A/N: This is my first Fairly Oddparents fic and It's Timmy/Tootie pairing. I never have liked Trixie so there will a bit of Trixie bashing. Sorry for all you Trixie fans! Anyhoo, thanks to the inspiration by Brat Child2 I have thought of this story. I wish you luck with all of your other work and hope that you enjoy your fic! lol Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own a cat, a dog, and ten chickens. That's all. Oh, and a lot of anime! ::flashes peace sign:: Love and Peace!!!

Chapter One

Just In Seconds, And I Was Left With Nothing

"Dear Diary,

No. I can't give up hope. It's so....so....not like me. Of course, it's pretty hard to keep your hopes up when you walk by and see the love of your life playing tonsil-hockey with the most popular girl in school. I had only seen it, not but ten minutes earlier. I'm not gonna cry. I know that much....but I feel...I don't know...angry."

"Oh, fuck this." I muttered, stomping up to my room after re-reading what I had earlier written in my diary at school. I've been in love with Timmy Turner for God only knows how long and I'm not giving up just because some prissy, know-it-all, rich, bitchy little princess was kissing someone who only likes her for her looks and social status...wait a second. That makes Timmy sound really shallow...and I know that's not him...it's just, oh, hell, I don't know what I'm going on about. I love Timmy Turner and I always have. I know I always will. If only because I know he has a good heart.

I've mellowed out over the years, but being a Junior in high school hasn't lessened my obsession with Timmy; or, as he prefers now, Tim. It makes me smile how grown up he's trying to be. It's kind of sexy, really.

"Tootie! You need to do your chores!" my older sister, Vicky, yelled from down the hallway. She's mellowed out over the years, too. Especially since our father died. No matter what anyone else knew about her or thought about her, she was always Daddy's little girl. Vicky never cried over it...she was just quiet. Even Timmy noticed the lack of anger in her. When he had finally asked me what was going on, I sat down on the curb, buried my face in my hands, and cried for both me and Vicky. Timmy sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. That's just one of the many ways I know he has a good heart. He cared when no one else did.
Don't get me wrong, they still hate each other, Vicky and Timmy, but there are occasions when they get along, as frightening as that is.

I flipped Vicky off on my way past her and began doing my homework in my room. I quickly got it out of the way and did my chores, like Vicky knew I would when I was done with schoolwork. As soon as I finished the last load of dishes, I headed outside, grabbing a light blue sweater on the way. After shrugging it on while I was walking on the sidewalk, I ran smack into Chester. Timmy's best friend. A.J. had moved when we all hit Junior High, so I don't know what happened with him. Chester grabbed my shoulders to steady me and I blushed brightly when I accidentally grabbed onto his shirt for balance.

"Hey, Tootie." He said flashing me a brilliant brace-less smile. My heart beat a little quicker. 'Well that's odd.' I thought and stepped away from him.

"Hi, Chester. How's Water Polo?" I asked lamely, wiping my hands on my tight jeans. He smiled at me again and took my arm, walking with me.

"It's going well. Did you know I made Varsity?" he asked proudly. I smiled back at him.

"That's great, Chaz!" I exclaimed, using the nickname he went by at school sometimes. He turned pink at his ears, obviously pleased with my praise.

"We have a home game this Friday. You could come, well, I, uh, mean, that is, if you want to." He stuttered. I looked him over, out of the corner of my eye. He had grown a lot since the freckled little brace-face I had known in elementary. He's five foot eleven, as opposed to my five feet four, and he looked every bit the surfer boy I had known he'd grow up to be. He still had the freckles, but they were more sexy and innocent than anything. I started tracing some of the freckles on his arm I was linked with and he nearly tripped. I saw Timmy walking towards us with his arm around Trixie, with a semi-happy expression. When he saw Chester and I, his face darkened. 'Oo, maybe he's pissed at Chester.' I thought. I turned to Chester and smiled up at him reassuringly. "I would love to go." I said, and squeezed his arm gently.

When Timmy finally reached us, Trixie was looking smug and Timmy looked like he'd just caught someone stealing from him. As usual, my heart was hammering inside my chest, being so close to Timmy. I leaned up and kissed Chester on the cheek in a friendly way. "I'm gonna head off to the park. I'll see you at school tomorrow, surfer boy." I murmured and walked past Timmy and Trixie without a backward glance.

