Hockey isn't my life. I know that. I know that I'm not going to make it big. I will never be in the NHL. On the other hand I will be a daddy.

The First time Connie told me I was kind of shocked, We were sophomores in college. Engaged for three months. I was ready. Oh boy was I ready. Honastly I always wanted to be a daddy. Not a dad or a father, and especially not a Pop. Ever since I was little I imagined playing sports with a little kid, worrying about them when they went on a date. The hassles me and Connie would put up with. It was all so great to me.

My dad was never really around, he traveled a lot for business, and pleasure. I probably have four or five half siblings I've never met. But even when he was home he spent most of his time asleep or with my mom. My mom was both parents to me. She would try and come to my games and would always go to school things.

But I want my kid to have both parents. I want them to be able to walk between me and Connie on the street and swing our hands.

I don't care what the gender is. But I do want to be a daddy.