Disclaimer: I do not own the InuYasha characters but I did create this story. "..." Speaking '...' Thoughts Our World Is A Canvas

Chapter Six: Magic Within the Moonbeams

Her body tingled head to toe as she slowly swayed in small circles, the wind twirling her dress and curls elegantly. Strands of curls fluttered about her face and swept her closed eyes and lashes as she softly sang the hauntingly sweet melody. Her heart was filled with pride and longing. Sadness and a sliver of release beat within her breast. They danced together, too… small stocking feet on larger feet.

And this was how the shadow found her with pocketed hands. Twirling like a young lady as if just coming into herself. Finding inner peace and acceptance of the mind, body and soul. She was radiant dancing underneath the protection of the harvest moon. Sakura and rose petals littered the smooth stone tiling underneath Kagome's shoes, fluttering about her feet with as much grace as she sang. With such passion and inspiration lost along with her mysterious unspoken muse.

He was thankful for the thick tapestries which garnished the entrance to the veranda. It left the bright lighting for those inside and provided adequate privacy for those wanting a breath of fresh air outside. The darkness did little to conceal his light hair, but his black Armani suit was easy enough to merge into its depths. He was older than her, much older… not many would truly know that. In fact, he was probably one of the oldest people in the country, but that was another story he wasn't about to publicly release. His eyes were still their unusual color, but he preferred it that way. It made people pay the utmost attention and he used it to his advantage when displaying his power of "persuasion" while conducting business with more stubborn workers and affiliates.

His ears focused to hear her singing again. Why he remained hidden he didn't quite understand. He was not known to be a coward. Nor was he known to dodge around anything always to the point was the head man of the hospital. He didn't know this girl personally after all. She was just the girl his employee had pointed out to him during one of the dances she participated in with some young bachelor. Noticing she was in search of a way out after excusing herself, and once finding it, he decided the solitude and seclusion was as good to his office as it could get under the circumstances and opted to approach her then.

Being in no rush and giving her ample time to herself, he eventually slipped behind the curtain. Only instead of finding a young girl leaning against the granite railing, he was greeted with a much more awe-inspiring sight. There wasn't a girl standing alone over looking the landscape, but a young woman dancing brilliantly to her own accord in her own realm. Singing softly to no one but herself never aware of some stranger spying, taking in her physique. The blue dress she wore accentuated her dark hair which was easily pulled partway back and out of her face. Thanks to her twirling he noted that her legs were quite slender with the lacing of her shoes, and the severe lack of expensive jewelry just gave the ideal touch of simplicity. In short: she was nothing but radiance. Albeit with deep sorrow he didn't yet understand.

Most importantly, if she as stunning in semi formal attire as in that simple gown, lacking in extravagance and snobbish personification, this Kagome woman could be incorporated into the hospital quite nicely. And if she didn't reach the children through her painting, then he was certain that just her singing would bring plenty of healing to their lives. As the music began to whined down, Kagome began to calm again, and he found himself feeling some how disappointed. In spite of this and knowing he came out here for a purpose dealing with work, he silently took a step into somewhat less darkening shadows in the attempt of avoiding giving the mysterious woman a heart attack… though still remained out of the afterglow of moonlight filtering down upon the countryside.


Maybe she hadn't forgotten how to sing after all she realized with sad smile gracing her lips as the music slowed and the final note lingered. She paused in her dancing to look up at the watery night sky. A single tear fell from each blue eye and the stars once again were crisp and bright once the wetness left those eyes… also permitting her eyes drift over to spy a lone silhouette watching her in a dark corner.

Her cheeks reddened to extreme shades of red. Whirling around in reflex as she covered her heart with both hands, she could feel her heart beating wildly in frustration, fear, anxiety. "Hello? Anyone there? W-who's there?"

"Please, forgive my intrusion." the deep voice smoothly acknowledged. "I had not meant to interrupt you in this… your private moment."

Damn, she thought only being able to see the reflection of light in his eyes. I've been spotted.

"What are you doing here?!" Kagome demanded in anger induced by her embarrassment.

