Warning: Mush! Mush! Mush! On with the huskies! Or…just romantic resolutions…

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Ever After

It took almost a month before Adrian and I returned to Delran after the wedding; we were held back by all sorts of official documentation and ceremonies that had to take place. Finally, however, we were waving farewell to my family from the deck of ship, holding on tightly to one another.

The voyage went as many of my other travels by sea had gone in most ways; I was sick for the majority of the journey, hurling the entire contents of my stomach into the open ocean day after day. It was different in one, notable way though; I had Adrian with me to keep me company and to hold my head as I said my goodbyes to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I was so delighted to set foot in the Delrina port that I kissed Adrian right in front of the entire crowd of people waiting to greet us. They cheered us loudly as we pulled apart and staggered down the gangplank, losing our sea-legs in the process.

"Good people!" Adrian cried into the crowd, waving happily at the smiling faces. "I present to you today your new Queen, Elensar Theylell of Delran!"

The grin that split my face at the sound of my new name and title could have outshone the sun; the roar that reached my ears rivaled thunder. "Hello!" I addressed them, eschewing all pretenses of formalities. I had, after all, spent several days with them, lounging in the stocks, running away and whatnot. The quiet drifted over the assemblage slowly, like fog settling down. I waited until they were quiet so that I could speak without screaming myself hoarse after the first five words.

"I used to think," I began slowly, "That I would fall in love with some shining young prince who would sweep me away on a white stallion. I realized," I continued, looking adoringly at Adrian, "As I grew older, of course, that I didn't want one of those fops, I wanted someone who really could whisk me away. I found him, or rather," I slung my arm around my husband's shoulder, "he found me and captured me right away." I heard a few chuckles ripple across the still silence. "I love him, though, and he's caught me just as tightly. I'm proud to be Delrina now. Really." My impromptu speech trailed off into an awkward silence.

Thankfully, someone in the audience started to clap, and soon my thunderous welcome was back again. I grinned in relief and Adrian kissed my forehead lightly, his lips curved with suppressed mirth. "Wonderful words, darling."

"Thank you," I replied drolly, taking his hand as we walked into the mass of people. They closed in on us, surrounding us in friendly waves of admiration and well wishes. We waved and smiled as the path opened before us; the people who were closest reached out to touch us.

It was a new experience, being admired so, at least for me. By the ease with which Adrian comported himself, I guessed that he was used to it. The rest of the day seemed to swirl with myriad faces, greetings and cheerful well-wishes. It made me dizzy to think of it all; when I fell asleep that night, tangled in the silky sheets of Adrian's great bed, I dreamed not at all.

I stepped across the worn marble of the great hall, watching nothing but my destination. There was a shrine that had been set up, a great wicker leviathan wreathed in flowers and strung with jewels. Lord Raven waited for me there, waiting to bring one last duty upon my head.

It was almost two weeks since we had returned to Delran and the coronation was finally taking place. Anyone who was anyone of the Delrina nobility was there, and they were all watching me.

They were all watching me not trip over my dress.

I bit my lip in concentration, hoping desperately that whatever angelic beings that guarded me were watching me now and making sure that the hem of that damn dress did not befoul my steps.

The entire way to the woven alcove, I cursed the tailors who had designed this dress. They had made the skirt so full and so…swishy that whenever I took a step, the entire confection would swing dangerously back and forth like a pendulum between my ankles.

It had already tripped me up once, the first time I had tried it on. I had been in great danger of reacquainting myself with the wall, and subsequently unconsciousness, until Adrian had caught me in his arms, laughing the entire time.

I shoved that memory out of my head, suppressing a smile, ironic smile. It would not do to appear happy at a ceremony of such dignity. I had to be…stoic. Statuesque. I giggled slightly; I couldn't imagine myself as a statue. I'd be far too pale.

Suddenly, I repressed the giggle into a serene smile as I recalled where I was and what I was doing.

I stepped further, bringing each foot down on the floor with a definite thud. Step, step, step; thud, thud, thud.

Finally, I reached the imposing structure. I knelt slowly, being careful to let my full skirt fan out dramatically behind me.

