Yay. A multi-chapter ficcie I'll probably totally ruin later!!! Cheer for me, then throw me off of a cliff.

Anyways, it's SasuNaruSasu, and in Naru's POV. So I'll put up the stuff.

WARNING: This contains shounen-ai, yaoi, and a bit of angst!... Or maybe a little more... O.o

DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in this story are mine. They all belong to the maker of Naruto.

ooooooooooooooooooooO - Separation of first and second part

OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo- Separation of second and third part


Put me Out, Chapter 1

Once upon a time, we were friends. I gave you my heart, there the story ends.


Running, kicking up dirt as his feet moved forward, not stopping once and with a steady beat, with a steady 'crunch, crunch, crunch', the boy moved quickly, quietly, as if he was really actually flying on raven's wings. Raven wings that reminded him of black hair and black eyes and the pale skin of a re-incarnated demon that snuck around, crept around, breaking people's souls with superior red eyes and a smirking laugh that just screamed that you'd never be stronger then him, he'd always dominate you, and he'd always be the first person you thought of in the morning.

He continued the pace with the steady crunches, even though his heart screamed at him to stop, his lungs pleaded with him to fall, and his mind screamed at him to die. Die because he wasn't wanted, because he was an embarrassment to other's abilities, and even an embarrassment to the Kyuubi, the nine-tailed fox demon with even more superior eyes then the demon with the black hair that snuck around and killed you soundlessly. He was an embarrassing host, with his baby-blue eyes and sun-kissed locks of hair, such abnormal skin that harbored on being dark, but always held a pale tinge to it, and with his innocence of the world that he so much hated. He was an embarrassment to the whole village, to himself, to the boy with the red eyes that almost held the same past as him, except he had a family, and had the taunting words that mocked him with everything he didn't have, that said that he'd never, ever had it as long as the boy's mind lived on and his soul stayed black.

Collapsing, finally, for his stamina had just died along with the thing he loved to call his bravery, so he was just a quivering mass of embarrassing thoughts and dreams. Crystal liquid flooded his eyes as he tried not moving, tried not being noticed with his bright orange suit with the swirls on his arms and the fuzz around the neckline. Tried not being a lost speed bump that had somehow landed in the world's path, the world holding the black-haired prodigy and the pink-haired hater and the malice-filled eyes, the ones he had never, ever seen as friendly. And after a while of being an embarrassing, scared, bright orange lump in the world's path for the so-called peace filled with cotton-candy clouds and green-apple dreams with ginger scents surrounding them and the greenest grass that had lemonade flavored rain drops falling upon it, the blonde collapsed inside his mind, baby blue orbs that were scared and scarred and sold closing tightly and tiredly.


Waking up. Waking up in a room with Miso-Ramen scents and stale, lonely look to it was what the Kyubbi holder had expected. Not waking up to a room with a smell of something weird, like the faint smell of a chocolate cigar that didn't even taste like chocolate, and seeing a room that was dark and even more lonely then his, like the monsters under his bed, the monsters in his head. That's what he hadn't expected. And after a few more minutes of contemplating about the monsters in his head, and the chocolate cigars that didn't taste like chocolate, he remembered.

Remembered red eyes with black demons and raven wings that snuck around and screamed hatred and with killing lives and it was only then that he noticed he had been mixing up everything in a confused bundle that had only made sense in his pain-filled mind. Then he got up and ran slowly, so his feet made no noise compared to the pounding in his head, the pounding echoing off the walls and through the halls, only to come back twice as hard and twice as painful. So he just walked and concentrated on running slowly, feet padding the hallways and the pounding echoing off the walls.