The tall figure was obviously male just by the sound of his voice but as he slowly made his way to her through the shadows, she realized just how unbelievable beautiful he was. It seemed like pieces of his body became more visible as one by one they made separate contact with the better lighting of the moon. His polished shoes were the first to make contact with light, then his sleek pant legging. The arms of the strange man were long and masculine, swaying briefly with each silent step, and she noticed that his jacket was fully buttoned and bow tie perfectly straight. Long slivery hair swayed to and fro from the pony tail tied close to his neck. She could see the black strips from the ribbon tied in a bowless knot which held his hair in place. From the broad shoulders to his impressive neckline and chiseled chin, she finally met his eyes with her own. His cool amber eyes held power. They demanded respect and gleamed with pride of self and masculinity. Yes, she thought as she watched him draw nearer, very masculine…

"Unless I have been uniformed, which is highly doubtful, this veranda was not reserved to any one person tonight. This entire Hall is an establishment for the public. Is it not?" Annoyance laced into his finalized tone.

Still mortified, she nodded. "I'm sorry. It's just I didn't realize anyone else was out here. I'll go so you may be alone."

"You will remain where you are," he replied. "for I had no intentions of finding myself alone out here."

"You, didn't?" she asked confused, but not willing to be bullied like a child, she found herself reverting into her normal fiery self. "Well then it's rude to be spying on people! You nearly gave me a heart attack you know. So forgive me for asking, but who are you anyway?"

"My name is Sesshomaru Takahashi."

"Well let me tell you something about creepy looking stalker-like people Mr. Takahashi, they…" she blinked. "Whooh, wait a minute," she gasped, flailing her hands back and forth. "You're -the- Sesshomaru Takahashi? Takahashi as in being one of the most powerful families in all Japan, Takahashi?" With his affirmative nod, she was instantly mortified.

Everyone with a brain new that one didn't just go off on members of one of the most powerful influences in the country you lived in. The he was charge of a hospital, he was a business tycoon. It wasn't the only establishment he was part of, it was just the most well known. She messed up this time for sure. After all, weren't most wealthy people with more power then she could imagine supposed to be rude snobs? Going out of their employee's ways just to find the 'offenders' to have them be fired and ruin the little people's jobs and futures? Kagome had heard stories growing up, and wasn't prone to find out if those depictions were true or not personally. She instantly found herself bowing quickly beyond the point of expressing respect. Lower than the utmost respect. Basically… groveling before his feet.

"Hai. Enough of that and rise. I wish to speak to you and not your back." Once she righted herself, and making a mental note of her fiery spirit, he continued. "However you see it, I am the owner, president, CEO and overseer of Tokyo's Children's General Hospital." Oh how she wanted to cry… "I have come out here to address you on a matter of business." Here he goes… goodbye to your future Higurashi, she winced mentally.

"You have?" Kagome smiled tensely.

"Indeed. Have you a moment or do you wish to finish that last comment you wanted to address me with?" Kagome's eyes widened slightly in surprise, before bowing slightly. Reflexes you know.

"Hai! I mean no Mr. Takahashi-san! I didn't realize, I shouldn't have. I mean take all the time you need." Great, now I look like an idiot and a bumbling buffoon. Peachy.

"Very well then. An employee who works for myself approached me an hour ago to mention that a young creative and enthusiastic art student she had met on the way here might be a valuable asset to our hospital. Seeing as you were already pre-occupied with a dancing partner, I decided to wait until there might have been a more operative time to address you… away from the crowd. Your escaping to the terries solved that problem easily. Tell me about yourself and what you're studying." Sesshomaru had folded his arms over one another displaying his own personalized use of professionalism. As if accessing the process of an application for employment.

Ah evaluations! Kagome knew these pretty well after all the information she had been studying the past month in preparation for her finals that were coming up within the week.

"Well," she started. "I graduated high school in the top fifty of my class, so I consider myself to be an average student. I strive for excellence in the tasks I take on myself and those given to me. If I have questions about something, then I'll ask right away. If no one can answer me fully then I will go hunt for the answers myself. I read a great deal of books to find out these answers if they're available. After high school I was taken in at the University of Tokyo and it's there that I began taking classes dealing with art. My focus is education in the arts because I enjoy working in an environment with children of all ages and combing my enjoyment in the arts, I thought it made for a good career field."

