Phoenix and the Dragon

By: babykelyse

A/N: Okay. So after an extremely long hiatus I'm back :) Formerly known as Sailor Ice Angel, I've return as babykelyse. Nickname from my boyfriend. Sweet eh? I thought so . Anyway, this story inspiration came from drum roll watching Harry Potter. Corny, I know lol but it did. Now I am a bit rusty at this, so bear with me. I'll try and make this as interesting as possible and I'll even attempt to finish my other fic I Never Thought I'd Love You. :) Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter or any characters such as. However the plot of this story and any characters made up belong to me.

Chapter One

Rise of the Phoenix

Virginia Weasely. She was 16, graceful, friend, sister, beautiful, smart and witty. This is how I would describe her. My true love..she was that as well. And I was the loner, the rebel, inhumane, insensitive, with a heart of ice. This is how you would have described me once, before I actually had the grace of meeting Virginia, or Ginny as some would call her. A girl's name, not one for the woman she'd become. With her graceful curves, long soft wavy, red-gold hair, creamy complexion, and lush full pink lips, she was an angel. A goddess sent to earth to warm my heart of ice. Or that was what I thought of her. How soon I would find was a truth within itself.

For all of my 17 years, I'd been taught that the Weasleys were trash, a disgrace to the wizarding world. How untrue those words were. These were words spoken by my father, which of course, to him were always right. And I, devoted son, hanger onto his every word, had believed him. Bringing out my worst nature against the Weasleys, especially the youngest one. The only sister among 6 other brothers, she seemed an easy target. She was the quiet one. The only one who didn't make her presence known, unlike her brothers. She'd also had an irrefutable crush on Potter.

But that, however, changed in her 5th year. By then, she'd changed. She'd changed, immensely. She had grown from a girl to a woman. Her normally fiery red hair had toned down into even red and gold lush curls. Her freckles, though still apparently evident, had complimented instead of taken away from her beautiful cheeks. Her eyes, those beautiful brown eyes, had finally gotten a twinkle to them, and her body had changed for the better. Much better.

She'd also grown a tongue. Or so everyone else believed. Her tongue could deliver you milk and honey, or acid wrapped in barbed wire. It was a common fact that it was dangerous to get on Virginia's bad side. A fact I should have paid more attention to. For I, the Dragon had gotten the sharp side of her tongue on a day I'd chosen to taunt her about her family and her now long gone crush on Potter...

"Ah, Weaselby. We meet again. How poor have your parents gotten this time? Obviously enough to not by you DECENT robes.", I sneered.

She, in all her glory, turned with a speed no human could ever achieve. And before her mouth opened, I swear I'd seen fire in her eyes and the very space around her seemed to glow red.

"Malfoy, I've had enough of your insufferable teasing of my family. I'll tell you this you blonde haired ferret, my family has more than your family will ever have. Unlike your family, my family has heart warmth and love. You, your insufferable horse's ass, have nothing. Nothing but a cold bastard for a father and a cold mansion. I swear to this day, if you ever speak of my family, my brothers, myself, OR the crush I'd had on Potter, I'll see to it that you pay immensely for it."

The very walls seemed to shake with her fury. Her eyes, a normal chocolate brown color, had now turned into a fiery orange-red and her hair seemed to stand on edge. The glow, red at first had now turned into a hazy orange. Her wand, had risen and her mouth opened as if to cast a spell upon me.

But then, something happened. The flow faded, her eyes turned back into their normal color, and in them appeared a confused expression. We looked at each other for a long amount of time until she finally turned and walked off. Head high, shoulders back, reminding me of a regal queen dismissing her royal subject. And I, Draco Malfoy, had stood there in utter confusion wondering what the bloody hell had just happened.

Virginia Weasley mentally cursed herself as she walked away from Draco Malfoy as quickly as she possibly could.

How could I have done something so stupid? she asked herself.

No one had ever seen the display she'd put on for Malfoy ever. Not even her own family. It was a secret she'd kept hidden inside her since her first year. The, she wouldn't think of that. Tom Riddle and The Chamber of Secrets was long behind her. But the secret she kept within her was not.

She'd been given a gift. An extraordinary gift that could help her, or hurt her in the long run. She'd been given the powers of the phoenix. The power of inner and outer fire. A power she'd kept under lock and key until Malfoy.

Why did he have to say that rubbish to me about my family today? Why not yesterday or even tomorrow?

She had just mentally congratulated herself earlier on her ability to keep her power from any and everyone. She'd gotten furious at times, yes, but never as furious as Malfoy had so recently made her. She'd begun to think he'd grown up since the insults and jokes about her family had been put into a low hum. Oh, he'd insulted them occasionally, as if he'd just thought about it. But it had dimmed a bit. Almost as if he'd matured. And of course, naturally, he'd gone and ruined it. And right after she'd quarreled with her brother no less.

She could only hope that he'd dismissed her reaction as something from his imagination. Something he'd probably mentally conjured up in his brain. She could only hope...

A/N: So what do you think? Mind you, I was interrupted several times through this and so it might not make even a lick of sense. It's short..yes, but only because I haven't really thought into this much. Just an inspiration suddenly come to me. Review please, and tell me what you think. Let me know if you love it, hate it, think it needs a bit more work. Constructive criticism is always welcome. :) I'll try and get the next chapter explaining Ginny's newfound ability soon. Ciao