'...System Failure Warning...'

The computer's voice rang through Ratchet's head. If it weren't for the planet they were rapidly approaching, he would have been in full panic. It would mean a crash landing, but at least they would be on a planet and not spinning off into a million peices throughout space.

"Didn't I tell you that we should've checked up on the ship after the last landing?" Ratchets tiny sidekick, Clank suggested. "We were in a hurry!" Ratchet snapped back angrily. Clank contemplated this for a moment. "Well, Ratchet, perhaps if you hadn't stolen that hoverboard, then we would not have gotten into the mess we are in now."

Ratchet would have yelled back with some crazy comeback had he not been thrown back roughly. He blinked a few times trying to recover his breath as Clank's voice seemed to echo through the ship.


Erol, the current commander of the Krimzon Guard, marched his men confidently through the streets. Behind him, two guards dragged a young man with them. There was a sudden roar and Erol flung his hands up to protect his face as light seemed to erupt from the sky. He stared in wonder as a small ship spun out from the sky, smashing sickeningly into some nearby buildings. He flung himself down covering his head as pieces of the ruined ship and building flew around him. "Surround the ship!" he panted out to the guards. Erol pointed to the two guards hauling the other limp body. "You two! Keep a good hold on him!"


Ratchet cried out as the ship smashed into the buildings. He was flung back roughly as the ship skid to a stop, sending sparks out in every which direction. He lay still for a moment trying to get back his breath. "Clank?", he called out. No answer. Ratchet glanced around, worried. He shuffled a few items around, searching frantically. Maybe he had been tossed out… The smoke from his ship burned his eyes and throat. Coughing, Ratchet felt around for the latch of the emergency exit. He grasped the handle firmly and gave a mighty shove. The door clattered open and Ratchet crawled out. He fell to the ground heavily, the world spinning around him.

He closed his eyes, trying to block out the throbbing pain that had begun in temples. The sound of heavy boots reached his ears. Ratchet opened his eyes and blinked, trying to focus in on his surroundings. He felt himself lifted up and pinned back roughly against what he was assuming to be a building.

"Who and what are you?", a voice commanded. Ratchet's eyes finally focused on a face hovering a few inches above his. Guessing by his looks, he had a good position here on this planet. He eyed him with suspicion before asking cautiously, "Why do you want to know?" The man above him, Erol, sneered and motioned towards a guard. The guard lifted the butt of gun and smacked it hard against the side of Ratchet's head.

Ratchet cried out in pain and would've gripped his head had his arms not been pinned back. "Why the hell'd you do that!", he yelped back. Erol smirked. "Answer my question or..." Erol motioned for the guard again and Ratchet flinched under the expected blow, but to his surprise, the blow never came. He looked back up to Erol and quickly replied. "The name's Ratchet." Erol frowned and stepped up into Ratchet's face. "Answer the second part...What are you. As in species, breed, type." Erol stood over Ratchet sounding out each syllable slowly. "I'm a Lombax, you idiot!", Ratchet snapped back. Erol snarled and tore a gun from one of the guards hands. He slammed it into him forcefully, knocking him to the ground.

Smiling wickedly, Erol leaned down and whispered cruelly into Ratchet's ear. "Wrong Answer... Afraid I've never heard of a Lombax..." Ratchet remained on the ground, pain filling his body. He heard Erol get back up, but didn't reply back.

"Get him sedated and restrained! The Baron will be very interested to see this..." Ratchet felt his mouth pried open and a dark, burning liquid was poured down his throat. The effects of the sedative were almost instant. Within a few minutes, the pain in his head had been reduced to a dull ache. All his senses seemed out of tune. His vision swam in front of him. He couldn't focus on any sights and even his sense of hearing seemed out of it. Every little sound bounced around in his ears making it difficult to tune in to any single noise. Even his muscles went limp.

He closed his eyes, giving up all thoughts of escape at this time. The only thing he could do was wait. Wait for whatever was in store for him.