"You are due to graduate there this month, are you not?" he asked.

"Hai. I'll have my bachelors degree."

"You expressed interest in volunteering at the hospital, did you not?" Kagome nodded. "Miss. Moon explained as much. If you are to be part of my staff, matters of protocol that must be strictly observed and obeyed. One: Patient confidentiality. What a patient tells their physician is between them and their family. You are not to request, use, spread or share that information should you know of any. Two: Seeing children in the worst stages can encourage those who witness their trials to do what they feel will help the patient in their time of need. Including temptation to 'ease their pain' and other such actions of 'taking matters into their own hands'. This ranges from accepting roles in them ending their lives, to pain medication to ease pain. You've no jurisdiction or medical training to make those decisions. Any actions concerning this will be automatic termination and immediate arrest. It's against the law Miss Higuarshi. Understand thus far?"

"Hai, Sir. Please continue."

"There will be psychologists available to speak with should you feel the need to discuss matters dealing with how events in the hospital are affecting you. What you discuss there is as strict as the Patient and Doctor Confidentiality code. What you say to that specialist stays with that specialist. It does not go against your personal record and it will not affect your job, so long as you're of good mental standing. Meaning," he held up a hand to halt her question that was about to roll off her tongue. "that if the specialist feels that your experiences are doing you mental and physical distress, that they are then obligated to come speak with me personally. There are no middle men in these instances, and rarely do I ever have any such thing happen. The rule is simple for your protection and mental and physical health. It's a hospital but it's goal is for healing and releasing and is not meant for hurting and admitting. If such does occur, I myself with meet with said employee for final evaluation to determine whether he or she remains on staff or asked to leave. Understood?"

"Hai. Thank you for clarifying."

"Very well then. Now, Miss. Higurashi." he glanced to the curtain which was beginning to rustle from some unseen, but not unheard, disturbance from inside. "You would be paid a decent sum for the hours you put into the hospital and will be eligible for a raise at any time I personally may deem fit."

"But Takahashi-san," Kagome interjected, "I was told that it'd be volunteer. What of my career after graduation?"

"You are to be paid a salary as everyone else. As for your future career path, you may leave at any point with a two week notice of your leaving the hospital. I will also have a letter of recommendation waiting for you. Good or bad. I am as much a business man as any other person in the Hall tonight, however. I do not neglect."

Kagome bowed again. "No, sir. You certainly don't seem to be a man to forget about important matters and people, Takahashi-san." she stood straight again and smiled confidently. "And I am certain it is because of that which the hospital has thrived for all these years."

"Hn." Sesshomaru grunted. "You are being offered a job, Higurashi. Full benefits included and negotiable in or on certain terms. You have one week to contact me with your decision. Good luck on your final exams." Ever the business man, he bowed only his head and proceeded to walk through the curtains leading to the dance floor inside. Casting a quick glance over his shoulder he mentioned just two more things. "Contact Miss. Moon with your decision as soon as possible, and also heed this warning: Inuyasha is head of security and is also hear this evening. He is not as reformed as I'd like, many days I feel disgraced to call him my half brother and he has a tendency to be how we say… unfriendly, at crowded events.

"I shall be more observant of my surroundings this evening for now on, Takahashi-san. Thank you." Not seeing her bow, he left.

Though her heart rate steadied significantly, she was still extremely embarrassed (as the evidence of her face became an increasingly bright shade of crimson.) Kagome sighed with relief. He is quite the character, I have to admit. She stood there pondering over the offer the great Sesshomaru Takahashi had set before and so deep in thought, saw through the next man to approach her.

"Earth to Kagome," he waved inches from her face, and smiled seeing her snap back to attention. And I said I'd be more observant, she scolded herself, and smiled.

"Oh, Miroku; it's you. How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long enough I admit."

"It wasn't what it looked like!" she flailed yet again that night, feeling peeved at his airy body language and smug smile.

"I did hear you, you know." he commented lightly seeing her blush and laughed good naturedly. "You've no reason to feel embarrassed, Kagome. You have needed to release this desire for nearly seven years, since you knew it wasn't cooties that boys have."

