Disclaimer : I don't own anything, and have no money so can't sue!
A/N : Just thought I'd pop this up, so you can get a little taster of what's to come from me. Hope you enjoy it!!!!
Summery : How can you deal, with having your life changed forever, due to one simple accident, let me tell you, you can't.
Chapter 1
It was an ordinary day, in plain old Minnesota, everything the same, nothing ever changes, but why should they, they haven't got cause to. I thought my life was ok, I had an average teenage lifestyle that basically revolved around hockey, friends and schoolwork. The last of the three being forced upon me, but isn't it with everyone. I had 12 wonderful friends, who I had been through everything with and hoped to continue doing so. We liked to believe we were adults, what with our many break ups and make ups, arguments, fights, illnesses, we'd done it all, prepared for anything life may throw at us next. Well nothing could have prepared us for this!
It was nearly 6 months ago now, it was a warm spring day, we had a hockey game that afternoon, so we were spending the morning, relaxing the only way we knew how. We were sat idly on the grass outside our high school's dormitories, there were about 5 different conversations happening, all at one time, and each of us were involved in them all. None probably made much sense, but it was what we usually did and had done the last 3 years of our life.
"If you'd have tried that on me, you'd have gotten more than a slap across the face". Connie told Portman. Obviously talking about his antics last night, at trying to get Clare Graves to go out with him.
"I agree with Connie, that is not the way to get someone to go out with you". Julie teamed up with Connie.
"But you would think that, 'cause you're girls". Portman argued his case.
"Well in that case, you ought to start listening to us, we know how we like to be asked out by guys". Connie replied. Portman was stubbed by this, he had no reply for her. Seeing this Connie began laughing immediately, but not in a nasty way. "Arr, it's ok Portman, we love ya, don't we Jules"? She leant forward and wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders.
We sat there for a while longer, before heading off to our dorms to grab our hockey gear, ready for the game. We all laughed as Connie giddily bounced away, with Julie walking steadily in tow. The two were best friends, told each other everything, did everything together, yet they couldn't be more different. Connie had more energy than anyone I knew, she always had a spring in her step, she was loud and larey, always joking around especially with Averman, though she could be serious when she needed to be, she was like a naughty school girl, always thinking up pranks for the old Varsity team and now the freshman team, we often dragged her into getting into trouble with us, and amazingly she always found a way to get us out of trouble. Julie on the other hand, was a little more sedate, she was like mother duck, always checking that we had all done our homework, she helped us keep our grades up to Coach Orion's standard and was always the first to help us out when they slipped, sure she was a good laugh and able to joke around, but she was still so different from Connie.
Connie and Julie were like a mirror image of me and my best friend Charlie. Charlie dated Julie and was so much like Connie it was uncanny. He was always getting himself in and out of trouble, and you knew that whenever Connie was in trouble, Charlie probably had something to do with it and vice a versa. Normally people take one look at us, and put me and Julie together as a couple, and Charlie and Connie together, it wasn't like that. I didn't date Connie, and Charlie and Julie were the only ones dating out of us all.
10 minutes later, we all met up outside the dorms, ready to head over to the ice rink, and as usual, Charlie was talking tactics with whoever may want to listen, we all of course pretended to be interested, but we all knew from past experiences, that they never worked out properly and improvisation was needed. One of the opposing teams fans, sped past us on a moped, nearly knocking Julie over, who was at the time, listening to Connie chat on about something like how hot Shane West was. Connie immediately began shouting after him, but he was soon gone and out of ear shot. Not letting it get to us, we entered the ice arena and went straight for the locker rooms.
Within 15 minutes, the girls had come into our locker room, for our prep talk that Orion always gave at the beginning of games. We all pretended to listen out of politeness, but we all had our own ways of readying ourselves for the game. I prefered to sit in silence and run through the plays in my own head.
"Just go out there, and do your best". I caught the end of Orion's speech.
