This is very short. If you would please read my last paragraph to you guys.

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It took a long time before the comments finally stopped. I still get a few every once in a while but that didn't bother me as much. I went to visit Seifer's grave almost everyday. I felt I owed him that. Squall and Selphie alternate taking me there. I think it makes Squall uncomfortable but he won't talk about it. He said he's afraid of making me mad. No matter how many times I tell him it wont, he just doesn't budge. Oh well. Selphie said he'd probably eventually tell me.

My birthday's been by recently. Selphie threw me a big party. She even had people from the Garden Festival Committee play my mom's song for me. I was wondering why she wanted me to hum it for her. I have to admit they did a really good job for going by my terrible humming. Dr. Christenson was there too. That was one of the best days ever because Squall officially made me his girlfriend. I make it sound like he gave me a membership card or something. I didn't get that but I DID get his ring. It's on my necklace with my mom's ring. I got something in the mail from my dad too. It was some piano pieces she'd written and a photograph of her holding me when I was a baby. Call me pathetic but I felt like crying when I saw that. Getting the package made me wonder if he regretted what he did to us. Part of me forgave him and part of me didn't. Selphie told me I looked like my mom.

At my party, Selphie announced to everyone that her and Irvine were getting serious. They were going to get married. Quistis must've thought the same thing as me because she said, "Well that's great but you guys are only seventeen-eighteen. Problems could arise."

"Don't worry," Selphie said. "We're going to wait a while- and don't say 'That could cause a problem too' 'cause I don't care. I know you're trying to be helpful and I'm not trying to be mean about it but... I don't know."

"It's okay. I understand. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad. I'm happy for you though, really." I was too but kind of worried something bad would happen. Eventually I'd be proven wrong. Which is a good thing.

Anyway, Quistis and Zell's "relationship" became more obvious to us but no one else. Maybe that's because we were the only ones suspicious. I don't know. Selphie bugged Quistis 'til she finally admitted it. We laughed and told her it wasn't a big deal, although, we couldn't help throwing out a few comments. She made some back at us too. We had fun just teasing each other. I still see Dr. Christenson once a week. We decided I'd go for a few more months before going on my own. She said I improved a lot. I make little scars on my arms when I get overstressed but that doesn't happen very much. I miss Seifer, I really do. I say it all the time but I wish I could undo all that. I still have a place for him but I'm in love with Squall. He's way to good to me, more than I deserve. I think things are going to get better.

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I know that was short but it was the end. Did I do okay? Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read this. I had a few inspirations I'd like to share that brought on this story: The Good Patient by Kristin Waterfield Duisberg, The River Road by Karen Osborn, and finally a story right from , Reign of Shadows by Dark Raion. Thanks again everyone, this is the only story I'm really proud of. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  If anyone is interested, I'm working on another Final Fantasy 8 story and a Silent Hill 2 story while I go on a short weeks vacation. Just had to add that just incase. You're all wonderful, thanks again. This story would be nothing without you.