"Desire?! No, no, no! You're all wrong about that because I'm fine, Miroku. Really I am. I just … got caught up in the song and it kind of snuck on me and before I knew it, well you know. That's all." she smiled sadly.

"Song? Which song?" he raised his brow.

"So, you meant you only heard the conversation?" she sighed feeling extremely relieved.

"Uh, yeah." he quipped albeit curiously at what she had meant. "Who was that anyway? Looked like Takahashi-san."

"He was. Apparently Ayme thought I was perfect for the hospital and made mention of my existence while I was dancing with Hojo. I excused myself from dancing, came out here for air, and he approached me with an incredible offer." she paused.

"He made an offer of what? Don't keep me in suspense." he teased.

"Job offer. With benefits."

"Ah wonderful news, Kagome! A dance with a potential prince charming and one hell-of-a job offer." he grinned wildly.

"Honestly, Miroku. I never knew you to be the cusser." she mused and then the music began to play again. Of which reminded him of something…

"Kagome, when you mentioned my only hearing 'the conversation'; what is it that I missed?"

Just the thought of him hearing her sing again brought tears to her eyes. She wanted to sing again, but it hurt so bad. It always reminded her of him, and it was a special gift between the two of them. Miroku understood this, she knew he did.

He slowly approached taking in her forgotten tear stains that ran down her cheeks. Gently brushing them away with both thumbs, he embraced her gently around the shoulders. Ah. He understood now the reason she seemed sad and hesitant. Only on thing could make this fiery young woman shrivel up inside of herself and become so sullen.


"I'm sorry," she finally whispered against his shoulder, after taking a few minutes to calm herself again.

He closed his eyes, feeling her pain. "What is there to be sorry about, Kag?"

She sniffled. Whenever he dropped the formalities and used nicknames, it seemed to automatically make for friendlier conversations. Enabling her to find release. The world seemed to be weighing on her shoulders like a rain cloud. This dance was meant to try and take away such dismal affairs, but they always had to follow her where she went. If only it weren't something that people took for granted and took with them everywhere. She wished many times that she could be one of those who found release in music. To use it for her grief, her joy, her anger. It just wasn't meant to be that way.

"I'm sorry for being such a downer lately. It's been such a wonderful evening and now look at us. You're once again consoling me like a newly born puppy." she pulled away to look up at him. "I'm sorry, Miroku. This was supposed to be a fun evening and here I am ready to hide in a dark corner out here."

"Kagome, listen to me," he spoke gently. "Understand dear Kagome, that no matter what is said or may be done, I will never pass up the opportunity of consoling a puppy who needs love and understanding. Especially the beautiful, radiant, and special lady that you are. Besides, the evening isn't over yet."

"You're right, it's not." She smiled with slightly renewed vigor. "I believe you dear and humble monk, mentioned a dance?"

Kagome giggled as he took a wide dramatic step back with his right arm hugging his front, the other behind his back, and bowing low to her. "Of course, Milady. That is," he looked up from his still bowed position, "if you'll still accept this simple monks' invitation to dance with him."

She curtsied then bowed politely in return. "Gladly." Looping her arm in his, they slowly made their way back inside to the crowded dance floor once more. "Hey, Miroku?" she prompted softly and touched his hand stopping.


"Thank you, for everything. For- understanding…"

"Anytime as always, Kagome." he replied quietly. 'If it means hearing your beautiful singing again like just then, I would do anything for you.' With a gentle squeeze of her hand on his which rested upon her looped arm he replied again. "Anytime as always."

At least two dancers were absent from the dance floor for a few dances that night. Rather, they wordlessly choose to dance under the light of the stars and moon.

Wow, it's be a while since I've written and again I apologize. Work's been stressful and though I promised myself I wouldn't let it interfere with my writing, it has. Forgive this wretched author?

Dear Puchu-chan,

I want to thank you for reminding me that this story needed another chapter. ' I'm just sorry it's another short one and it's not edited like I would like it to be. I've spent all morning writing and now that it's 6:00 am, I hope it's good enough. I wanna go to bed now that I've met my goal at least half way. Thank you again for your reminder.

I would like to thank you all who've reviewed my story and even if you opt not to, I thank you for reading.

Hope you all had a lovely holdiay season,
