Disclaimer; I don't own anyone.

"Speaking English"

--Speaking Japanese--

Speaking Youkai


-Telephone Conversation-


Recap from last chapter;

"Who was on the phone Petite?" Remy asks.

"It was Sesshou, he was calling to inform me that Kiro will be arriveing this afternoon to hook up my phone line and my computers for me. And he invited Shippou and me to his house for dinner tonight. We're to catch a ride over there with Kiro, and either Sess or Kiro will bring up back afterwords."

"Kool Gome, I abosolutely love to eat at Sess's, he has some great cooks at his house. I can't wait!" Shippou says quickly.

I look at him and he gives me a slight nod to let me know, that he knows the real reason that we are going to Sess's tonight.

Chapter 10


To say that I'm worried about what will happen tonight at Sess's is the understatement of the century. If Victor is guilty of Karama's death, then that means that he is now our enemy. He knows our strength's and our weakness's, and we know his.

I can't imagine having Victor for an enemy, he's been my friend for the last eight years. He's been in my life for so long that I don't think that I would be able to consider him as my enemy. Contray to popular belief Victor is one of my best friends. He has always been there when I needed him to be. He's one of the reasons that I was able to let Inuyasha go in the end, he made me understand Inuyasha's state of mind.

Victor I hope to kami's sake that we won't have to consider you as an enemy. I don't know if my heart could handle a betrayal from you.

I decide to go to the foyer to await for Kiro to arrive to hook up my computer and phone line. After I reach the downstairs I decide to find a corner to await Kiro in. I decide to use a small spell to conceal my presence from the students and the staff as I wait. Also this way I can observe them with out them realizing that they are being observed.

I watch and listen to them as they pass me in my hiding place. Most of what I have over heard is about the confrontation that Logan and I had yesterday. I have to grin at some of the different versions that I had heard from the students, but they all seem to have the same opinon that Logan would win in any kind of fight between the two of us. They have much faith in his fighting ability's, but they are all old enough to know that there is no way for anyone to predict an unknown fighters ability in a sparring match for the first time. I believe that they will be in for a big surprise when it comes to down to it. Because from what I've read in the files that Sess broke into from here that no one has ever been able to defeat Victor in a one on one fight, and the only one who has ever come close to it was Logan. As far as I know the only ones to have ever defeated Victor is Sess and myself.

I sense Kiro's aura approaching the mansion so I decide to make myself visisble while there is no one around to see me. I open the door just as he approached it, he gives me a quick formal bow. He then gives me a quick hug as he entered the doorway.

How are you doing Lady Kagome? he asks politely.

I'm doing well Kiro. How are you since I saw you last my friend? I ask him quietly.

I'm doing well Lady Kagome. I believe that there is much that we need to accomplish before the three of us head back to Lord Sesshoumaru's home. So if you would be kind enough to lead the way to the computer I will get started on installing your phone line and making sure that everything is hooked up properly. Kiro says with a slight smile as he motions me to lead the way to my room.

I grin at him as I pass him and then quickly lead him up to my bedroom where the computer is setting on a desk in the room. I decide to leave the door open that lead into the hall way. I stand and watch quietly as he quickly hooks up the phone jack and then he hooks up the computer to the line and then he quickly sets up the internet service. He then shows me the internet service and helps me set up my private account and then he helps me set up the security system on it.

It just takes us a little over 2 hours to complete it all, and I noticed that in those 2 hours that we had several of the students and some of the staff watch us from my doorway. I set the security and look at Kiro, he nods at me with a small grin.

I assume now all that we need to do is to collect Lord Shippou and then I am to take you to Lord Sesshoumaru's for the meeting, am I correct Lady Kagome? He asks quietly.

Yes you are correct Kiro, I also need to introduce you to the Proffesor and inform him of our departure. So I am ready as soon as you gather your tools together.

He quicky has everything packed away and we are heading out the door towards the Proffesors office. I knock on the Proffesors door and am quickly told to enter.

"Proffesor I just thought that I would introduce you to Kiro before Shippou and I leave for Sesshoumaru's for the evening. Proffesor this is my old friend Kiro, Kiro this is Proffesor Xavier the owner of this school and one of the teachers here."