"Hi, Tootie," I heard Timmy mumble as I stepped past him. My heart was in my throat, I was so nervous.

"Hi, Timmy. Lovely day, isn't it?" I asked as sweetly as I could, while watching Trixie tug at his arm not so subtly. Jesus, I hate her.

He stared me directly in the eye. "Absolutely gorgeous." He said quietly, and then turned darkened eyes to Chester. I blushed and kept walking as he started for Chaz, not knowing how to take what he said.

"Oh, Timmy," Trixie said enticingly. I was almost surprised she remembered my name this time. We had been dating for a week and I'm betting the only reason she agreed to go out with me in the first place is my now popular social status and my car. God only knows why I've wanted her for so many years other than her body. She could be sweet if she put her mind to it...I think. I'm really not sure anymore.

She pulled me close when I turned to face her and kissed me full on the mouth. Something she hadn't done since the day I asked her out. Her tongue dove into my mouth with a sure purpose only the very experienced have. I kissed her back, only because it was expected, not because I wanted to. I heard a gasp and eventually pulled away to see a short raven-haired beauty running off. 'Tootie.' I thought with regret. I knew she still loved me and I knew that she was still weirdly obsessed...but she was a lot nicer now than she had been and a lot less...well, creepy, for lack of a better word.

She had slowly but surely developed into an intelligent and sweet young woman, with a rather shy disposition. I don't know when it happened, but I think I fell in love with her. I realized with a start, that I didn't love Trixie. I wasn't in love with her. I was in lust. She had a great body and a pretty face. But she could be a real bitch when she wanted to. I thought about breaking up with her right then and there, then decided against making a big scene, like I knew she would, at school. 'I'm sorry Tootie.' I thought, wishing she could hear me. I actually decided to break up with Trixie. 'I'll do it tonight.'

"Just in seconds, and I was left with nothing
Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air
That day came to an end
And she had lost to me, her credence..."
Opeth sang loudly through my car speakers.

"Why do you listen to that garbage?" Trixie demanded, reaching for the volume control.

"Because it's great garbage." I snapped, letting her turn it down. I sighed tiredly and turned down my street. I was going to bring Trixie to my house so I could talk to her without interference. "Trixie, I have some things I need to talk to you about." I started, watching the road while she looked out the window at someone who was just coming out of his or her house. I was too caught up in regret and my driving to notice which house or who it was. As I pulled into my driveway, Trixie turned to me.

"Let's go for a walk." She said suddenly. I kept my sigh in check and nodded.

"Sure, why not?" I muttered, getting out of my car, locking it, and putting the keys in my jacket pocket. I put my arm around Trixie and let her lead wherever she wanted to go. She prattled on about, what else, the latest fashions and if she should allow any new members into our clique. I thought about how happy Tootie had been when I had invited her to my birthday part a few weeks back. Unfortunately, she didn't show up because she had a cold. So, after the party, my mother and I went to her house with my own famous chicken soup. My mother may be a sweet woman, but lord almighty, she cannot cook. I usually did the cooking at my house, ever since I learned how. I'm actually considering doing it professionally. Tootie was so excited when I came into her room with a bowl of soup she nearly passed out. I smiled, in a half-daze as Trixie and I continued walking.

I was actually starting to look forward to breaking up with Trixie...but when I saw the object of my newfound affection linking arms with my best friend, I felt something vicious stir within me. I was just about to break into a run and throttle Chester when she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek. She released arms with him and began walking towards me. I looked to Trixie, surprised when she smiled smugly and cuddled closer to me. I hadn't even realized we'd stopped walking. I still wanted to throttle Chester, but I knew it wasn't his fault. Tootie had become so beautiful. I was surprised when she looked at me sadly and kept walking as though she might not say hello.

"Hi, Tootie," I murmured, ignoring Trixie pulling on my arm in increasing agitation.

"Hi, Timmy. Lovely day, isn't it?" she asked softly. Had I ever noticed just how wonderful her voice sounded? No. I don't think I ever had.

I stared at her and answered, my throat tight, my heart pounding. "Absolutely gorgeous." Her face flushed and she continued on her way as I made my own way over to Chaz uncomfortably. "Trixie, would you mind letting me speak with Chester a moment?" I asked, releasing her and walking over to him without waiting for an answer.