Until he came to a door, a paper white door with white, white walls that he could practically see through, so much like the raven-wing haired demon seeing through his façade, and laughing at it as he played his own façade, just for the Kyuubi holder. Soft music, like a black-haired man's eyes with a scar over his nose, floated from the white door and it sounded like it was playing just for him, drawing him like a child to a mother's embrace, one he never had. So it was playing almost soundlessly, like hearing with the sound turned off and seeing with his eyes closed. So drawn was he that he actually opened the door and stared in surprise at the inside. At the raven-haired demon that killed with red eyes and smirking lips and hated him, and loved him, and made him confused and embarrassed and something that the blonde-haired innocent couldn't handle with the monsters in his head and the pounding echoing off the walls and the green apple dreams with lemonade flavored paths...

The ground rushed up to meet him very suddenly.


"Why is Kakashi-sensei ALWAYS late? It's not like he has a life, with his perverted books..." The blonde mumbled, on the ground and one knee pulled up to his chest in the lazy position he had been maintaining for three hours. It was even worse that he couldn't propose a date to Sakura-chan and get a sore head/arm/side, or any other appendage, damaged, simply because the pink-haired girl wasn't here. Simply because, after everything that had happened with the Sasuke and Orochimaru incident, her parents, the parents that screamed and yelled and killed each other with words and they only did that because they were worried over the green-eyed girl's health, were scared because of Sasuke. But especially of Naruto, because of the fox demon, and the innocence, and the not knowing how much he effected their daughter. So they had taken her away and left them, Sasuke and Naruto and perverted Kakashi, all alone on tough missions that would kill them sooner or later. They lived for it though, thrived off it, and damn anyone who tried taking them away from their addiction.

So they lived without their pink-haired team mate, their cheerleader and friend with encouraging comments and laughing remarks. They could if she, once in awhile, sent her best regards and smiles that would cheer them up on a bad day. They'd have too if she couldn't, anyways.

An impatient snort emitted from the blonde as he moved, finally stretching his legs out in front of him and glaring openly at the stoic boy standing with his arms crossed and head down. The boy was here before him, for Kami-sama's sake!! And he had been in that position even before Naruto had came, only offering a curt nod and brief glare when Naruto had gave him a rude greeting involving 'Sasuke-chan'. No one human could do that! Not even Kakashi-sensei could do that! It was then that a sudden thought, mixed with a delicious idea, presented itself on a silver platter to his mind. No one AWAKE could do that.

With the delicious plan and a careful walk past the sleeping boy, the blue-eyed boy found himself at the river bank, forming the necessary chakra to battle against the water as he walked onto it to the middle, where the water was deeper and cleaner. Which only presented Naruto with a small, but hard, problem. What was he going to carry it in? His forehead protector would only have a bit of water, and it would probably spill everywhere when he was going up the slope. His jacket and pants would probably wet him more then Sasuke, because they'd splash everywhere. And Hell if he was going to use his boxers. Which brought The blonde host to one article of clothing.

Grinning madly as he took off his shoes to complete step two of his dastardly plan, he quickly scooped up as much water as he could in them, tipping them back so the front of his shoes wouldn't spill the water. Satisfied that both his shoes only let out a drop or two as he climbed up the slope, a grin came over his face. This was the best plan he had ever come up with! Well, besides coloring all over the Hokage monument's faces. But he had gotten caught and a free supper of ramen out of that one. He would get a pleasing view of Sasuke and a right to laugh out of this one.

Finally coming to stand in front of the ninja genius, Naruto got ready to dump the shoe-full of water onto him. Until he noticed something. Sasuke didn't look angry, upset, dangerous, or any of the emotions he usually did. He looked peaceful. And pretty. Which stirred up some unwanted thoughts inside the Kyuubi holder's head.

He always knew Sasuke was pretty, but never actually thought about it, took the time to stare and savor like other girls did. He studied the features of his rival, from the pale, doll-like face to the sharp, silky black tendrils of hair that hung over his eyes, almost covering them from view. His appreciative gaze fell on the pouty lips the angelic-looking boy possessed. They were slightly parted in light breathes, and it was a sudden thought that he had kissed those lips before. Entirely by accident, of course. He still couldn't deny that he liked the taste that was evidently Sasuke.

