Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Summary: He had always gotten everything he wanted—until he met Kagome Higurashi, the untouchable betrothed of the Emperor.

Special Notes: So, this is the third chapter of TTHOM, and I think that it's coming along fine...since the plot is settling down nicely. Finals are done and over with, so I am now free to spend my time doing whatever I please.

Warning: Okay, this chapter is Rated R, because...well, just because, you have to read it. But if you are someone who is very disturbed with the four lettered swear word fk, or I guess seven letters if you add –ing to it, or...yeah. Then I advise you not to read the first part of it.

So, you've been warned, this chapter might be a little...what's the word for it...raw? Somewhat, so...if you're like ten years old, (for some odd reason you're reading Rated R material)...and you're still scared about cooties, and you find that sex is quite...gross, then you can skip the intro. Alrighty? Glad we've settled this part.

So, it's Rated R for crude language, semi-sexual situations (say that three times fast!) and...well, just not PG 13 material (at least for the first part, after that, it gets pretty calm).

Okay, if you've skipped the warning, I am so siccing my hamsters on you.

...And I'm not promising that they don't have some sort of lethal rabies in them. They do tend to get a bit violent with the sunflower seeds I give them.

This Treacherous Heart of Mine






Chapter 2-







That is the one thing that I cherish above all in being a man, a rather good-looking one I have been told.

Being a man had its priorities, if you were a married nobleman, you would be worrying on your position on court, then your family. If you were a free, single man of high status, you would be worrying on position in court, then women.

But my priorities are neither of the two.

I have always prided myself on self-control, knowing when to give in to my primal urges. I am not a mindless youkai beast that only sleeps with a woman for their own personal enjoyment, only caring about their own pleasure, never about their partner.

I was far more sophisticated than that. I always pleasure the woman before I go off to find my own release.

I never make love, have intercourse, or sex. I fuck.

Making love means that you care about the person. Having intercourse means that you are interacting with this person on a day-to-day basis, and sex means nothing. Fucking however, places a border around the temptations. Fucking means that both sides are willing to sleep with one another for a night, then be off to their own ways.

I have never fucked the same woman. Every night is a different one. That limits the chance of being attached, which is something I do not need.

It is simple attracting women, all I have to do is sit back with my cup of sake, and the women will flock to me like a gaggle of geese would to bread.

Each and every single one is beautiful, that I am proud to admit, never have I been graced with the presence of a woman even bordering unattractive.

Youkai bitches I accept with opened arms, human I can tolerate, but half- breeds.

Half-breeds are worthless. They are simple mistakes that their parents are shameful to admit to—or at least I would be ashamed to admit that I have fathered a half-breed.

Of course, I could never admit that right out loud—after all, the emperor of Japan is but a half-breed.

Youkai females are enjoyment to me, they match my stamina, can tolerate my strength, and they find pleasure in the hard, rough fucking sessions that I give. But they do not have what I like to find in humans, in human females, you can see every single emotion on their face when they find release. They are like an open book, open to the world to see, leaving them utterly vulnerable, making me feel utterly powerful.

Ask every single bitch that I have fucked, they would be hasty to tell you that I am a master lover. That I can help give them the pleasure that no other man could. I was never turned down. And when I say never, I mean never.

So that might explain why I was so surprised to find the one woman that would dare refuse me. And have yet to die by my claws.






Everyone has seduction in them, it is a matter of whether they knew how to use it.

Every woman knows that the gift of seduction is a gift from the Gods, and every woman knows that with along with beauty, there is the unmistakable gift of power beside it.

With beauty, naturally comes along men, and along with men, there is usually power, whether it is money, status, or both.

There are innocence amongst even the cruelest, most tainted of people. It is only buried deep inside of them, struggling to break free, yet the owner never allowing it.

Innocence is something he, Sesshoumaru respected, something that he thought was beautiful. In his many years of interacting with women, he had yet to come across one that is free of any corruption. One that is filled with the naivety of a young kitten.