"It is my great pleasure to meet you Proffesor Xavier. I'm sure that Lady Kagome and Lord Shippou will be very happy and safe here." Kiro says quietly to the proffesor.

"The pleasure is mine to meet you Kiro, but I do have a question for you if you don't mind answering it for me." Proffesor Xavier asks.

"I will answer you if I am able to Proffesor Xavier, what do you wish to ask of me?" Kiro asks politely.

"Why do you refer to Miss. Kagome and to Shippou as Lady Kagome and Lord Shippou? And why is there happiness and safety so important to you?" Proffesor Xavier asks.

"One of the reasons that I refer to them as Lady Kagome and as Lord Shippou is because of the great respect that I have for the both of them. Another is that Lord Shippou is actually a Lord in Japan and so is Lord Marusan, and the reason that I call Lady Kagome a Lady is because Lord Marusan considers her his sister and Lord Shippou see's her as a surrogate mother.

And they're happiness and safety is important to me, not just because of there status but because they honestly care about the people around them. You will soon realize that Lady Kagome will put others safety before her own. She has on several occasions saved my life, and for that reason alone I would give my life to protect her from harm. Whether it be from a freind or a foe. Lady Kagome is a true warrior Proffesor Xavier and for that reason she has my respect and admiration.

Does that answer your question Proffesor Xavier?" Kiro ask quietly.

"I didn't realize that they still used titles in Japan for nobility, I also didn't realize that Mr. Marusan and Shippou were a part of the nobility in Japan. And I'm afraid your answers have only lead me to believe that there is much more to learn about all of them." Proffesor Xavier reply's.

"That would be correct Proffesor Xavier, there is much more to learn about them. But that would be their choice on whether or not to tell you about their past. It is their story to tell, they lived through it. One of these days they may feel comfortable enough to tell you the whole of it.

If that is all Proffesor Xavier, Lady Kagome and I should find Lord Shippou and depart for Lord Marusan's home for the evening. If you would be so kind as to inform us as to where we will be able to find Lord Shippou at this time, we will take our departure for the day." Kiro says quietly.

"Just one moment and I will look to see to which class Shippou should be in at this time" Xavier answers as he turns to his computer and starts typing to get the desired information. After a few minutes he turns towards Kiro and myself with a wry grin on his face.

"He is at this time in Logan's defense class and he is having his class on the back lawn today. Kagome do you remember from your brief tour last nite how to find the back lawn?" he asks me softly.

"Yes, I do remember Proffesor Xavier. Thank you for all of your help. Now if you will be kind enough to excuse us, we will pick up Shippou and be on our way. We will see you at breakfast in the morning Proffesor Xavier." I say as I head towards his door with Kiro following closely behind me.

Kiro and I head downstairs toward Shippou's aura on the back lawn. We go through the french doors in one of the commen rooms that leads to the back lawn where Logan is teaching Shippou and the rest of the class. I quickly notice that Shippou is correct with Logan's teaching methods. From what I'm seeing here is that most of the moves he is teaching the class takes a lot of strength, now I understand why Shippou wants to teach some of the more physically weak students a different method of defense. I also notice who Shippou is working with over to one side of the rest of the class. He is showing Jubilee and Rogue some defense moves that Sess and I taught to him when he was much smaller and weaker than he is now. I also notice as Logan stops to watch Shippou and the two girls who are doing a different set of moves than the rest of his class.


What in the world are those three up too, and why aren't they practiceing the moves I just showed to the rest of the class.

I guess I had better go over there to find out what those three are up to. I walk slowly over to them and watch as Shippou shows Marie how to block an attack . I also notice that he's one of a very few to treat Marie as a normal girl. It seems all most as if he's not afraid to come in contact with her bare skin. That boy should know better than to be that casual around her bare skin, he saw what happened to Bobby last week when he tried to kiss her. Bobby was in med-bay for 2 days until he recovered his strength, and Marie is now steering clear of him since it happened.