It was only then that he noticed that he had unconsciously gotten closer to those lips, his nose just millimeters away from the black-haired boy's. A thought of kissing Sasuke again crossed his mind, stringing itself to the far corners of his mind, just to leave a blush on the blonde's face as the brief thought became an all out impulse to do so. But he couldn't! Sasuke would think he was a fag, and he hated to admit it, but Sasuke was one of the people he was closest too.

He feared the sudden closeness as their lips barely brushed each other, resulting in a large shock on the blue-eyed teen's part. Sasuke might not have, or might have, felt it, but he was asleep. Which disappointed Naruto in the slightest, because he wondered if he would have felt the same thing from that brief brush of lips. The disappointment and sudden craving was gone in a matter of seconds, though, when he realized what he was doing, and what he was supposed to be doing.

Suddenly stumbling backwards, but not enough to make his hard-earned water fall from the temporary confinement, he spluttered and beat himself up over what he just did, and contemplated doing, again. He kissed Sasuke. Again. Not exactly identified as a kiss, though, but still close enough to be one, right?

He blamed his masochistic streak for that incident.

Finally out of his daze and immature need, the foxy grin was painted back on his face again, blocking any further thoughts of that incident. He'd pay Sasuke back for that! For making him do that! It was his fault, after all, for looking so pretty standing there, asleep, dead to the world but still deathly aware.

The shoes prevented him from hitting himself over thinking about Sasuke and prettiness in the same sentence again, but he was only glad enough to empty the liquid contents in his shoes over Sasuke's head. He only had to stand on his tippy toes a little to bring the shoes over Sasuke's head to pour away.

He suspected the boy to wake up and glare at him, send a few insults his way and maybe tackle him or punch him. Maybe even suspected that Sasuke would look ridiculous waking up, drenched like a rat as the black spikes of hair in the back drooped from the sudden weight the water added. The one thing he didn't expect was for Sasuke to wake up, almost instantly, like he wasn't even asleep, and stare at him levelly. Staring back was the only thing that Naruto found he could do, hands slack but still gripping his wet shoes. Baby blues clashed against bloody red, and it was only then that he noticed Sasuke's eyes were Sharingan. Why? That thought repeated in his mind, along with flurries of emotions mixed into other thoughts that related to the black-haired enigma. He resisted the urge to shiver as Sasuke continued to stare at him with those red eyes, ones that reflected a slight bloodlust and murder. Sasuke looked like a demon...

A chilling voice broke the silence, no anger and malice dripping from the words. "You shouldn't have done that, dobe." Chillingly scary, because no emotion penetrated those words, no signs of life crossing over the black-haired boy's face. He didn't even have time to contemplate how emotionless the boy was before the ground rushed up to meet him very suddenly, and a heavy weight was pressed on his hips and wrists. Baby blue eyes widened as they met with bloody red once again, and he had to resist the urge to gasp or scream. Sasuke's eyes... Paralyzing...

A smirk was brought to the blood-eyed boy as he watched the fear flit across the Kyuubi holder's irises, the emotion purely unmasked as they stared at each other. The blonde was paralyzed. He felt helpless, like he couldn't do anything. It was like how he felt when he was young... He couldn't even call up the urge to yell at the black-haired ninja, tell him to get the fuck off before he kicked his ass. All he felt like he could do was stare, fear, and hope Sasuke wouldn't do anything they'd both regret.

The melancholy dripping of water stretched the silence between them, coupled with light gasps and breathes mingled as they lay motionless, Sasuke on top of Naruto and Naruto under Sasuke. Another shiver from the Kyuubi as a drop of water dripped onto the very corner of his eyes, closing them as it slid down slowly, giving the effect of a crying child. The stillness broken at that single act, the Uchiha smirked in a more predatory manner.