"My wife, my love, will you consent to be my Queen?" Adrian spoke so that his words reverberated throughout the cavernous room.

"I will, with all my heart." My words were softer, but still they seemed to carry to the farthest corners.

"Then rise, and accept your place at my side." I felt the delicate diadem touch down lightly on my hair, lowered by Lord Raven's steady hands, and as soon as it was secure, I stood.

"My friends, councilors and people," Adrian greeted the aristocracy with a great sweep of his arm, "I present to you your Queen. Love her, for she is as much Delran's as she is mine." My husband slid one hand gently around my waist, pulling me flush to him. "Smile now," He instructed.

Lord Raven acknowledged me with a bow, and the aristocratic audience did the same.

My face, which had been frozen in a rictus of solemnity, glowed with a sunny smile that easily shattered the icy mask. Polite applause greeted my grin, but I didn't care; there could have been thousands cheering me or just one, so long as Adrian was by my side.

It was done, then, finished in a matter of minutes; the nobles dispersed to prepare for that night's celebrations, leaving Adrian and me alone but for our guards.

"I can't believe this," I giggled, touching the crown upon my head tentatively.

His hand caught mine and he kissed the palm tenderly in an extravagant gesture of affection. "Believe it, Elensar! You're my Queen now."

"Ah, but you're my King," I retorted, pulling him to me with one quick tug. "You've got to listen to me now," I told him seriously. "We've equal right in this kingdom, understand, Adrian?"

He chuckled. "Of course, dearling. But so long as I can do this," He paused to sweep me off my feet, "I appear to have the advantage."

I heard a muffled groan from the direction of a conveniently placed plant. "Guardsmen do not comment on the doings to the Royal Couple," I informed the shrubbery pointedly. "Vegetation should be advised to follow the same rules," I added as an afterthought; perhaps the poor man thought he hadn't been noticed…

"Elensar, you really shouldn't pay attention to them," Adrian told me, capturing my lips with his for a brief moment. "Just pay attention to…" He trailed off to trail kisses across my jawbone.

"To what?" I asked coyly, making use of his occupied status to twist around and wrap my arms around his neck. "Pay attention to y-!"

As soon as we separated, I gasped, "It's not nice to interrupt-!" He did it again, despite the mock offense I took at his actions, pressing his mouth aggressively on mine. This time, I did not try to shorten the kiss at all; I happily kissed him right back.

This time, several different bouts of coughing and other not-so-subtle noises interrupted us.

"Fine.." I declared. "We'll go some place else."

"Somewhere…private." Adrian murmured throatily in my ear, setting me on my own two feet once more.

I agreed whole heartedly.

I opened my eyes, only to be greeted with the glaring morning sun. "Good morning, beautiful," Adrian whispered, greeting me.

I mumbled incoherently and rolled over, snuggling into the warm curve of him in the process.

"No, dear-heart, you've got to wake up."

"Don't want to."

"It's morning, Elensar…late morning." The loving touch of his fingertips brushed my cheek.

"What're you doing still in bed, then?" I grumbled, "You could at least get up and do your kingly duty and all…"

Warm lips brushed my neck. "Come on, love, we both have things to do." The mattress heaved as Adrian rolled over and got up. "Wake up, Elensar." I heard his footsteps cross the floor and the swish of his robe as he slung it around his shoulders.

Another rocking of the mattress and I rolled over, grinning. "Fine, fine I'll- Alasdair!" My eyes flew open as I realized what I was wearing, or rather, wasn't wearing. I squeaked and wrapped the sheet tightly around me. "Alasdair, you know not to surprise me like that!"

"But…but…" His four-year-old eyes blurred with tears. "Mama?" He begged pitifully, holding his arms out to me.

"Oh, come here sweetie." I reached across the huge bed and pulled my son into my lap. "Mama loves you, don't you fret." I hummed tunelessly as I bounced him up and down until he giggled with delight. I deliberately ignored the bemused glance that Adrian shot our way.

"Mama?" Alasdair's blonde hair fell in front of his eyes, and I pushed it back behind his ear.

"Yes, Alasdair?"

