Hello everyone! Its me! Though.. None of you know me yet, because im new to this site. Umm... this is my newest story, and I hope you like it. Disclaimer- I do not own Gundam Wing, tho I wish I did. If you sue me, all you will get it a magazine. Sorry. .' Well, now that that's out of the way, onward! Oh yah, and I wanna say thanx to satanira for using a few of my more favorite lines in her stories. (I am her beta reader, and I give her good lines to use all the time, tho she rarely uses them.)

Chapter one- Saying Goodbye.

"Serena, wait up!" Hotaru yelled, weaving in and out of the crowd. "Wait up, dangit!" She cried, desperately trying not to lose sight of the blonde.
"Stop following me, Tomoe." Serena called coldly over her shoulder. "You aren't welcome in my life, or dimension, anymore." Hotaru gasped a bit, and grabbed the blonde's sleeve.
"You cant mean that, Serena." She pleaded, tears falling slowly down her face. "You, you're kidding, right?" Serena turned sharply and slapped Hotaru in the face. The smaller girl just stared up at her princess, her eyes wide with fear.
"I said you aren't welcome anymore. Sailor Pluto is going to send you away. You have until tomorrow night. Say your goodbyes. Oh, and Tomoe. Don't let anyone follow you, if they do, I'll kill them myself." The blonde said, walking away before Hotaru could process what she said. When she had figured it out, Hotaru sank to her knees, crying openly under the trees, oblivious to the crowd around her.
"But Serena-momma." She whispered. "You said we'd be together forever." Her hair falling in her face, Hotaru stared at the ground, wondering what she had done wrong. "You promised."
"Hotaru!" A voice called, and two pairs of feet splashed through the puddles towards her. "Hotaru, where were you?" Michiru asked, kneeling next to the crying girl. "Me and Haruka were worried about you." She said, hugging Hotaru to her. "Never run off like that again."
"I'm leaving." Hotaru choked out, pushing away from the aqua haired woman. "And I'm never coming back." She said, standing up.
"B-but why, Hotaru?" Haruka stammered, taking a hesitant step forward. "I thought you were happy here with us? We did everything you asked. Weren't we good parents!?" she demanded, confused as to why Hotaru wanted to leave.
"If you want to know, ask Serena. Im leaving, and I am going alone. If any of you follows, you will be killed." The Senshi of destruction said coldly, then hugged the two women and disappeared in a flash of purplish green light.

End Chapter One.

Immortal- Thank you all for reading the first chapter of Losing Grip, it really means a lot! RuRu- They love me! They really love me! Immortal- Shut up, RuRu. RuRu- Bite me! Immortal- Nah, dunno where you've been. Oh well. Hey, Review plz!!! Thanx much... rating will go up in future chapters,'