We bombarded our way onto the ice, banging our sticks on the plexi glass, getting the crowd cheering before starting our warm ups. We were out there a good 5 minutes before we crowded around Orion for our final prep talk. The ref blew his whistle and the game began. Charlie took the face off and immediately passed the puck to Guy who was waiting on Charlie's right. The opposing team played good defence, but not quite good enough as Fulton got in position and blasted one in. Within the first 5 minutes of the game it was Ducks 1 – 0 Panthers. I took the next face off and pushed the puck toward Averman who was waiting on my left, immediately I skated a little forward, awaiting the right second where he was to pass it me back then, knowing poor old Averman, he would be knocked into the boards. As soon as I got the puck, I sped down the ice to the panthers goal, I shot at the goalie, but he deflected it, towards who I guessed was supposed to be one of his team mates, but Charlie was lucky enough to get it and shot once again, catching the goalie off his guard. Much of the first period went this way, however the panthers did manage to get 1 goal. At the beginning of the second period, I found myself out on the ice with Connie, Portman, Fulton, Russ and Ken. The bash brothers remained pretty calm, which I knew they were only doing to give the other team false hope. I watched with eagle eyes as Ken dodged 2 players, but swiftly passed the puck to Connie, who easily glided it into the goal. We quickly congratulated each other before beginning to get ourselves ready for the next face off. I vaguely saw Connie skate passed another player and pretend to lick her index finger before holding it up in the air and make a sizzling noise. The next play didn't go exactly to plan and the panthers nearly scored another goal, but Julie caught it just in time. Ken and Fulton were taken off and replaced by Luis and Goldberg. Goldberg and Luis followed just behind me as I headed toward the goal, Connie was calling for the puck and upon seeing that her path was pretty clear, I glided it her way, it was only one of the opposing players headed straight for her, that she passed it back to Goldberg, who passed it to Luis, who in turn pushed it into the goal. Though I wasn't particularly concentrating on the goal itself, as I knew that one of the panthers had just brutally checked Connie into the boards, and it just happened to be the one she made the sizzling noise at earlier. I didn't pay any attention to the small celebration the others had going on, as Connie had yet to get up off the ice. At first, I hoped she was just laying there, hoping the ref would notice and give a penalty, but I quickly realized, she wasn't playing. I sped over to her, pulling my helmet and gloves off. Her eyes were closed and there was a small trickle of blood coming from her nose. By now, Portman, Goldberg and Luis had joined me, and they were beckoning for the refs and Coach Orion. The refs cleared the area, including us, as the paramedics surrounded her. Most of the team were now on the ice and were huddled in a group. We all watched with eagle eyes as she was rolled onto a back board and strapped on, before being put on a stretcher and being wheeled out, after still not having regained conciousness. Orion herded us back to the bench, whilst the refs decided whether the player should be benched for the rest of the game.
"C'mon ducks, I know you're all worried about her, but lets win this game for her". He put it in such a way that we couldn't refuse.
Most of us were determined to win now, if anything, it was for Connie. It was soon the end of the second period and all we seemed to want to do in the break between periods was think about Connie. Noprmally it would have been Connie keeping our hopes up between periods, but without her, all we seemed to want to do was be morose and worry about her. The third period dragged a little, but I think the panthers were really going easy on us, more out of guilt than anything else, but this got some of our backs up even more because we didn't want an easy win. Eventually, the game ended, and instead of staying on the ice celebrating, we simply shook our opponents hands and wandered off the ice.
I think we had all subconciously decided, that the hospital was the only place for us to go. I was more surprised, whe Orion entered the locker room, and told us that he had managed to borrow the school's minibus to get us all there. The journey was deadly silent, all thinking our own thoughts. Once at the hospital, we walked briskly into the ER, where Orion asked at the reception about Connie. They wouldn't tell him anything, except that Connie's parents were sat in the relatives room. We all crept in, saying our small greetings to her parents.
"How is she"? Charlie asked after 5 minutes.
"We don't know yet, the doctor hasn't been to see us yet". Mr Moreau replied, branding a small smile.
After a long 15 minutes of waiting, the Doctor appeared. We all quickly left, allowing them a little privacy. Most of the ducks, paced around the waiting room, but I stood looking into the relatives room, well actually at Julie, but she was stood leaning on the wall in the right position. I could tell it wasn't good news as Connie's dad wrapped a loving arm around his wives shoulders. I watched as the Doctor continued talking to them, then began heading for the door. Once he was out of the room, we all dove back inside, awaiting any news.
"So"? Julie asked impatiently.
"Erm, she's come round and has concusion, but she's on strong painkillers, and she's a little out of it. They are still doing some tests though". Her mom managed to choke out.
"Tests for what"? I asked, immediately her mom began crying.
"There's a possibility that Connie may be paralysed". Her dad managed to tell us.
