Disclaimer: I think I own Fruits Basket, I mean I own the whole series, but maybe that's not what they mean.

Ahhhhhh its sooooooo hot! I feel like I'm melting in my own sweat…. So that inspired me to make this little story, but I'm really only beginning my fan fic writings so don't expect too much. I hoped in this story it would reveal that even if Yuki and Kyo were rivals that they still could enjoy each other's company. The point at the very end is that Tohru is the main reason they understand each other and tend to put up with each other. Also I decided not to use their names because I didn't think the story really needed names, it made it more unfocused on the characters but the meaning of the fight and the laughter. So hope you enjoy it.

One Hot Summer Day

It was a hot summer day, where even the birds couldn't cry out with glee, they just sat in their trees, burning. Inside the Sohma house there stood two boys glaring at each other, one with orange hair and crimson eyes, the other with silver hair and deep purple eyes. They were both soaked in sweat, and you could see the water drip on the other's face. Both were boiling inside.

"That glass is MINE!" The orange haired boy roared. Implying to a glass of ice in the middle of a table, some of the ice had already melted, but to the soaked boys any cold water looked good to them.

"I don't see your name on it," the silver haired boy hissed back.

"Well, it don't matter whether it's there or not!" Orange top hollered, "Because I saw it first!"

"You're not getting it, stupid cat," the silver boy replied going over to the table to take the prize, but the orange headed boy stepped in his way.

"It ain't yours damn rat!" he hollered back, raising his fists ready to fight, "if you want it then fight you coward."

"Lose then," he replied in a flash as he attacked, but the orange haired boy blocked with his arm, aiming a kick at the boy. Yet for all his effort the orange haired boy only got thrown to the ground, but was up in the blinks of an eye attacking the silver haired boy again. He was swift and fast as he attacked but the silver haired boy even quicker blocking every single punch and kick towards him.

"Let's end this!" Orange top hissed, making one final attack, but the silver haired boy had planned to prevent his blow with his own assault.

"Hello?" Cried a sweet, innocent voice near the door, and as the two boys looked they saw a girl with long brown hair coming inside with two bags of ice in her hands. Her eyes were closed and she had a huge smile on her face that forced who ever looked upon it to smile back. Their faces once grave and ready to strike went to complete shock until SMACK!

Two boys lay on the ground in the Sohma house, flabbergasted. They had punched each other with their attacks at the same time, a cross attack. The boys just lay there feeling the pain swell up in their faces, astounded for many reasons.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The girl repeated over again, trying to hide the giggles that escaped her lips, but the giggles turned into full out laughter. She stood there in the door way of the house laughing, holding the very item they fought over on this blazing hot day. They wondered and wondered why in the world she was laughing till they too understood. Soon there was a whole chorus of laughter coming from the Sohma house. Making the birds' even chirp with laughter, on this hot summer day.

Well it's done! So what did you think? Please any comment is acceptable! So REVEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!