So he saw the young woman—no girl, sitting on the stone bench, he was immediately reminded of the meek little kitten that his insufferable brother had managed to drown in the garden pond of their home.

She was sitting back as regal and straight as a young woman in court, but held the aura of innocence around her. Sesshoumaru half-expected her to look bland, boring. The typical women that sit there in court, doing nothing but look at a spot on the wall with their boring brown eyes and bleached pale skin covered in pasty powder with the bitter smell of rogue on their lips.

So that might have explained why he was so shocked when she turned around to see him.

Robed in heavy layers of red silk, her blue eyes contrasted heavily with the burgundy. A layer of black silky hair was tossed carelessly over her shoulder, a few strands framing her heart-shaped face as those blue orbs stared at him with unhidden curiosity.

Her face, he noticed with disapproval, was smothered in the white powder that he had learned to hate, and he could smell the tangy scent of the rogue that covered her lips. Yet, there was something so unmistakably beautiful, something innocent about her.

Sesshoumaru smiled inwardly as he stepped forward, he had finally found the innocence he was looking for.

The blue eyes looked up at him expectantly as he continued to step forward, "Good day my Lord. Can I help you?"

"I believe that you do not know this is...my part of the gardens?" He drawled lazily as he looked down for her reaction.

A blur of red fluff raced in front of the shocked girl, "I'm sorry Lord Sesshoumaru, and I forgot that it was this time of the day. We'll be leaving now."

The girl scrunched up her nose in a slight frown, "Excuse me, if I am not mistaken, these gardens belong to the Emperor?"

Sesshoumaru smirked down at her, his eyes heavily hooded, "Ah, but every one from the palace understands that...I do come here every day." He stopped, then added clearly, "Alone."

"Of course My Lord," the girl stressed mockingly, "I do not mean to interrupt your time at the gardens. Please forgive this lowly servant." Yet she did not make the initiative to move.

Eyes darkening, the inu-youkai lord-to-be stepped closer, "Forgiven, however...you are still in this garden as we speak."

Raising a finely arched brow, the girl brushed off her red sleeves, "Oh, but I am sure that My Lord will allow this lowly one to accompany you. After all, beauty should not be shared... alone."

Sesshoumaru pursed his lips as he managed to maintain his mask of indifference, "Oh? I am use to sharing beauty alone. Would you mind if I were to be left alone with my thoughts for the moment?"

Raising her lips in a small smile, the girl idly waved her hand around her, "Well, you may be left alone with your thoughts, I'll be over here with mine. Good day My Lord."

Without looking back at him, the girl turned around and looked forward while the young kitsune scurried to her side.

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes, he enjoyed fire in the women he graced his bed with, but for a girl such as the one in front of him to have such fire, and yet had the power to control it into fabricated politeness, he had yet to meet such a person.

"My Lord, is there something else you need?" She asked quietly as she turned her head to look at him over her shoulder.

"I meant. Alone," he snarled as his patience began to wear thin. An innocent aura does not mean that the insolent wench could play with him, Hidaka Sesshoumaru, future Lord Advisor of the Emperor, son of Hidaka Inutaisho, present advisor to the Emperor.

"Miss Kagome, let's go, please?" The little kitsune hissed frantically as he tugged on her kimono, mindful of his tiny claws catching on the delicate silk, "I'll show you around! I have something else to show you, I manage this other garden as well! It's really really pretty Miss Kagome, please?"

Ah, so this girl was Kagome, Sesshoumaru thought as he waited for the girl to reply.

"But Shippou-chan...I like it here."

The kitsune began gnawing on his lower lip with harmless fangs, "Please Miss Kagome? There is this really pretty flower I want you to see..."

Sesshoumaru watched amused as she puffed away a piece of hair that managed to escape the silken waterfall that flowed down her back, "I guess so Shippou-chan...if you really want me to see it..."

The kit nodded enthusiastically as she got up with the lady-like grace that all women of court were taught. She slowly brushed off her red clothing and turned around slowly, "Well My Lord, it has been a great pleasure meeting you. I will be on my way now. Good day."

