Athour's Note: This is my first ever story on this website. I'm sorry for any mistakes with formating, I am trying to get this all worked out. If you have any questions/comments please feel free to e-mail me or leave it in a review. Please do review, I need constructive critisism, no flames, they have no use. If you hate it tell me what you didn't like and how I can improve it. Thanks...

"You will linger on in darkness and in doubt as nightfall in winter that comes without a star" --Elrond, TT


I do not know how for how long I stood there in silence. All the implications of mortality had finally caught me and my very being rebelled against all thoughts of my own and what it might mean.

"My Lady?" The healer's voice was gentle as she softly touched my shoulder. My mind slammed back into my body with a feeling such as two oliphaunts running into each other at their highest speed. I became aware of everything as though my senses had been elevated to their highest level. I slowly became aware of a quiet tear making its way down my face. Why has he done this to me? My heart cried out in anguish. Could he not see what this would do to me? I silently turned and I walked out of the chamber.

Alone in the city I despaired. It seemed that all life, all joy had gone out of this place with Aragorn. The city walls confined me, and I felt as though I were chained; kept in a cage of cold stone. I took my leave of Eldarion and my daughters Celebarien, and Ithilaelin and I fled the city that would be my tomb as it was the tomb of my husband. My horse ran, covering much ground in that one day for he was of the Mearas, a gift from Rohan to the king. As much space as I could I put between myself and that city, but a horse cannot run forever. Eventually I stopped my horse and in the quiet dark of the stars and I let myself stray though my memories...

"Push my lady, push". I felt Ioreth's experienced hands on my swollen stomach. Sweat beaded on my forehead; my mother had told no lie when she said that Elven labour was just as hard as that of humans. All women must suffer the same burden of childbirth. A rough hand took mine and a cool damp cloth wiped my forehead. Aragorn's expression was one of pain and wonder. I had no time to respond, however, before the next contractions gripped my body.

"Push, lady, I can see the head. You must push!" Ioreth's voice was commanding. I gave everything that I had and I could hear Aragorn softly murmuring my name. One racking pain later and I felt the baby slither out between my legs. Ioreth gently picked it up, wiped it off and gave it to me, all without uttering a word, which was quite uncharacteristic. She simply smiled as she handed me my baby and left the room. I stared down into my son's beautiful face and was distantly aware of Aragorn's hand on my shoulder. The three of us stayed there in silence for a time until Aragorn broke it.

"Many battles have I fought in and many men have I seen slain. I have gone knowingly and willingly into danger, but never have I sat by, helpless as I was today, while one whom I love most suffered. I do wish that there had been something that I could have done to ease your pain."

"Ah, but there is naught for you to ease. What pain there was once is now but a distant memory. Your very presence was worth more to me than anything else you could have done. It is a woman's burden, childbirth, and I would have it no other way. Can you not say it was well worth it?" I asked, lifting my eyes from my son to my husband.

"Aye, that it is", Aragorn sighed, looking upon our baby with wonder and love. "What do you wish to name him now that he has arrived?"

"Eldarion I would name him, for he is of the stars."

"Eldarion I love and agree with. So shall it be. Tis a wondrous sight, that of one's firstborn." My eyes showed that I also shared that feeling. As we sat there in peaceful silence, Eldarion fell into a quiet sleep, nestled in my arms. And at that moment, with Aragorn lying beside me and our son held in my arms, I knew that this was the happiest that I had ever been.

....Rain brought me back to my present situation all too completely. Shivering slightly, I retreated under the canopy of the forest, where I huddled under a tree with nothing to ease my pain.