Ok, so I realized partway through the introduction of my last story (still in the making) that I wasn't writing the way I usually do. So, to take a mental break and re-gather my thoughts, I decided to write a short story.

I don't own the character of Rumiko Takahashi; I only play with them.

"Spoken dialogue"

(Author's notes)

Sound effects

Chapter 1: How Do I Tell Her?

It's the eve of the big battle. That's right, tomorrow is the day we finally go up against Naraku for real and either take him down, or die trying. We have half the jewel and Naraku the other. It comes down to what Kagome refers to as "an old-fashioned showdown". Whatever the hell that means. We know where he is and he knows we know. He's waiting for us. The bastard has taken over the abandoned taiji village. When Sango found that out she vomited for four hours straight. I don't blame her.

Everyone has come together for the final fight. The usual gang plus Kouga and his wolves. Even my self-righteous half-brother Sesshoumaru, and Kikyo have joined the cause. Kouga and his wolves are in another cabin that has been loaned to them for the night by one of the villagers. Sesshoumaru and Kikyo have gone outside to "discuss" something. If I didn't know any better, I'd think my prick of a brother had a thing for my dead ex- girlfriend. The rest of us are staying together in our "Base of Operations", as Kagome calls it, also known as Kaede's hut.

Miroku and Sango are off to the opposite side of the hut, near the back, by the door that led to Kaede's room.

Y'know, lately the taiji has been letting the monk sleep closer and closer to her at night.

Do you suppose...?


I think she's just getting sloppy and letting her "lecher defenses" down.

I'm leaning against the wall next to the door. Next to the fire, Kirara lays with Shippou curled up with her. Kagome says he sleeps with Kirara sometimes because her fur reminds him of his father or mother.

Across from me, in the corner of the room is Kagome. She's lying on a bed made from an "enflatabel mattress" and some pillows and blankets that she brought from her time a while back. Well, lying wasn't quite what I'd call it. She would flip or turn every few minutes and let out a sigh ever now and again.

I've been watching her since Sesshoumaru and Kikyo had stepped outside. Just like I do every night when I know no one else is watching me. I had admitted to myself a long time ago that I love her. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone or anything in my life. She's the most kind, gentle, understanding person I've ever met, and yet also the most stubborn and quick-tempered, aside from myself. She's everything I've ever wanted. The only problem is, does she want me?

I look out the door and up into the evening sky. It's about three hours or so past sundown. Kagome is usually asleep by now. What's keeping her up?

"Sleep wench."

Kagome flips her back to me and huffs.

Well, at least she didn't yell at me for calling her a wench. But I can tell from the hunched set of her shoulders and her scent....

Mmm, her scent....


... That something is worrying her.

More grumbling, tossing and sighing from her side of the room.

"Woman, if you're not planning on sleeping tonight, then at least be quiet so that the rest of us can."

"You don't sleep InuYasha."

That's not true, I do sleep.

Just not a lot.

I take power naps.

Yes, that's right. Macho men take naps.


"What's wrong Kagome?"



Liar! Doesn't she know by now that I can practically smell a lie from her? Not to mention she's too sweet to be all that good at lying in the first place...

I get up, walk over to her, and plop down next to her on the bed. I poke her lightly in the shoulder to try and get her to turn and face me. It doesn't work.

"If nothing is wrong, then why are you still awake?"

"I'm worried."

Ok, at least we're getting somewhere now...

"About...?" I wave my hand in a circular motion, indicating for her to continue.

"Forget it InuYasha. It's something silly and if I tell you, you'll just call me a 'stupid, weak, emotional human.' So just never mind."

Ok... So that vaguely sounded like an insult. Did she just inadvertently call me an "insensitive jerk" or something like that again? Either way, she sounds pretty worked up about this. I think I'll keep pushing her to give.

"Just tell me. You always say that talking helps clear the mind. And I promise to listen with an open opinion."

Kagome sits up and leans against the wall behind her. She still won't look at me and instead opts to stare at her hands in her lap.

"I'm worried about tomorrow."

"Well that's not stupid. We're all nervous about tomorrow. Besides Kagome, you know I won't let anything happen to you."

"It's not that. I'm not worried about me, I know you'll protect me InuYasha, you always do. I know I can always trust you. I'm worried about you."

Now that throws me for a loop. Especially since Kagome chooses that moment to look me in the eyes. Well, I'm used to Kagome worrying about me by now. It's the tone of her voice mixed with the look in her eyes that surprises me. Her eyes hold such genuine fear and... what's that other emotion? I can't quite put my finger on it. It's familiar though...