So what do you think? PLEASE R&R!!!!!
A/N : Just thought I'd pop this up, so you can get a little taster of what's to come from me. Hope you enjoy it!!!!
Summery : How can you deal, with having your life changed forever, due to one simple accident, let me tell you, you can't.
Chapter 1
It was an ordinary day, in plain old Minnesota, everything the same, nothing ever changes, but why should they, they haven't got cause to. I thought my life was ok, I had an average teenage lifestyle that basically revolved around hockey, friends and schoolwork. The last of the three being forced upon me, but isn't it with everyone. I had 12 wonderful friends, who I had been through everything with and hoped to continue doing so. We liked to believe we were adults, what with our many break ups and make ups, arguments, fights, illnesses, we'd done it all, prepared for anything life may throw at us next. Well nothing could have prepared us for this!
It was nearly 6 months ago now, it was a warm spring day, we had a hockey game that afternoon, so we were spending the morning, relaxing the only way we knew how. We were sat idly on the grass outside our high school's dormitories, there were about 5 different conversations happening, all at one time, and each of us were involved in them all. None probably made much sense, but it was what we usually did and had done the last 3 years of our life.
"If you'd have tried that on me, you'd have gotten more than a slap across the face". Connie told Portman. Obviously talking about his antics last night, at trying to get Clare Graves to go out with him.
"I agree with Connie, that is not the way to get someone to go out with you". Julie teamed up with Connie.
"But you would think that, 'cause you're girls". Portman argued his case.
"Well in that case, you ought to start listening to us, we know how we like to be asked out by guys". Connie replied. Portman was stubbed by this, he had no reply for her. Seeing this Connie began laughing immediately, but not in a nasty way. "Arr, it's ok Portman, we love ya, don't we Jules"? She leant forward and wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders.
We sat there for a while longer, before heading off to our dorms to grab our hockey gear, ready for the game. We all laughed as Connie giddily bounced away, with Julie walking steadily in tow. The two were best friends, told each other everything, did everything together, yet they couldn't be more different. Connie had more energy than anyone I knew, she always had a spring in her step, she was loud and larey, always joking around especially with Averman, though she could be serious when she needed to be, she was like a naughty school girl, always thinking up pranks for the old Varsity team and now the freshman team, we often dragged her into getting into trouble with us, and amazingly she always found a way to get us out of trouble. Julie on the other hand, was a little more sedate, she was like mother duck, always checking that we had all done our homework, she helped us keep our grades up to Coach Orion's standard and was always the first to help us out when they slipped, sure she was a good laugh and able to joke around, but she was still so different from Connie.
Connie and Julie were like a mirror image of me and my best friend Charlie. Charlie dated Julie and was so much like Connie it was uncanny. He was always getting himself in and out of trouble, and you knew that whenever Connie was in trouble, Charlie probably had something to do with it and vice a versa. Normally people take one look at us, and put me and Julie together as a couple, and Charlie and Connie together, it wasn't like that. I didn't date Connie, and Charlie and Julie were the only ones dating out of us all.
10 minutes later, we all met up outside the dorms, ready to head over to the ice rink, and as usual, Charlie was talking tactics with whoever may want to listen, we all of course pretended to be interested, but we all knew from past experiences, that they never worked out properly and improvisation was needed. One of the opposing teams fans, sped past us on a moped, nearly knocking Julie over, who was at the time, listening to Connie chat on about something like how hot Shane West was. Connie immediately began shouting after him, but he was soon gone and out of ear shot. Not letting it get to us, we entered the ice arena and went straight for the locker rooms.
Within 15 minutes, the girls had come into our locker room, for our prep talk that Orion always gave at the beginning of games. We all pretended to listen out of politeness, but we all had our own ways of readying ourselves for the game. I prefered to sit in silence and run through the plays in my own head.
"Just go out there, and do your best". I caught the end of Orion's speech.
