A Second Family
A/N: Ok, this idea idea hit me while I was watching the John Cena DVD. I have no idea where it came from but I liked it. If you want me to continue it, I know there's not much here, Just review it because if I dont get reviews it will mean that fic sucks...I'll survive but just tell me OK? I hope I didn't get John's brothers's names mixed nor his parents. If I did just tell me I'll change it. Thanks for your time.
I began crying when I was in the plane, hiding from everyone I knew. I didn't want my friends to know how desperate I really felt. After all, it had took a long time for them to accept the american girl I am. But now, they were all friendly to me at the University, students and teachers included. My french was also getting better. But that wasn't a reason to work any less harder. I was in Canada to study, and study was all I was doing. Maybe I should have got out more, maybe I could have mixed with the students outside the school. But nothing mattered anymore. My whole world was upside down since I recieved that phone call.
My parents were dead. It didn't sound true to my ears yet. It seemed that their car got hit by a drunk driver and they didn't survived the crash. The Police told me they didn't suffered though. Yeah, right! Like you don't feel pain when your car is crashed? As if you don't get filled with fear when you know your end is near? I can't believe that I'm now alone. My loving parents are no more. And I was finishing school this year. I would have come back to them this summer, after five years of absence. I sighed. The last time I saw them, touched them, was at Christmas. Oh, Mama, Dada, what am I going to do? The big house in Massachussett would feel so empty without them. I don't think I'll ever be able to live there anymore. I would probably have to sell it. But will I have the courage to do it? To separate from all my childhood souvenirs?
It was a chance I had great friends waiting for me in my hometown. My second pair of parents as I have always called them, Catherine and John. To think about them brought a smile to my lips. It was a comforting thought, and I didn't felt so much alone now. Yes, mommy and daddy would be there for me ( Catherine and John). They had been friends with my parents forever and their kids had been brothers to me all my life. I was an only child, and the Cena family had four boys. Were we a bunch of crazy kids. I remember Mama used to be scared to see me beeing such a Tomboy. She wanted me to have more girl friends. But I never got along with girls. I prefered the company of boys. It always looked as we were one big family instead of two. Really young, I started calling Catherine and John, mommy and daddy, keeping Mama and Dada for my real parents. Their kids, Dan, John, Matt and Sean, were my best friends. We were the terror of the city, but I always managed to get out of trouble. I was such a sweet girl and a good student that no one ever really believed I could be such a prankster. But I was, and that's what made it so funny. I could keep up with them in everything, sports included. Except when they got into the Football team. Girls weren't allowed and I was too ashamed to try out for the cheerleading squad. I entered foreign languages studies instead.
I don't know why, but when something dreadful happens to you, your mind tends to block it from you. I mean I should be grieving my parents but I found myself remembering all the good times of my youngest years. All the fun I had with the Cena brothers, all the adventures they made me live. I was the same age than the youngest of the boys, Sean, so the others were big brothers to me. They didn't have a sister so their protective side fell on me naturally. And the oldest one, Dan was only five years older than me. They treated me like I was one of them, no better no worst. That was until I grew up and changed into a real girl though.
I remember the last year of High School. I had been away for the whole summer with my parents. And when I got back, I was somene else. I mean my body changed, I got my braces took off and got contact lenses instead of my glasses. And I knew I got beautiful too. I wasn't one of the boys anymore. At first, the brothers were a little akward towards me. But it was normal, they weren't used to think of me as a girl. A girl they could date, not the tomboy to play with all day. But our frienship had got over it. I was still the same person, my looks changed that's all. They changed too, I noticed they got bigger and more handsome. We were at the age that the opposite sex begins to catch your eyes. We only made one mistake through that whole growing up period, it was when me and Sean began dating. It didn't felt right but I guess we did it because we were so comfortable with each other. We broke up the night of the prom. I was moving in Canada at the end of the summer and Sean was also moving away to go into the Army. We both made the decision to remain friends, that's what we were meant to be after all. But as I think about it, maybe John had something to do with it too. I always had something for him. But I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake again. Friends are friends, never mix it with love. But the night of the prom something was about to happen between me and John....But it was five years ago. Too late to regret it, too late to even think about it.
Besides, It still hurt a little that I rarely even saw him anymore. He was present at the Christmas party only a year out of two or someso. And we were now grown-ups, no more time to waist on teenagers's crushes. But I would need all the support I could get. I will be going through some hard days burying my parents and taking care of the house. It wasn't time to get my emotions mixed up.
The pilot announced that we were at destination. I got up after the plane landed and waited for my turn to get out. Seing all the people reuniting with their family brought tears to my eyes again. I wiped them when I heard someone screamed my name, " Alex! Xandra! We're here sweety!".
I turned around and saw mommy and daddy waitng for me, opening their arms in a welcome hug. I ran to them anf fell in their arms. It felt so warm it drove away the feeling of loneliness hanging above my head. I wasn't alone, I still had a family even if it was not by blood.
" Oh, sweety, you're so pale, I bet you didn't ate at all today. Come on, I'll fetch you something once we're at home. I prepared John's room for you since he's away. Matt, Sean and Dan are waitng for you back home too. I won't have you going to your house alone dear. You know you're always welcome in the Cena home as it is almost your home too. Well, it is your home as long as you want to stay ok?"
I nod, feeling exhausted from all the emotions. Cathrine kept her arm around my waist and John went to get my luggages. " Thanks mommy, thanks daddy." Hearing the old nicknames I used to give them brang tears to Catherine's eyes.
" Yes sweetheart, now we're your parents. Come on, let's get you home to rest."
And we left the airport, heading for the house. I don't remember a lot, I know they feed me and that I fell asleep. When I woke up, it took me some time to remember why I wasn't in my dorm in the University. My parents were dead. I let out a sob and put the covers over my head to cry. A hand rubbed my hair.
" Shhh, Shhhh, Alex, it's alright don't be ashamed to cry."
I peeked out of the covers to check who was in the room and opened my eyes wide.......
To be continued if you'd like...............