The characters from Dead or Alive belong to Team Ninja. all others are mine. This story is an unauthorised work done purely for my personal enjoyment, and is not intended to infringe on any of their rights in or their profits from these characters. But this story is copy write to me.

Comments, especially (constructive) criticism, always welcomed. Please e-mail me descriptive text

Got that lovin' feelin' - part 6

Kasumi : For the next date, Lisa -

:Leifang : Ooh wait. Just think! We've had an all-man date, so there has to be an all-woman date, hasn't there?

Kasumi :Yes Lei, there has. And who knows, your name hasn't been drawn yet.

Leifang : I know!

she claps her hands excitedly. Everyone else rolls their eyes.

Lisa :Come on, enough anticipation. Who'm I dating?

Kasumi : You're dating ... Christie.

Everyone goes a bit bug-eyed at that idea. Christie on a date? Even though it had to happen eventually, the idea is still one the others find hard to picture. The platinum-blonde assassin looks at everyone with a cool expression.

Christie : Is there a problem?

Everyone else looking respectful - or scared : No, Ma'am.

Christie : Good.

Lisa : Just remember, I get to pick the club. Now, go and get changed, sister!

Everyone else thinks the same thing - 'Sister?'

Zack : It's a funky chick thing, ya know? Or is that funky chicken - nah, that was a novelty song in Britain, right?

Lisa slaps him round the face - hard.

Lisa : Dammit Zack, kindly shut your inane vocal dribbling for a few seconds, will you?

Christie : Allow me.

She produces a knife from her boot, and hands it to Lisa.

Christie : Go ahead. Trust me, it'll make you the most popular person here ...

Lisa : Hmm ...

Zack : SIS? You ain't serious, right? I mean, you're just jerkin' my chain, yeah?

His sister looks thoughtful as she handles the knife and he sweats buckets. The rest of the contestants smirk, snigger or laugh - apart from Ayane who just shouts for Lisa to get on with it.

Lisa : Trust me Zack, I'm going to give it careful consideration if you make any more such comments.

Ayane (muttering) : Wimp. Guess I'll have to do it later ...

Zack (shouting at Ayane) : Damned assassins! You really are shits, ain't ya?

He promptly gets kicked, punched and hit with chairs by Ayane, Kasumi, Hayate, Ryu, Bayman and Christie, whilst Lisa looks on approvingly.

Lisa : Well, that shut him up for a while, anyway. Now, time to get ready, okay?

Christie : Indeed.


Two women walking along the road together shouldn't be getting this much attention, but given what they're wearing .. Lisa is in a tiny little red number, whose colour sets off her dark skin perfectly, and matching high heels emphasizing long legs. Gold earrings and necklace complete the ensemble. Christie, to the surprise of the other competitors, had put on a knee-length white dress, close-fitting in all the right places, platinum jewelry and white high heels. Together, they're a very striking couple indeed.

Lisa : This is the place. Listen to that sax! Jazz, mmmm!

Christie : Yes, he sounds like a skilled saxophone player. And it has a good beat to it. Shall we?

Lisa : That's why I brought you here, sister! Let's go!

With a toss of their hair, the two women stride into the club. Inside, it is, of course, smoky and dark - hey, this is a Jazz club, how else is it going to be? The eyes of most of the men in the club quickly fix on the two beautiful women who've just entered, and both smirk inwardly at the reaction they're getting. They look around for a spare table, spot one not too far from the dais where the jazz band are pouring their souls into the music, and without even looking at one another head for it immediately. They seat themselves at the table, and it's noticeable that Christie sits so as to have a good view of the club and the doorway.

Lisa : Expecting trouble?

Christie : I'm always expecting trouble. It goes with the job.

Lisa : Tough job. You want a drink?

Somewhat to Lisa's surprise, Christie turns out to be a very good dancer indeed - and adept at dealing with the attention of some of the more undesirable specimens of manhood present in the club. One look into her icy gaze and lecherous drunks seem to run a mile. Must be an assassin thing ...

Not that Lisa's a slouch on the dance floor - long legs and an athletic body make sure of that. After a hour on the floor, they head for their table, clutching new drinks.

Lisa : Damn, you're good! You surprise me, all things considered.

Christie : You mean that an assassin isn't to be expected to dance well?

Lisa (looking slightly nervous) : Uh, well, no actually.

Christie : Well, we are often adept at social skills in order to allow us to blend into certain situations. I have to admit, you're a very good dancer yourself. I have to admit to feelings of surprise, as your brother dances like an uncoordinated epileptic ...

Lisa snorts with surprise and spills much of her drink. She stares at Christie for a second, then starts giggling.

Lisa : Yeah, my brother can be a bit ... well, clueless is a kind way of putting it. His ego is the size of Jupiter, he's oblivious to other people's opinions or feelings, and he's just basically so overbearing and LOUD, dammit!

Christie : No love lost, I take it?

Lisa just sighs and puts her head in her hands.

Despite having to explain more than once that, no, they're not lesbians on a date, and that no, they're not high-price 'ladies of the night' - which Christie explains with the aid of a stiletto to the testicles - they enjoy an evening of good music in a warm, friendly atmosphere. They even stay after the agreed time limit has expired, simply enjoying the ambiance. Eventually it gets to closing time - very late in the evening. The two women get up to leave.

Lisa : Well, that was an enjoyable evening, I feel.

Christie : Indeed. It's good to have some time to relax, even if you're an assassin.

She scans the dwindling crowd as they prepare to leave, and her eyes widen as she catches sight of two young women still sitting at a table in the corner. The beautiful blonde in the black miniskirt and red top ignores them, as the smaller Japanese girl in shirt and shorts looks at them calmly. Eyes widening, Christie tilts her head in acknowledgment, as to a peer, and turns to leave.

Lisa : Who are they?

Christie : Oh, just ... acquaintances. Come one, time to head for the hotel.


The two women take a taxi back to the hotel, and share the cost. Getting out, they both stretch, smiling.

Lisa : not a romantic date, but an enjoyable one, yes?

Christie : Yes indeed. I think that went well

The two women walk inside, and head for their beds.


Going back in time once more, we see who the next date will be.

Kasumi : For the next date, Ryu -

Ayane grins in anticipation, as Kasumi glares daggers at her. Hayate nudges Ryu in the ribs with a smirk. Ryu ignores him.

Kasumi still glaring : ... will be dating ... errr ...


Well, an interesting date for Lisa. I have to admit, not overly funny, but I just couldn't come up with anything for this combination - one of the hazards of doing it randomly, I guess.

Next, who will Ryu be spending time with? And yes, I HAVE found out who he's going with, and it could be fun!

And for those who didn't get the reference, the two women at the end were Mireille Bouquet and Kirika Yuumura from the anime series NOIR - the two best assassins in the world ...