Erol watched the smoking mess with interest as Ratchet was bound. He circled the ship kicking at a few shards of metal. 'Interesting...' he thought to himself. He looked in through the door in which this 'Lombax' had come through. He gave a small snort and was about to walk away when something caught his eye. He leaned over and scooped up a small robot. He looked it over and gave it a few careless shakes. "Must be broke", he said to seemingly no one in particular. He tossed it back into the ship and turned to one of the remaining guards. "Get rid of this mess. Anything that looks like it's worth something can be set aside. Could be sold later." With that said, he turned away from the ship, motioning for his guards to get moving. They were almost to the palace.

A few feet away from the Lombax, the young boy began to stir. His light blue eyes blinked open and stared around him groggily. The last thing he could recall was Daxter's voice. "I'll come back for you Jak!" As he stared around and got a better view on his surroundings, everything began coming back to him. He could remember a portal, Keira, the Sage. He could see his landing. Jak could almost hear Daxter whining about precursor junk. Then he remembered the guards. The man with the tattooed face. And then blackness. He kept his breathing regular, not wanting to attract any extra attention.

His gaze fell on the other limp body a few feet away from him and his breath caught in his throat. Orange sleek fur covered it's body. It looked very cat-like... It's hands were bound behind it's back too. Jak allowed himself to take a quick glance at his own hands. He wasn't restrained at all. Had this creature come in from the portal with him? How hadn't he noticed?

"Commander! The other one's awake!" Jak jumped slightly at the voice, glancing around quickly. He felt himself dropped down and Erol's face peeked down at his. "Sorry Blondie, but I'm afraid we can't risk a scene in front of the Baron..." The same dark liquid was poured into Jak and within a few minutes he was as limp as Ratchet.


Ratchet groaned and rolled over heavily. Had he overslept? What time was it? Why hadn't Clank woken him up yet? Then it hit him. He sat up suddenly looking around in a near panic. Instead of seeing the familiar walls of his room or ship, he was surrounded by the dark dingy walls of the palace prison. The pain had returned in full force and he almost wished he could have whatever they had given him earlier. Sure, he felt like a zombie, but at least there wasn't so much pain.

Ratchet let his eyes roam around the small cell he was in and they fell upon the limp form huddled in the corner. He perked up his ears and listened intently for sign of wakefulness. There were none. He wondered silently if the person was dead and his curiosity took the best of him. He inched up to the form slowly, and studied it. It seemed to be a younger boy, perhaps around his age, maybe not. He had wild blonde hair that was tinted with light green and was wearing a blue tunic of sorts. Ratchet recognized him as the guy he had seen with the Guards before he had been drugged up. He gave him a small nudge, peering down at him with curiosity.

"Uh Hey... You okay, dude?"

Jak opened his eyes and blinked a few times, probably just as confused Ratchet had been. As soon as Jak focused on Ratchet, his eyes widened and he shrunk back against the corner he was in. Ratchet rolled his eyes and scooted away. "Sheesh, why do I bother with you people..." Jak's eyes seemed to widen more when Ratchet spoke. Ratchet rose an eyebrow and continued to stare at Jak. "Sooo, I take it you've never seen a Lombax before then..." Jak shook his head slowly, still watching Ratchet with uncertainty. Ratchet looked around, hoping for a change in subject.

"Okay Then. So... The name's Ratchet. You?" Jak didn't reply, keeping his gaze lowered. Ratchet watched him and quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're not going to talk to me..." Jak looked up in surprise and shook his head quickly. 'No!', Jak thought to himself. 'I would talk to you... but I can't!' Ratchet nodded and kept his stare on the elf. "So you are gonna talk to me." Jak shook his head again and looked around for a way to tell this guy that he couldn't talk. He motioned to his throat instead. Ratchet seemed to get the hint and his grin fell. "You're mute then..."

Jak, finally happy to get his point to Ratchet nodded in relief. Ratchet however, cursed loudly. "Damnit! I'm stuck in prison for no real reason, on an uncharted planet where everyone is trying to kill me and my only companion is a mute!" Jak, startled by Ratchets sudden outburst shrank back against the wall. Ratchet, who didn't seem to notice, flung himself into the other corner, covering his face with his hands. Everyone was wrong. This mission shouldn't have happened like this. At this point, it seemed as though he would never be able to return back home to Veldin. He cowered back into the corner, trembling with frustration and anger.