Part One: The Angel
First Assignment

Where am I? What happened? What's this light?

I slowly opened my eyes to be blinded by an intense, white light. I moved my head slightly to see my arms chained up above my head. I tried to wriggle my body, but it was also chained.

Then I heard footsteps coming slowly towards me. I would recognize those boots from anywhere. They were Squall's. He was coming to save me. I was so happy.

"Hello, my angel. It's a shame you have to leave us like this. But your kind deserves this. You may hate me, but I only did it for the good of mankind." Squall touched her cheek with his fingers, but they were so cold.

" fucker." I said groggily.

Squall chuckled slightly. My eyes widened when I felt something inside me. Some foreign force inside my body. Were they hands? Something had forced itself into my back and I screamed out. It was searching for something. Something inside of me. I began to cry from the invasion. The hands began to slowly remove themselves, taking a part of me with it. I cried, as I felt so empty after that. My body went cold and limp.

My name is Rinoa Heartily. Or at least, that's what it used to be. I was seventeen back then. I was so young and so oblivious to the world and to SeeD. I was young and didn't have a care in the world. My father was rich so I had everything going the way I wanted it to.

Except when I saw Timber that one day. My father, General Caraway, had taken me to the small town for a briefing. In that town I saw citizens cowering in fear of my dad and his guards. The Galbadian Army was nothing but a tool to induce fear into people's hearts. As I got older, that image still stuck in my head, and I formed the Forest Owls. It was a resistance group to fight off the rule of President Deiling. It was mostly successful, but we had no muscle.

That's when I hired SeeD from Garden. Well, back then they were with Garden, but now…well. But anyways, SeeD came to help out. Zell Dincht, Selphie Timilt, and Squall Leonheart, new graduates, met me. I was disappointed that I was stuck with a bunch of new SeeDs, but I didn't have that much money then and had to go with whatever they gave me. They aided me by kidnapping the president. I wanted to negotiate with the president. However, I soon learned that they weren't just a mercenary force. They were an assassination force. They're objectives had been to kill the president. But luckily he had been a dummy. Eventually, we were caught and we had to run. I was soon thrown into the world of SeeD. I met with Quistis Trepe and Irvine Kenneas, other SeeDs who were joining us to assassinate Edea Kramer, a sorceress who had overthrown the president. This is where my first mission started.

Even though I wasn't an official SeeD, I was excited to actually be a part of the mission. Even though my father tried to interfere, I stuck with the mission and tried to assassinate the sorceress myself. But that was a failure. Squall and Irvine had been there to save me. I was so happy to know that Squall had actually supported me. He didn't scold me, only helped me. That night, we waited upon the clock tower for the moment to assassinate the sorceress. Irvine was to kill her by sniper rifle. All three of us waited as Selphie, Zell, and Quisits were waiting to trap her inside the gates during her parade. Squall gave me a look that night. A look of love. I fell for him then, his charming attitude and solemn stature. That was the night I got my first weapon. He had bought me one at the mall that night. He gave it to me on the clock tower. A simple pinwheel that I could shoot with a wrist attachment. It was easy to handle, and deadly. The time had come, and Irvine had missed his mark. That's when the three of us charged to kill her by hand. But we were unsuccessful, and that was the end of my first mission.

We were sent to D-district prison for execution. My father had gotten me out, and only me out, but I went back in to be a part of their team. A place where I thought I belonged. We all escaped, barely, and Squall decided then that SeeDs were no longer associated with Garden.

Squall created his own SeeDs who consisted of himself, Selphie, Zell, Quistis, Irvine, and even me. Of course, my skills lacked, and I was given training from each of them. Computer skills from Selphie, martial arts from Zell, magic from Quistis, gunmanship from Irvine, and the art of the gunblade from Squall.

After a few more missions, I decided my pinwheel wasn't enough. I found a teacher named Fuujin. She taught me the art of throwing it myself instead of using the wrist attachment. Though it sported less power, I had more control, a wicked spin, and easy load. I became one of the deadliest assassins in the world along with my SeeD partners. We were doing great. I had everything. Money, happiness, and even love with Squall. But one day changed all that. The day I was betrayed by my fellow SeeDs. And I vow that I will get my revenge on each and everyone of them by murdering them. Especially the one who betrayed me the most. Because when I finally meet him, I am gonna kill Squall.