"Hey, Tim," he said a little nervously. I must have still looked like I was gonna kill something...or someone. "What's up?"

Me, I almost answered, shifting my pants uncomfortably, still thinking about Tootie and her soft voice. I wondered if her hair and skin were as soft as her voice. I sighed and threw a friendly arm over his shoulders and led him a little further away from my demon girlfriend.
"I have something I need to talk to you about. I'm gonna break up with Trixie tonight." I said quietly. Chester blinked comically.

"What?!" he nearly shouted. "But you've been in love with her since grade school!" he said in a loud whisper. I kind of grinned at him.

"Yeah. I know. But it wasn't love. Just lust." I said even more quietly. "I mean, come on. If you had the chance, you'd go with her, wouldn't you?" I asked, knowing damn well he would. He looked behind us at her and turned back to me with a grin.

"Yeah, probably, but I think I'd rather be with Tootie. She's sweet." He said looking away from me. My heart nearly dropped into my toes.

"You...you like Tootie? You like her, too?" I asked in an incredulous whisper.

"You like her now?" Chester asked, almost dejectedly. "I'll never have a chance with her if you tell her how you feel." He whispered sadly. Chaz hung his head in defeat.

I sighed in agitation. "Look, if you think you have a chance at being happy with her, I'll keep my mouth shut. But if not, then I'm going for it. I'm in love with her, not Trixie." He smiled up at me sadly.

"And have her find out that you love her back so she can break my heart and dump me for you? Not a chance." He slapped me on the back. "Besides, she wants you, not me. Everyone knows that." I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I hugged Chester. He laughed aloud and pat my back fiercely. "You'd better treat her well." He demanded.

"You know it!" I said, releasing him. I looked back at Trixie. "And now for the floorshow." I murmured.

"Good luck, man." He whispered as I walked back to a now irritated Trixie. I linked my arm through hers and led her back to my house.

"In a hurry, are we?" she asked saucily. My stomach rebelled. As much as I wanted her physically, I just didn't think I could do anything serious with her because of my love for Tootie. 'How could I have been so stupid all these years?' I thought, irritated with myself. I stopped her in front of my car and sighed. "What's wrong?" She reached up and touched my cheek gingerly. 'Damn! She had to choose now to show her sweet side.' I thought unhappily. She wasn't making this easy on me.

"I have something very important to tell you." I said taking her hand down from my cheek and looking her in the eyes. She stood stock-still. "I don't think we should see each other anymore. It's just...I'm in love with someone else. I've never been in love with you. It was just lust."

She turned on her heel and stomped over to the passenger side door. "Hmph! I've never been so insulted. Take me home! Now!" she snapped when I didn't immediately unlock the car door. I hid my smile well. She was put out cause I didn't do it at school where she could make a big scene and make me the bad guy. I mean, hey. It's not my fault I don't love her. She's just not lovable...at least, not to me. On my drive home I nearly crashed for howling with laughter. It was amazing! How the hell could I have asked her out. She's just an easy, prissy, bitch who'll put out for any popular guy. Why did I not realize that sooner?

I got home and practically danced to my room. I was gonna call Tootie as soon as I found her damn phone number. Three hours later, I realized that I didn't have her new phone number. I haven't actually called her since Junior High and that was only for a homework assignment. I slapped myself in the forehead repeatedly.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I annunciated each slap with that word. It was so true. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "I'll ask her to the Halloween dance." I decided suddenly. I had already bought my costume. I just hoped everything would go well. I was going to go over to her house and ask her in person, but then I looked at the clock and decided against it. 'I'll talk to her tomorrow...' I thought as I fell slowly asleep.

I sat on the swing set at the park and sighed heavily. "Who the hell am I kidding? Trixie's beautiful and popular...and let's be perfectly honest, she'll put out without a qualm." I muttered to a squirrel that sat watching me curiously. I looked around and realized how late it had finally gotten. "Yikes. If I don't get home, Vicky won't take me shopping for my costume tomorrow!" I yelped and ran almost the whole way home.

A/N: There's only gonna be two more chapters. I hope that y'all enjoyed this! Jaa ne! Blood Everlasting/Lady Crysania