Sesshoumaru nodded once before turning his back on her, once he was sure they left the gardens, he allowed a small smile to grace his features, apparently not all innocents are tame and refined.

And that made him, want her, this Kagome, even more.






"Naraku-sama, are you sure this is the one for you?"

Sipping his tea slowly, the Emperor of Japan turned slowly around to face his trusted advisor, "Why Lord Inutaisho! Am I not always certain about my decisions?"

Forcing a smile to show, the demon lord replied silently, "Of course My Lord, although...may I ask why?"

Lifting a corner of his mouth to show a smirk, the young ruler took another slow sip before answering, "You may. Have you not seen the power she holds in her body? The power that will bring my empire to its greatest. The power that shall only belong to me, and the power that shall only rule beside me."

Inutaisho pursed his lips, "My Lord, is it a safe decision to allow such power beside you?"

"Lord Inutaisho," Naraku drawled with deliberate slowness, "I will have you know, will it not be more dangerous to allow such power go into the hands of another? Having such power by my side will bring me. Me, the things I need. With her by my side, we can accomplish so much more, do you not agree Lord Inutaisho?"

"Of course My Lord," the dog demon whispered, "But are you not afraid that she will rebel against you?"

Naraku laughed dryly, "Why Lord Inutaisho, with all these questions...I might think that you are planning a rebellion as well..."

"Of course not Naraku-sama," the advisor was quick to answer.

"Might be as well, to your question. No, I am not a bit afraid of her rebelling, you should know by now Lord Inutaisho, that all my women, learn to be obedient at one point or another...and this one shall not be any different from the rest."

Inutaisho looked at the ruler silently, he could only hope, that this Higurashi Kagome had enough power to survive what her husband has in store for her.

And her powers.






A/N: It was kind of weird writing this chapter for some odd reason...does it sound odd? Cuz I think it does, also, another thing is...it's going to be like this from now on. A first POV from some character and then Third- person all the way afterwards. This time it was in Sesshoumaru's POV.

But all in all, I think that this chapter was okay, the last chapter was a bit too long for my tastes, and this part is mostly in Sesshoumaru's POV, except for the last part, that was between Inutaisho and Naraku.

About Kagome:

I think that Kagome wasn't...fiery enough in this chapter, but you have to remember, she can only talk in these little circles because women are supposedly inferior to men back then ::humph:: that is so what's the word for it...freak, I just got tested that on my finals too....whatever it is. But yeah, stick with me here, it's in the 1500s okay? It's not like they had women rights back then.

About Sesshoumaru:

Also, another thing is, if you think that Sesshoumaru is kind of OOC, you're a bit right, his character in here is that he's somewhat of a player...you know, the kind of guy who knows that he has power over women, that he's hot, and pretty much, a sex god. He's the type that knows that his seductive skills can get him anywhere he wants and...he relies on that a lot. He's almost bordering...ALMOST! bordering on a Daddy's rich little boy. Yeah. Suck it up, he's going to be like this, and I like it.

::clucks tongue:: I am very surprised at my ability to type the word fk in so little chapters in the beginning, and I am feeling oddly ashamed of myself. I mean...shouldn't I be learning words like osmosis instead? Whatever.

And I think that this will be the average length of the chapters for a while okay? It'll get longer as it goes.

Now, it's time for me to thank my wonderful reviewers:

JojoBlond: Thanks, and well, Naraku's the Emperor, not really a Lord, but yeah. And don't you just love Shippou? He's the most adorable thing on earth!

Guardian-of-the-night: Thanks too! I'm glad people enjoy my story =).

loverofangelus73069: Really? I was kind of unsure about the whole two prologues thing, but whatever. Anyway...yeah. He does, because I think that he looks kind of funny without the fluffy tail and all... it is a tail isn't it?