"Shippou, Marie, and Jube just what do you three think you are up too? Because it sure isn't on today's class lesson. So who cares to explain to me why I shouldn't assighn the three of you some home work on the moves that I just showed to the rest of the class who were paying attention to me just now?" I asked them in an irritated voice.

"Sorry about that Logan, it was all my fault I'm afraid." Shippou says quickly when he noticed the two girls panicked expression's.

"And do you mind telling me why I shouldn't assighn the three of you extra homework for ignoreing my lesson for today? Because I'm not teaching this class to help you get enough credits to graduate this school, I'm teaching this to you so you would be able to defend yourselve's in a fight. To keep the three of you from being hurt or killed out there on the street. Can you answer that for me Shippou?" I ask him in angry voice.

"I'm showing them a better way to defend themselves against a bigger apponont Logan. You have to keep in mind that Rogue and Jube aren't as large as some of the other students in this class, and while the technique's you are showing to the class does well when someone has the physical strength to back them up they really aren't much use to someone who isn't as strong physically as you or I am. Thats why I was showing Rogue and Jube a different technique. It's one that I was taught when I was a child, when I wasn't as strong as I am now. I know for a fact that these moves can take down a larger and stronger opponite no matter how strong or weak you are, because they don't rely on physical strength." Shippou says quickly with a grin on his face.

"So your saying that if I were to attack Jube or Marie, that they would be able to defend themselves against it with what you are showing them than with what I have already taught to them?" I asked him in an irritated voice.

"You are correct Logan, they would be able to defend thenselves against you to a point in an attack." Shippou tells him.

"To a point won't keep them from getting hurt in a fight kid, and that is what my classes are intended to do. To keep them safe in a fight, not to just a point!" I tell him in an angry voice. This kid is starting to piss me off. I think I liked him better when he wouldn't talk at all.

"Logan they are just now starting to learn these techniques from me, so of course they are not experts in these moves. In time they will have a much better grasp on these moves and be able to defend themselves much easier and not get as tired as your moves make them, because they don't rely on brute strength with these moves like the ones that you teach to them do! They are my friends Logan and I want them to be safe in a fight, and your moves don't offer them the kind of protection to them as these do. I've lost to many people I care about to lose any more because they weren't taught the right type of defensive moves to protect themselves with! I refuse to lose anyone else I care about Logan, not when I know a better way to show them how to protect themselves!" Shippou says angrily with a red tint starting to grow in his eye's.

I smell Kagome and an unknown male walking up behind me. I turn to see her walk to beside me and stand there with a tall dark haired man watching the four of us. I notice the look of worry in her eyes that she is directing toward Shippou. It seems like she is trying to calm him with her eyes, she steps away from the man who is next to her and lays her hand on Shippou's arm. All most like she did with the playboy yesterday in Xavier's office.

"Shippou-chan calm down. I'm sure that you and Logan-san can work out this problem, the two of you both want them to be able to protect themselves in a fight, but argueing with him over it isn't the answer and you know that Shippou-chan." Kagome says in a quiet voice.

"It just makes me mad that he's reacting to this with a temper tantrum instead of trying to listen to me Gome. You know I'm right about this Gome! The physically weaker student's aren't capable of those moves he's trying to teach to them. Those kind of tactics will only get them hurt or killed!" Shippou say's in a fierce whisper to her.

"Shippou-chan you may be correct about this, but you didn't go about it in the right way. You should have talked to him first before trying to teach them these techniques. You know that I'm right about this Shippo-chan, we spoke about it last nite. I think you owe Logan-san an apology for dirupting his class, and I believe that you should demonstrate these technique's to him before you try to teach them to some of the students. That way you can show him the advantage's that they give in a fight for someone who is not as physically strong as he himself is." Kagome says to him in a quiet soothing voice.

"Gome is correct Logan, I do owe you an apology for disrupting your class and I also owe you an apology for not asking for your permission to show them moves that you may not even be aware of. I sincerly apologise to you Logan for the disruption that I have caused to your class today, and I fully accept any punishment that you care to give to me for my actions of today. I would also ask of you to allow me to continue to train the weaker class memebers in this technique, for there protection and for my peace of mind." Shippou says quietly with him head bowed.