Eyes still closed off to the world, but skin burning at the wrists and hips as the grip stayed intact, he felt Sasuke move, ever so lightly, legs more slack and hands less hurting as he leaned down, raven-haired head practically nuzzling Naruto's blonde locks. Cold breathe danced across his neck, across his flesh as another shiver found it's way down his spine, this one barely visible. The voice spoke again, so emotionless, but, this time, something had changed. This voice had a light purr to it, barely audible over the pounding in the blonde teen's head. "Never, ever do that again, Dobe."

He didn't try snapping back with a remark of 'then don't fall asleep in the middle of the bridge, you bastard!', just listened intently and enjoyed the sensual purr, something Kakashi-sensei would probably delight in. "Else I will do something you will not enjoy. Not enjoy at all."

And the weight from his hips and wrist were suddenly lifted, the warmth of another body escaping Naruto, making him feel even colder then before, with Sasuke dripping wet above him. The breathe on his neck left an impression, though, and it was a second more before Naruto opened his eyes, the blue orbs giving off the feeling that he was confused, maybe even scared. A second more as he realized why Sasuke had presumed his stance against the bridge, as a 'pop' was heard, announcing the arrival of their sensei.

The mask was set upon his face as he scrambled up, pointing an accusing finger at their sensei and trying to forget what had just happened. "Your late!" Proclaimed loudly but without a second voice, a female voice that would have to be replaced by another. But they played on motionlessly as the silver-haired teacher placed a hand behind his head, the smile concealed behind a black mask made of cloth. "Well, I was helping Iruka-sensei grade some papers for some students, and it was only a few hours later that I realized I was late!"

More believable then the other lies, almost believable, if Naruto hadn't known that Iruka would probably be teaching right now, not grading papers.

He could only mutter and curse his teacher for being late as they set off for their mission, the older man explaining while the stoic boy known as Sasuke was normal. Anti-social. Not freaking him out with cold breathes upon his neck and promises of something he wouldn't enjoy. He hid the confusion behind a glare and a smile, waving his arms wildly in gestures of untamed energy. "So, all we have to do is clean out the hot springs? Or something like that? That'll be easy!" A grin was painted on his face as his hands rested comfortably behind his head, face facing towards the sun. "We'll be done in a few hours!"

The silver-haired man stopped and shook his head, the cloth stretching to give the impression of a smile. "Nope. It's going to take longer. Remember, I'm only supervising you!"

This dropped the blonde's spirits greatly as he glared full force at their sensei, who was still flashing an invisible smile at the two. Are one, considering that Sasuke was still being an anti-social bastard. Naruto huffed. He could at least glare at Kakashi! The blonde knew, for a fact, that Sasuke would rather be doing some mind numbing training then cleaning a dirty pool. A glare was sent silently over to his rival/best friend/tormentor. Geez, he could at least show some anger!

Whipping his head around as Kakashi spoke once again, he had a feeling of dread come over him as the words flew easily from their sensei's mouth.

"Oh. And you'll have to wear you swimming trunks. Don't want to get your clothes dirty now, ne?"

Naruto had a very, very bad feeling about this.


Yay! I'm actually done a Naruto ficcie! cheer, confetti -.- Let me suck all over again XD. And dun worry, there is a plot!

... Or is there? ;;

Oh, yeah. To anyone who was confused, the reason I changed styles so quickly? Because, in the first bit, Naruto was confused, hurt, and VERY emotional. In the second one, he was just... normal. Acting normal and such. So you see my style.

The more emotional the scene, the better I think I write.

So, yeah. I think I might be updating more often XD;;;. No clue . So yeah. A big thanks to Tia and kitty!!!! Yer both awesome XD.

And if I spelled 'Kyuubi' wrong, please inform me!

Now fer the little translator shit.

-sensei: Teacher

-chan: Kinda formal way of greeting a friend, usually a girl.

Kami-sama: God, basically. -Sama is a very important person, while Kami means God ;;;.

Ne?: Right?

Ain't the button just waiting to be clicked? Click the button. You know you want too XD.