Slytherins and Mudblood

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters; they all belong to the great JK Rowling and her wonderful imagination.

Summary: it's the trio's last year in Hogwarts, and practically everyone's matured over the years, especially during the last summer. Hermione Granger, in particular, has come out of her shell, and is now strutting down Hogwarts corridors with the same know it all attitude, but with a striking new look as she has bloomed over the summer...And all the guys have noticed, especially a few certain members of the Slytherin house.

Authors note: I'm not quite excellent at writing these fanfics, so please read and review. Comment whatever you wish, and suggest ideas for improvement. I will accept constructive criticism, but nothing too harsh please. Thank youuuuu!!!! :D


Hermione fixed her robes for the hundredth time, as she looked at the mirror uncertainly. She nervously pulled on the ends of her wavy brown hair as she continued to just stare at her reflection. She was turning seventeen in a few weeks, but she still hasn't outgrown her old habits, one of which was studying herself nervously in front of the mirror an hour before leaving the house for the train station.

Hermione, although she hadn't noticed it much herself, had changed over the years, especially over the summer. She had always been what most had called "a late bloomer", but now she bloomed beautifully as curves had set in all the right places of her body and her delicate skin emitted a sense of intoxicating and exquisite beauty. Her hair was not as unruly as it had been a few years back; it was now mid-length and the frizz was now gone. The ends of her wavy locks had hung loosely around the small frame of her petite face, as a few strands fell over her forehead, just enough to create a mystery right above her sparkling eyes. Her cheeks had a hint of scarlet glow, and her face shone a pale tan that she had acquired over the summer. Her honey-brown/chocolate/hazel orbs glinted as the sun shone in from the lavender drapes in her room.

She looked at the pink clock that hung over her dresser and saw that she still had fifteen minutes before her mom would call her down for breakfast.

She glanced at her reflection for one last time, still not quite satisfied with herself and how she looked. She tousled her hair a bit, trying to get it in place.

"This is as good as its gonna get..." She sighed to herself, still not satisfied with her appearance.

Hermione had never regarded herself as beautiful. On the contrary, she never thought much about her physical appearance. She thought she was okay- looking, but was disgusted that she had always just been such a plain girl. That's why she sought more into pouring her efforts into books and into her studies. Nobody ever noticed a girl like her. Especially once she was next to Harry--- the boy who lived. And then, there was Ron, who had been Harry's best friend; Not quite as popular as Harry, but as of last year, Ron had been made the Quidditch Captain of the Gryffindor team, and girls were swooning all over him. Next to them, she was practically a nobody. She was still considered to be the know-it –all bookworm who tagged along with Harry and Ron.

This had hurt Hermione deeply, but of course, she never told a soul. Harry and Ron had seen it in her eyes, though. Her bright expressive eyes told the story of a girl who had been shunned into the background by her two best friends.

Not that she cared much, of course. But still, she was a girl, and she still had an inner battle because she wanted to be noticed, especially by guys (whether she's admit it or not). Not necessarily all the guys, but even just some. All girls long for romance deep inside. And everyone just wants to be loved.

In her entire history, there had never been any boy who had been romantically linked to Hermione, except of course, Viktor Krum. Viktor had loved Hermione very much, he confessed last year, but his actions and words could not make Hermione fall for him. She just never felt a spark or any connection between them. The most she could give was her word for a lasting friendship, and a soft kiss on his rough cheek as she said goodbye. Viktor, she had heard later on, broke into tears afterwards. And it took a while before he started answering Hermione's owls again. She had kept the friendship with him alive after that, though.

And then there was Ron. As of last year, word had been going 'round Hogwarts corridors that Ron has always had the biggest secret crush on his female friend, and planned to court Hermione. Then later on everyone said that they were a couple, and still the news continued, getting more ridiculous, as people had said they had spotted them snogging everywhere and banging each other up even during class hours, in front of teachers and all.

Hermione new better than to believe ridiculous rumors. She and Ron had always been just friends, and she knew that that was all there was to it. Some foul person was just spreading this nasty rumor around, just as Rita Skeeter had done (about Harry and Hermione) when they were in 4th year. And besides, she hung out with Ron all the time, and there was not a single action that Ron did to support these rumors.

She snapped back to reality as she heard her clock give a faint noise which had meant that she had a few minutes left before her dad would take her to the station. She quickly got out of her school robes. She was wearing tight denim jeans which wrapped itself elegantly around her small waist and long slender legs. She quickly put on and zipped up her hooded rose colored cardigan as it hung relaxed over the tiny frame of her body.

"Hermione! Breakfast!" ...Her mother yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"I'm coming!" She yelled back. She folded her robes and pinned a gleaming golden badge onto the front bearing embossed letters: "Head Girl". She had received a letter a few weeks ago from Hogwarts, and smiled at herself proudly at the shiny badge.

'I wonder who Head boy is... I bet it's Harry...' She thought silently to herself and grinned before she closed her luggage.

She took one last quick glance at the mirror and brushed her cheek nervously.

"Well, Here goes." She gave another nervous sigh. Her emotions had always been a flutter on the first day of school. She was excited and nervous and everything she couldn't just understand. But this year her emotions had been jumping up even ore than usual. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she knew that a part of it was because she knew she looked different than last school year. She just wasn't sure whether it was a good different or a bad one.

"Oh brighten up!" she said to herself, "Things like these shouldn't bother me... I'm Head Girl Hermione..." she grinned, and laughed lightly at the confident words she had given herself for assurance.

She smoothed out her cardigan one last time, then bolted out the door and headed off for the sumptuous breakfast her mother had always prepared for her on her first day of school.

A/N: so, how was that? Was it as horrible as I think it is? If so, im sorry!!! Please review and suggest improvements. If not, then thank you!!! Please review and tell me what you feel. THANKIES! ...I'll be waiting. :D