I stand there and watch as Shippou is standing there with his head bowed in an apology for his actions and right about now I feel like I'm the biggest ass in the world for jumping onto a kid who just lost his father and he was just trying to help his new friends keep safe. And I notice as Kag and the man who is with her is watching my face to see my reaction to Shippou's apology. And with her seeing the whole thing makes me feel as if I'm something that needs to be scraped off the bottom of somebody's shoes. I turn back to Shippou and place my hand on his shoulder and after he looks at me I smile at him with a look of regret showing in my face.

"Kid you may be right about some of the class not being able to do some of the defense moves that I have showed them, and we'll talk later about what you want to teach them but only after a proper demonstration of these moves are shown. I've never said that the way I fight is the only way to fight, but it is the only way I know to fight and that is all I can teach to these students. But if you know of a better way for some of them to fight that gives them a better chance in a fight than I would be an idiot to ignore it and to not take advantage of it. And I guess I owe you an apology as well for loseing my temper at you kid. So I'm sorry for shouting first and then asking questions later." I tell him.

"So we're friends again Logan?" Shippou asks me quietly.

I grin at him and give him a nod. I see Kag smileling at the two of us and the man who is with her is just watching it all complacently. Shippou then turns to the two of them and grins at the man before he rushes over to give him a hug.

--Man Kiro its been a long time since I've seen you. I take it that your here to take us to Sess's for the meal?-- He asks him in Japanese, as he steps away from the hug.

--Yes it has been a long time Lord Shippou, and yes I am here to set up Lady Kagome's computer's and to bring the two of you back to Lord Sesshou's for the evening. Are you about finished with this class for the day kit? If so then you will need to go and change for the evening, you know that Lord Sesshou is a stickler for proper clothes at the dinner table.-- He answers the kid in a monotone voice.

"Logan do you care if I leave class a little early so I can go get ready for the celebration dinner at Sesshou's house?" Shippou asks me in an excited voice.

"I guess you can kid, you had better hurry though. Cause if Marusan is a stickler about proper clothes at the dinner table than I bet he's worse about tardiness" I tell him with a grin.

"I forgot that you understand Japanese Logan, and thanks Logan. I really didn't mean to make you mad about this, I'm honestly just trying to help." He says quietly.

"I know kid. You had better hurry up and get ready for your dinner. I'll see you in class on Monday." I tell him, he turns and starts to run towards the mansion.

I turn to see that Kag is watching him with a fond look in her eyes. She notices me watching her and she blushes slightly.

"I guess I should introduce you to my companion Logan-san. I would like to introduce you to Kiro Kai, Kiro this is Logan-san." she says with her slight soft accent.

I hold my hand out to shake his hand and I'm a little surprised by his grip in the handshake.

--Nice to meet you Kiro-san.--

--I feel the same Logan-san-- He reply's in the same monotone that he spoke in earlier.

I turn to see the rest of the class watching avidly at what was going on. I look back at the class and I decide to dimiss the rest of the class a little earlier than usual.

"Since I'm letting Shippou leave early from class, I'm going to let the rest of you have the rest of the class period as free time. I'll see you all on Monday." I say to them before I turn back to Kag and Kiro.

"I guess that you three are going to Marusan's for dinner. Business or pleasure?" I ask them.

"A bit of both I'm afraid, we will be meeting with a mutual friend at Sesshou's to see if they have any information on the death of Karama. Shippou and I really hope that this person can fill in some of the missing peices for us about why they killed his father." Kag says quietly.

"I still think that you should tell the Proffesor about what you already know about it. He may have some information about this group already, he may even have information that you can't get through the normal means of investigating." I tell the two of them quickly.

"That may be true in most case's Logan-san, but the person that they are meeting with has worked with the group that murdered Lord Karama in the past. What this meeting will determine is whether he had any prior knowledge of their plans concerning what happened to Lord Shippou's father." Kiro says in a quiet voice.