POEKOES!, Mirror Maiden, asthenic, sarmaru , Sarcasm Girl8, Ruby pearl, sesshylover16: Thanks you guys! I really do appreciate your compliments, and I will try to update quicker and quicker. I am now focusing on this fic and another one too. Love you all!

Deadly Tears: Well, I don't know about Kagome, but Sesshoumaru isn't in love. Let's say lust shall we? And about Kagome's whole first-love thing, we'll see next chapter. Thanks for reviewing!

Ayrith: I am really honored that you reviewed for me. ::hugs:: And I'm proud to bring more people into the chain of Sess/Kag's. They are truly a wonderful pair. But Inu/Kag also have that...originality in it. You know?

tigerjade: Yeah, he is OOC, but he has to be like that for this story, it just won't work out well if he's all stiff and growly. And yeah, I'm looking forward to writing about Naraku and Kagome...how I am will be another whole story though...poop, I can almost sense writer's block coming on...

Kwool-sesshou-fan: Thanks, these sorts of things inspire me to write more, more and more!

Defafaeth Mechqua: Thanks for reviewing and yeah, I am a fan!

Duke-of-Spades: Do you mean not fast enough as in the plot? Or updating? Haha, either way, I'll try to speed it up as fast as my Mizztrapped-meter will allow me alrighty?

silverstargazing: Thanks for reviewing, it's a Sess/Kag...and I don't really write Inu/Kags, although I do have one coming up...

dancing-by-moonlight: Aw, thanks...this is like, a compliment package, in all shapes and sizes! And I don't know, I've been getting that a lot, so like I said before, in one of my other stories, it's not a blurplish color.

Terra Mecca Solace: Thank you, and I feel better now that my topic-jumping is approved by someone, I tend to do that a lot. And I'm sure that everyone has their unique style of writing, so don't worry! =). Haha...I guess, but if I ever have the sudden urge to become a writer, then I guess I'll look back to these reviews and smile...or frown, whatever.

Lady Lydia: Yeah, the child died. ::sigh:: babies are just adorable, until they poop that is.

robin's-hope: Oh! I have another friend! Haha, you're going into my treasure box along with Barney and the Teletubbie's crew! Anyway, I am feeling very fuzzy from all these reviews and yeah, I know, if you told me to act all lady-like and shiet, it will be run away from home and live amongst the gypsies.

drow goddess: Haha, thanks, I'm not good at deciding whether it's a compliment or diss, so...don't mind me. Anyway, to make me and you feel better, I decided to do what I did in this chapter, First-person in the intro, then third-person...is it better or worse? Argh.

DumbAssPunk: I. Know! I was watching Inuyasha yesterday and it was that episode 19? Yeah, something like that, and it was showing where Sesshoumaru attached the human arm with the Shikon shard, and I could see his naked chest and it was like....wow.

Gold Ink: Yah, I guess not everyone can think that Naraku is hot, but you do have to admit it, the mysterious sexiness he has is just...sexy. Of course, he could do without the baboon outfit.

blackrosebunny451: Thanks! And I'm sorry but I can't write one of those original she comes through well sort of things, I just can't. I tried, and see where that got 'To Play with Destiny'? Oh temporary hold. So, I have to do AU fics...I don't know whether that is a good or bad thing.

Dana Daidouji: Oh freak! You said greetings again! I love it so muchhhh! Your words are just so cool, viola! It makes me feel like there's some college professor complimenting my work!! And I do try hard to catch any mistakes in my writing, but sometimes, after typing up the story, you just want to put it up and to hell with it! Haha, anyway, I know, my mom always tells me that we have to learn from past experiences, and I totally believe in that. Because that gives me an excuse when I screw up.

inuyasha-n-kagome-rox142: Thanks, Kumon rules!...ahem, not really. I stopped when I was like in fifth grade because my English mark just flew and...well, I didn't like it.

silver-celestial: Close, his eyes was what she thought was beautiful, and thanks for your compliment!

Anyway! Thanks for all these reviews people! I love you all! Xoxoxo!

Now...finish reading and click the blurple button! Reviews are just wonderful...