"What? I'm not going to let that bastard take me down without a fight. If I'm going down, I'm gonna make sure he's coming with me."

"And that's what I'm afraid of. I know you'll give your all to this battle. You've already proven that you'll stop at nothing and that you're willing to sacrifice everything to kill Naraku. I don't want that everything to include your life. Even though I know that if that's the price to pay to finish him off for good, you'll willingly pay it."

Kagome tosses herself into me, her head colliding into my chest, and wraps her arms around my waist.

"InuYasha, I don't want to loose you."

"... Kagome..."

Before I can form a coherent sentence in my shock at her abruptness, she continues.

"InuYasha, I promised you that I would stay by your side no matter what. Whether you decided to become a full youkai, go to hell with... with Kikyo, or even if you decided to steal the jewel from me, join Naraku's side and become one of his many attachments. Granted that'd be a little hard to swallow, I'd still respect your decision. I don't want to loose what I, what we, have worked so hard at building; the bond I have with you, InuYasha. You are the best friend I have ever had. I've never been closer to anyone in my life. I'd give my life for you. I can't bare the fact that you may die tomorrow and there's nothing I can do about it, because it's your choice."

I wrap my arms around Kagome and hold her close. There isn't much I can say to her. She's right. If defeating Naraku means it'll cost me my life, I'll give it in a second just to take that bastard to hell with me.

"InuYasha, I know that I can't ask you to promise to come back to me after tomorrow. Because I know there's no way you could guarantee to keep it. But... Damnit Inu, I love you! I don't want to lose you!"

If anyone ever asks you if it's possible for your heart to stop, skip a beat, soar, and race all at the same time, tell them yes.

I don't think the gods themselves could convince me that there is a creature more perfect than the woman I'm holding in my arms right now is. With all her flaws and all her strengths, with all her quirks and all her charming qualities, she's the epitome of the word "perfect". And she just said that she loves me.

I may have found a reason to die in Naraku, but I guess it was time to tell Kagome that my reason to live was in her.


I lift her chin and look into her eyes. Her bright, blue eyes. Ah, I recognize that emotion now. It's love. Pure true love. I've seen it before in my mother's eyes. A soft, caring, accepting version of it. But this is a passionate, desperate, longing look of love and it sends a thrill from the tips of my ears, down my spine and all the way to my toes.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you this, but I love you too."

Kagome tilts her head up and I lean my head down and press my lips against hers in a simple, soft, long-overdue kiss.

This isn't the awkward, shocking, cold kiss Kikyo had given me a while back. This is heaven and earth mixed together, colored rosy-tan, and formed into two full, soft, warm slices of paradise known as Kagome's lips.

After a moment that seems like eternity, yet comes too soon, Kagome pulls away. Her eyes are wide and sparkling. She takes in a short, surprised breath and a small smile graces her mouth. After a second or two of sitting there in shock, she climbs into my lap all the way, wraps her arms around my neck, and lays her head on my shoulder, the bridge of her nose resting against my neck.

I hold her like that for an hour or so. It's both the most sad and the happiest moment of my life.

"Kagome, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But before I can move on to my future, I have to settle my past. I hope you can understand that."

"I do understand that Inu. I don't want to hold you back from what you need to do. Go and fight Naraku tomorrow, and give that battle everything you have. Stop Naraku once and for all. Just remember that I will be there for you during the battle, and I'll be waiting for you when it's over."

"Kagome I don't want..."

Kagome holds a finger up to my lips to silences my protests at her involvement tomorrow.

"I will fight tomorrow. I will not go off and hide while all of you risk your lives. I have a stake in this too. Or have you forgotten who the Guardian of the Shinkan No Tama is?"

Reason number one thousand twenty six of why I love Kagome: Her iron-fast will.

I sigh and shake my head.

"Alright, alright. You're fighting tomorrow too."

It's funny to think that I used to want nothing more that to have power and control. Now, my will easily bends to that of a nineteen-year-old human girl. Love, go figure.

"InuYasha..." Kagome's gaze once again drops to her lap and a light blush colors her cheeks.


"Can you hold me tonight? Please?"

The bright magenta blush heating her cheeks must match the one I could feel coloring my own face. She nervously gazes up at me from under her eyelashes. Gods she's sexy when she does that....

"Only if you hold me back."

I take off my outer coat and get under the covers. Kagome waits for me to get comfortable before snuggling up to me. She lies on top of me and wraps her arms around my neck, her head resting on my chest. My arms wrap around her waist and my chin rests on her forehead.

I fall asleep breathing in the soft scent of summer lavender.