His brown eyes were troubled. "You love me?"

I hugged him tightly, making sure to keep the sheet firmly in place. "Of course I do, baby, of course I do." I kissed his soft baby hair lightly, feeling the strands shift with my breath.

"'Kay," he mumbled, satisfied.

The bed sank as Adrian returned, dressed in his informal attire. He kissed my cheek and then Alasdair's. "Are you going to be good today?" He asked the boy.

"Yes, Papa." Alasdair nodded seriously, too seriously in my opinion. Even though he was only four, he had his moments of what seemed to be extreme age. "I'll be good for Mama. 'M a Prince, I hafta be good," he lisped with the awkwardness of children but with the clarity of an adult.

"That's my son, Prince Alasdair," Adrian nodded proudly, wrapping his arms around the two of us.

"And he's my son too," I added quietly, "My little Alas." I sank into Adrian's arms, cradling my dear little boy gently in my arms.

"My Mama," He declared, wriggling deeper into my lap and curling up there. "My Papa," he continued, looking up at us with his innocent eyes.

My life, I thought happily, my family.

My happily ever after.

Author's Note: Awwwwww! tear How cute is that? It was a good story…much fun to write, I must admit. Thanks for sticking with me all the way through this! It was quite an adventure! Well, before I get too sentimental, I just want to tell you, 'the end'! Also, I'm sorry that this didn't come sooner…I just didn't want to end it! I like it too much…:oD I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it was all mushy and fluffy and short…I like it. Part of the reason it took so long was that I wanted it to be just right…I forced a lot of my friends into helping me with that…so you can thank them if you like it! Or…blame them if you don't. :oP

But now…cries it's over! I'm so sad…and yet so happy…I better get on with thanking all my superb reviewers! Your words mean a lot to me, really. I mean it! I heart everyone of you. And like, omg…almost 400 reviews! Runs around in crazy circles of delight

Hello I love you…

Athena Diagon Cat: Thank you! I was so worried that the wedding part sounded stupid…but I guess not! Yay!

HolmesIsMyHomie :)

Lilred-07: I'm glad you liked this so much that you'll read it again (cause that'd be a lot of reading…:) and I'm so happy that you thought the last chapter was perfect…

ElvisLivesAgain Aww, look! They do have a kid!

GlitterPoison I totally took Mexican food back with me…yum! It's just not as good up north…glad you liked the chapter!

Sai-Chan: I feel special! And I totally agree with you, sarcasm is much fun. I wish I could use it so effectively in real life…hah.

Truelove and Truelove: Fantabulous, eh? Thanks!

Jenny UsPplz: Well…you know how secrets are…you tell one person and no one will ever trust you with a secret ever again? That's part of the reason why it's such a big deal to tell…also, it's family thing, I guess. I hope you like it anyway!

Kirstie Yay! You enjoyed my story- and you thought it was written well! Double yay!

Scoutcraft Piratess: Romance…:sigh: I'm such a romantic…and you updated your story! cheer

Glaze: That last chapter was long…you think it took you forever to read…it took me forever to write! But I think it turned out well in the end…:)

Archer: Ah! Compliments! Thank you much! I hopefully will get it published…someday

Eleatie Ah…the happily ever after. My favorite ending in the whole entire world…it just gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside…:P

CerriHahaha wedding night…like I could write something like that! This is only rated…er…T? (I don't remember…lol) But yes, obviously a wedding night did occur cause…aww! Look! A little kiddie:oP

Lola: Yum…cake! Well, thanks for the compliments and review! I really appreciate them! I hope this chapter lived up to your expectations.

Oceangurl24: Thank you very much for reviewing when you did! I was all set to get lost in my summer assignments and then you reminded me that I had an ending to write! Thank you so much…both for the review and the reminder!

So, that's all folks, but be sure to look for something new! I'm contemplating a retelling of the tale 'Catskin' and I've got a one-shot Cinderella coming soon…thank you very much for reviewing! If you have any questions that you'd like answered, you can always email me at or IM me at my AIM s/n griensleeves!

Once again…thanks for reading this! It's finally done…now for something completely different…or maybe not. Who knows?