"So the person that you're meeting tonight has worked with the same group that killed the kid's Dad in the past? What makes you think that you'll get an honest answer from him when you ask him if he had any knowledge about what they planned?" I ask them.

"Because Logan-san this person has never lied to us about anything in his past, or in the the time we have known him." Kag says quietly.

"Maybe he's just a good liar Kag, maybe he's just telling you what he thinks that you want to hear." I tell her in an irritated voice.

"He has always been honost with me Logan, he has also become one of my best friends in the last eight years. I may not agree with his methods of doing things, but I know that he would never deliberately harm any of us. We are the only people that he truly trust's, we are his only real friends. We are the only one's in this world who cares if he's alive or if he's dead! And he will stay as my friend until I have positive proof that he has betrayed me!" Kag says in an irritated voice.

I see her and Kiro turn and look at the house just as Shippou walks out the french doors. He walks toward the three of us quickly and quickly lays his hand on Kag's shoulder.

"Are you alright Gome?" He asks he quietly.

"I'm fine Shippou-chan, are you ready to leave for Sesshou's?" She asks him quietly.

"Yeah lets get this over with so we can plan our next move. I'll probably see you tomorrow Logan. Bye!" He says as he leads Kag and Kiro around to the front of the house.

I guess I should go and fill the proffesor in on what I do know about what is going on. I walk into the mansion and go straight to his office. His door is standing slightly ajar and I hear Ororo's voice talking heatedly to the Proffesor.

"We can't trust her Charles! For all we know she could have been sent her to spy on us for one of our enemys. What about the man that was here yesterday who attacked me? He could have killed me!" She says angrily to the Profeesor.

"I don't believe that she or her friends are spy's Ororo. From what I have found out about Sesshou Marusan and Kagome Higaroushi are that they are both mutant sympathiser's. Mr. Marusans company is one of a few that openly highers mutants to work for him. He has more mutants in his employ than any other company in the world. He and Kagome have apparently also set up places for mutants to find sanctuary from the outside world on his property's in Japan." Professor Xavier says calmly to Ororo.

"But are they truly sanctuary's, or are they prisons for mutants? For all we know Charles they could be forceing mutants onto these sanctuarys for some sinister purpose!" She says angrily.

"What reason would Marusan and Kagome have for doing something like that Ororo? We found out yesterday that Marusan is a mutant himself, so what reason would he have to do something like that?" Professor Xavier says.

"Him being a mutant might explain his reason for doing something like that, but what reason would Kagome have for it? She's a normal human Charles, so what would she have to gain from it? Thats what you should be trying to figure out! I don't trust her Charles and the rest of you are fools if you do!" She says angrily.

"How do you expect to teach the students to strive to achieve a peace between mutants and humans, when you don't believe that it's possible yourself Ororo? I can not detect no traces of a hidden agenda from Kagome, all I can detect from her is an understanding and a willingness to do all in her power to try and help the students here. You saw how Shippou behaved with her Ororo, he loves her unconditionally. That type of affection was not be faked by him, or Jean and I would have detected it. Give her a chance before you decide that you hate her." Professor Xavier says in a quiet voice.

"She is hiding something from us Charles, you know that as well as I do! And until I know what that is, I'm not going to trust her as far as I could throw Sabertooth!" She says quickly.

"Everyone has secrets Ororo, that includes you as well as myself. Not trusting her because you don't know her secrets is a bit hypicritical of us." Professor Xavier says quietly.

I hear Ororo heading for the door so I quickly walk away from it. I agree with Ororo on the point that Kagome and her friends are hiding something from us, but the Proffesor is right about everyone having secrets. And unless everyone is willing to share all of their secrets with her than I don't think its right for us to try to force them into revealing theirs. I think Ororo should be happy to find a normal human who wants to help mutants find a way to make it in a world that is dominated by normal humans. I guess this is just something that Ororo and Kagome are going to have to figure out on their own. With maybe a little bit of help from the rest of us, but no one can make them like each other. Not even Proffesor Xavier can do that. I think as I head back to my room.

I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to update on this story. I've had a serious case of writers block, hopefully this chapter will help everyone to forgive me on that score. :D

Thanks for reviewing;