We bombarded our way onto the ice, banging our sticks on the plexi glass, getting the crowd cheering before starting our warm ups. We were out there a good 5 minutes before we crowded around Orion for our final prep talk. The ref blew his whistle and the game began. Charlie took the face off and immediately passed the puck to Guy who was waiting on Charlie's right. The opposing team played good defence, but not quite good enough as Fulton got in position and blasted one in. Within the first 5 minutes of the game it was Ducks 1 – 0 Panthers. I took the next face off and pushed the puck toward Averman who was waiting on my left, immediately I skated a little forward, awaiting the right second where he was to pass it me back then, knowing poor old Averman, he would be knocked into the boards. As soon as I got the puck, I sped down the ice to the panthers goal, I shot at the goalie, but he deflected it, towards who I guessed was supposed to be one of his team mates, but Charlie was lucky enough to get it and shot once again, catching the goalie off his guard. Much of the first period went this way, however the panthers did manage to get 1 goal. At the beginning of the second period, I found myself out on the ice with Connie, Portman, Fulton, Russ and Ken. The bash brothers remained pretty calm, which I knew they were only doing to give the other team false hope. I watched with eagle eyes as Ken dodged 2 players, but swiftly passed the puck to Connie, who easily glided it into the goal. We quickly congratulated each other before beginning to get ourselves ready for the next face off. I vaguely saw Connie skate passed another player and pretend to lick her index finger before holding it up in the air and make a sizzling noise. The next play didn't go exactly to plan and the panthers nearly scored another goal, but Julie caught it just in time. Ken and Fulton were taken off and replaced by Luis and Goldberg. Goldberg and Luis followed just behind me as I headed toward the goal, Connie was calling for the puck and upon seeing that her path was pretty clear, I glided it her way, it was only one of the opposing players headed straight for her, that she passed it back to Goldberg, who passed it to Luis, who in turn pushed it into the goal. Though I wasn't particularly concentrating on the goal itself, as I knew that one of the panthers had just brutally checked Connie into the boards, and it just happened to be the one she made the sizzling noise at earlier. I didn't pay any attention to the small celebration the others had going on, as Connie had yet to get up off the ice. At first, I hoped she was just laying there, hoping the ref would notice and give a penalty, but I quickly realized, she wasn't playing. I sped over to her, pulling my helmet and gloves off. Her eyes were closed and there was a small trickle of blood coming from her nose. By now, Portman, Goldberg and Luis had joined me, and they were beckoning for the refs and Coach Orion. The refs cleared the area, including us, as the paramedics surrounded her. Most of the team were now on the ice and were huddled in a group. We all watched with eagle eyes as she was rolled onto a back board and strapped on, before being put on a stretcher and being wheeled out, after still not having regained conciousness. Orion herded us back to the bench, whilst the refs decided whether the player should be benched for the rest of the game.
"C'mon ducks, I know you're all worried about her, but lets win this game for her". He put it in such a way that we couldn't refuse.
Most of us were determined to win now, if anything, it was for Connie. It was soon the end of the second period and all we seemed to want to do in the break between periods was think about Connie. Noprmally it would have been Connie keeping our hopes up between periods, but without her, all we seemed to want to do was be morose and worry about her. The third period dragged a little, but I think the panthers were really going easy on us, more out of guilt than anything else, but this got some of our backs up even more because we didn't want an easy win. Eventually, the game ended, and instead of staying on the ice celebrating, we simply shook our opponents hands and wandered off the ice.
I think we had all subconciously decided, that the hospital was the only place for us to go. I was more surprised, whe Orion entered the locker room, and told us that he had managed to borrow the school's minibus to get us all there. The journey was deadly silent, all thinking our own thoughts. Once at the hospital, we walked briskly into the ER, where Orion asked at the reception about Connie. They wouldn't tell him anything, except that Connie's parents were sat in the relatives room. We all crept in, saying our small greetings to her parents.
"How is she"? Charlie asked after 5 minutes.
"We don't know yet, the doctor hasn't been to see us yet". Mr Moreau replied, branding a small smile.
After a long 15 minutes of waiting, the Doctor appeared. We all quickly left, allowing them a little privacy. Most of the ducks, paced around the waiting room, but I stood looking into the relatives room, well actually at Julie, but she was stood leaning on the wall in the right position. I could tell it wasn't good news as Connie's dad wrapped a loving arm around his wives shoulders. I watched as the Doctor continued talking to them, then began heading for the door. Once he was out of the room, we all dove back inside, awaiting any news.
"So"? Julie asked impatiently.
"Erm, she's come round and has concusion, but she's on strong painkillers, and she's a little out of it. They are still doing some tests though". Her mom managed to choke out.
"Tests for what"? I asked, immediately her mom began crying.
"There's a possibility that Connie may be paralysed". Her dad managed to tell us.
So what do you think? PLEASE R&R!!!!!