Disclaimer: No I do not own any of Inuyasha characters. Duh!

Sleeping Beauty


"Sesshoumaru I ask you again, can you not allow your heart to love me"

The wind blew against the miko as her long black hair swept across her face. Her body weak and her eyes imploring, she looked to the creature standing only a few feet before her. Behind the cage stood a tall beautiful demon with amber eyes, soft but delicate full lips, pale skin with long silver hair accentuated by the white robe and armor he wore.

Her eyes glazing with sorrow looked to the beauty caged behind the bars, shinning brightly like a diamond and cutting her heart like a stone. He only returned her longing stare with piercing hatred and hissed coldly.

"Hmph. I hold nothing but contempt for your race. But I find you most disgusting - with your so called passions for me and to expect me to return these pitiful feelings that you feel. Do not seek for that which is above your station and beyond the comprehension of your weak race."

Sesshoumaru's icy gold discs turned into wildfire. He wanted to snap this miko's head off. She was pitiful and weak. Bothering him at every turn with her stupid professions.

And now she had him in a bind, some kind of subjugation spell that forced him inside the cage.
It of course angered him beyond words and being the silent brooding type, he glared. Eyes turning redder and larger as he began to feel the surge of his powers awakening within his human form.

The miko shot an arrow at him, an arrow full of souls and the power of purity to disburse his youki. His transformation broken, he shot back with an icy glare at the miko standing before him.

Tears fell from her eyes.

"I loved you."

Closing her eyes, she began to chant words that no human had spoken before her and that no demon had the unfortunate circumstance to hear.

A soul spell.

As sudden as the words "I loved you" fell from the miko's lips, leaving the stoic Sesshoumaru gagging inside the pit of his stomach, he was suddenly surrounded by a whirl of misty fog. It encircled him and wrapped around his body. He growled loudly in anger as the mist slowly seeped into his skin. Turning his head away from his body he looked at the miko for explanation.

"I had offered you my, everything. My body. My love. But you refused them all with disdain. Hear me now Sesshoumaru. I offer my soul to the gods in exchange to bind your greater youkai powers. I curse you. For a 1000 years you will be forced to wonder the Earth until you find the girl with the power to awaken your greater youki. The only marking of the proof of your demon blood, which now rests on your forehead, the crescent moon, will let you know of the girls presence."

Blood dripped from the corners of her mouth flowing down to her chin and landing on the sleeves of her white kimono. The red droplets pooled around her white dress mixing with her salty tears that overflowed from her black eyes, slowly emptying of its glimmer as life drifted from her.

She struggled with her voice as the vast darkness crept inside her.

"You will feel...my sorrow...and know the meaning of regret. The girl to be born is born from the souls of a 1000 mikos' before her... she is pure...you will regain your full power only if you can mark her." She coughed, blood splattering all over her dress as she slowly fell to the side of the ground.

Her eyes full of regret held the being of her heart for the last time. The demon only stared as his face distorted full of hate for her. "If you had..only...loved me..."

'But you will come to understand...and know the love I had for you...and...pain..' and with these last thoughts she slept.

Her eyelids slowly closed over the lifeless pupils, and the creature before her was left standing in seething anger as the chance to shred her into a million pieces were all but taken away by her death. (There's no fun in killing that which can't feel pain)

Hi, this is my second fanfic. My other Sess/Rin story, Moon and Sun is starting off very very slowly...and it's more serious and dark. So I needed something to keep me lighthearted and laughing. So I thought of this story. I have great ideas for this story. So Read and Review. If I get enough reviews I will make the next chapter extra long for all you die heard sess/rin fans. :)