I Wish I Was the Rain

Chapter Ten

By Lemony Apple
Three months later and it was Christmas. It was amazing how much time flew after that day. It was like I fastened the clocks to go double fast.

I had just finished getting the mail from the post box and I threw them on the counter. Craig walked by me and said, "Hey, Emma, I forgot to tell you."

I smiled and asked what he forgot. "Joey and Caitlin invited us to come over for Christmas. I said yes." He looked sheepish. "I hope you didn't make other plans for us."

"No." I said, pinching his arm. "But you got lucky. Mom would have wanted us to come over if she wasn't vacationing with Snake in LA."

"Ah! Okay! Okay, Uncle!" He moved away from my grip, yelling. I laughed and chased after him.

Christmas Eve approached soon after, and Craig and I helped decorate the tree at Liberty and JT's. JT had just finished stringing up the lights on the tree, Liberty and I were hanging up all the ornaments, and Craig, on the other hand, was trying desperately not to knock over the entire tree by putting the angel on the top. "Careful!" Liberty and I said at the same time, after Craig almost tipped the tree over for the third time.

"I know, I know. Don't bite my head off." Craig mumbled. I smiled, Liberty grimaced, and JT gave a sharp 'hah!'

"Look, I got the lights! Step back, Craig, I'll turn them on now." Craig climbed down the ladder and stepped back so we were standing next to each other. JT plugged in the lights, and the tree lit up.

Everyone gasped. "Oh it's lovely, JT!" Liberty said, and kissed him. Craig just put his arm around me.

JT boasted on how he thought he would NEVER get the lights up, but be sheer determination he succeeded. We all exchanged smiles on this while JT wasn't looking. Craig even made the insane sign.

"I saw that!" JT yelled at Craig. The man I loved just stuck out his tongue. I shook my head and headed into the kitchen with Liberty. The men were fighting good naturedly outside.

I was shuffling through Craig's sock drawer, tidying up (really!) when I noticed a blue velvet box. Looking around to make sure Craig wasn't around, I opened it. Really, I had moved in three months ago, so what was he hiding that he thought I couldn't find? Really!

It was a diamond ring. I gasped, smiled, and closed the box quickly, placing it back in the sock drawer.

"Emma," Craig whispered in my ear when we were at Joey's. "Come upstairs to my room for a minute." I nodded yes, thinking 'SCORE!' He led me up to his room.

He opened the door and pulled me inside. "No girl's been inside my room before. Well, if you don't count Angie and Caitlin." I smiled. His room was plastered with every kind of band picture that was ever imagined. There was Mest, the Strokes, the Byrds, Nightwish some were even autographed.

"Uh, I've never done this before" he cleared his throat and I looked at him. "But I love you Emma. Will you marry me?" He pulled out the velvet box that I had found in the sock drawer. He opened it, and there was the ring I had found in the sock drawer.

I had prepared for this moment. But I only said one word, "Yes."

He hugged me, and twirled me around the room, repeating "Yes!" over and over. Finally he grabbed Baby, which he had probably put on the desk earlier, and took a picture of the memorable moment.

And that's when I realized that our relationship was really all because of Baby. When I think about it now, in the present, it really is obvious. We drew so close because of the modeling sessions. So our love developed like a photograph, through a camera.

So when Craig took the picture, I had a whole new respect for the art of photography.

The end.


cries Oh, touching! The end of my baby! ï