, as if it hadn't been used in a while. Naruto obliviously continued on anyway, ignoring any warning signs Sasuke was giving him.

"What's the medicine for, anyway? Is it for some stupid little disease or is the Kage there dying or something?"

Sasuke shook his head and sighed, one hand coming out of his pockets and readjusting the backpack on his shoulder. "The medicine we're delivering is an antidote for a deadly poison that resulted from a fatal snake bite, for the Kage's daughter. No one knows where the snake came from, or if it was even a snake, since it could have been easily copied to look like a snake bite. All we know is that he has about a week or so before she dies."

"Oh… But why do they need us?"

"Because Tsunade-sama is an expert healer and this particular potion requires careful ingredients and measurement that Hidden Cloud doesn't have."


He really wished that someone would interrupt at the appropriate time so there wouldn't be so much silence. He didn't really know what to say, either; what did you say to your best guy friend that saw you naked for the first time and by accident?

Well, granted, they had always dressed in the same room. It just was that they didn't face each other while dressing.

Shit. He hated silences.

For the next 15 minutes, they moved on in said silence, the only noises being the normal ones and his own raging thoughts. When the appropriate distraction did come, he felt like tearing his hair out and kicking Sasuke's ass while he was it.

"Ohayo Naruto, Sasuke-kun." Hinata glanced shyly at the two boys, hands busy with holding the backpack's straps to do much fidgeting.

Naruto grinned, desperately happy for the diversion Hinata was at the moment. "Ohayo Hinata! Are you ready for the big mission today? I can't wait! I want to kick some ninja ass!"

And so the silence was broken by Naruto's chatter, Hinata's sounds of agreement, and Sasuke's footsteps.

As the blonde babbled on, jumping from one topic to another, he couldn't help but feel… creeped out. He knew Sasuke was staring at the back of his and Hinata's head, and that it wasn't a friendly, passing glance either. Sasuke was hard core staring, and he swore that if he turned around, he could see the bad vibes coming off of Sasuke as if it was one of those rain clouds you could see in cartoons. It wasn't as if he hadn't felt it before, of course; just never like this.

It was really, really creeping him out.

When he got fed up and was about to turn around and yell at Sasuke for glaring (which probably would have ended up in them arguing, Sasuke saying he wasn't and Naruto declaring he was, the stubborn bastard…), Hinata had said something that both shocked and amazed him.

"Naruto… Kakashi-sensei's waiting by the gate… We're we supposed to be there earlier?"

The number one loud-mouthed ninja whipped around and almost fell over in the process, blue eyes widening to the size of Ramen bowls as he saw that, yes, Kakashi-sensei was there, and he wasn't even reading his almost-always-present perverted book!

When they got there, he felt oddly misplaced, because he couldn't yell the usual 'YOU'RE LATE!' to the silver-haired Jounin. Shit, he expected the guy to yell that at him for some reason, for irony or something like that.

Of course, that didn't happen and the perverted shinobi smiled through the mask, voice bright as he spoke. "Ready to go and deliver the medicine?"

And, of course, he was the only one to scream the usual 'Hell yeah!' in excitement. Sasuke grunted and Hinata nodded. That was it.

Geez, was he the only one with spirit on the team?

The blonde shrugged it off and grinned brightly, running slightly ahead and yelling off some random remark about ninja and fighting. 'B-rank mission, here I come!'


YAY! FUCKING DONE! I was having trouble with the ending, also, and it was killing me inside for about a week before I finished it, and when I was tired too X).

SCHOOL HAS STARTED. So even more lack of updates, since I moved to a new school ;;. Hope that doesn't make you all shy away from this fic, because… While, yeah XD.

I've realized that my endings suck and are my weak points! So please bear with them until I become better at them!

READ The important note at the top, because it decides something about 'Put me Out'!

That said…

Review, because the button gets hungry and likes to chew my fingers off, rendering me useless to write! SAVE MY FINGERS! X3. Or you can just review to make me happy XP.