The hot sun scorched the land, though the proud Spirit Temple erect in the middle of the desert stood tall and proud. The hands of the womanly goddess were outstretched as if beckoning any brave enough to enter; yet not even the grandest of all temples could keep hidden what was inside. The sky was an azure blue color; streaked occasionally with wispy clouds, as gusts of sand blew across the desert terrain.

Nabooru walked inside the temple, her tanned skin and glittering golden eyes adjusting to its silent darkness. She was its guardian, the one and only Sage of Spirit. Though the sacred realm beckoned her name every day, she would not respond to its calling. The life of a Gerudo warrior, perhaps to some a mere thief was what she was born for and destined to live. For seven years she slept within her armored prison, and for seven years age did not befall her beautiful frame. She looked not a day older, though her eyes sparkled with mischief and lascivious knowledge.

Hastily the Gerudo leader swept up the short staircase, to mill about her temple home. The woman's metallic jewelry jingled softly as she walked, while her careful eyes scanned the empty room. Torches burned on the walls, their crackling flames relieving her from the hot blinding sun outside. With a mere brush of her hand, she wiped clean the perspiration etching on her forehead, and sat down at the top of the steps to rest for a moment.

Her people needed her guidance and wit, now more than ever. Ganondorf's banishment to the Evil Realm left his image in disgrace, as well as the image of the entire Gerudo race. At one time the great Ganondorf was considered to be a highly respected king, though now Gerudo avoided speaking his name. As a result, Nabooru was made the next ruler until another male was born, and she would have to pick the one to take her place for a few generations. It was difficult for her, because she knew it would be at least another 100 years before the Gerudo would receive another man to lead them.

"Why must our race of women be ruled by a man?"

Nabooru mused to herself, while drumming her fingers on her leg in annoyance. Her white colored clothing stood out well from the darkness of the temple, though its color was for a reason. Purple was for the Gerudo guards, red was for those of higher status, green was worn by the sole leader of the fortress while she was away, and white was the highest color of all. Nabooru was among the few who was donned in white, though status hardly mattered to her at all.

"It is Gerudo tradition Nabooru, if the Goddesses wish it than it is what we must live by."

Someone said from behind, and in surprise Nabooru turned and saw it was one of the temple priests standing behind her. The older Gerudo woman looked down on her, her dim eyes locking into Nabooru's like a watchful owl. Abruptly Nabooru brushed a few grains of sand off of her puffy white pants, before rising to her feet to meet the woman's eye-level.

"This tradition as we call it, does not make sense to me. The Gerudo are a proud race of woman, who have strived long and hard to succeed in this desert land, yet a man must control us?"

Nabooru said quietly, her voice hinting respect though also a light tone of spite. Indeed she was perplexed by this, and had been since she was a child, though in her words she held nothing against the male counterpart. As a lone Gerudo thief, she was not very familiar with how to act around men, except Ganondorf. Every time his name came to mind, she cursed him for the troubles he caused her, and she loathed him for imprisoning her as his slave for seven long years. The only relief she received was that it did not consume any of her natural life, due to not aging from the spell he cast.

The older Gerudo smiled slightly, and walked passed Nabooru to the exit of the temple. As she walked toward the blinding light emanating through the large high doorway from the smoldering sun, Nabooru heard her call back mysteriously.

"Nabooru, one day you will learn the reasons behind such things. Without men, there would be no women and vice versa. Men are filled with knowledge all their own, the ability to be strong and ruthless – perfect leadership skills. I leave you now to pray to the Goddesses, may Farore be with you during your time away from the fortress."

Without further words, she disappeared into the dusty desert sun and out of view. Agitatedly Nabooru folded her arms across her chest and shook her head, her flaming red haired ponytail tapping lightly against her back. In deep contemplation she started for the exit soon after, deciding she needed a few more minutes out of the musky dark temple.

The wind blew harshly as Nabooru stepped onto the temple entrance's hard stone steps. Her sparkling sun colored eyes danced as they swept observantly across her desert domain, watching the sand dunes rise and fall from the gusts of wind that rustled their smooth surfaces. A soft sigh escaped her pursed snow-white lips, and she stood admiring what the Gerudo knew as home. Not many people could survive in the desert, and since the Gerudo could survive almost anywhere, it proved to be a suitable place to test their limits – as well as to hide.

Although the desert was beautiful in its own way, it was also terribly foreboding and lonely. It had been a long time since anyone who wasn't a Gerudo ventured beyond the Haunted Wasteland (as outsiders called it) to the Spirit Temple. The longer she stood watching the billowing sand and seemingly empty landscape, the more she longed to be among her own people. It was impossible and she knew it, it was her duty to guard their sacred temple, but...

There! In the distance! Nabooru's eyes shot to the distant sand at the very horizon, and it was there she saw a lone figure walking slowly toward the Temple. In surprise she almost leapt forward to get a closer look, but instead she stubbornly held herself in place to wait and see whom it was.

The manner of which the figure walked was quite unsettling for Nabooru, as it appeared the person was walking with a limp. She knew then it was not one of her people, since Gerudo had the uncanny ability to make it through the haunted wasteland without getting hurt, so who could it be? Minutes passed, and gradually the figure grew closer and clearer in her view. At last when she was able to see whom it was, a shocked gasp fled her lips as she jerked her head back slightly in surprise.

The figure, which was a young man, wore a forest green tunic and hat. Covering his feet were thick brown boots, and worn on his hands was none other than the infamous Gold Gauntlets. Nabooru felt her boy become stiff from her amazement, while her heart pounded wildly in her chest. Could it be? Was it truly...Link? She stared harder to confirm she was not seeing a mirage, and when she saw the figure collapse into the sand she knew she was not seeing things.

Hurriedly she ran across the sand to meet him, her feet flying effortlessly over the loose dry grains beneath her. As he grew closer to her, she noticed he did not get up from where he had fallen. In fear Nabooru's legs flew faster, until she reached him only to find he was unconscious. Link's face was soft and smooth, his eyes closed and wearing a worn exhausted appearance. With some of her strength, Nabooru grabbed Link under one arm and helped him to his feet.

Carefully the Gerudo hauled him back to the Spirit Temple beneath the blazing sun, her breaths ragged and determined until she managed to reach the steps of the temple and bring him out of the sun's glare. Once inside, she laid him down gently on a soft mat on the floor and pulled a jug of fresh water from a bottle she kept with her in case of dehydration. Gently Nabooru splashed some of the water on his face, until a dry cough sounded from Link's throat. Without hesitation Nabooru pressed the top of the jug to his lips, and watched him take in long slow gulps of water.

"You're ok now, you were just dehydrated."

She said reassuringly, as Link breathed deeply before sitting up wearily, his deep blue eyes scanning the temple entrance. Nabooru got up and stepped back to give him space, her eyes never leaving him as he shook his head slowly and brushed away a few of his sweaty honey colored bangs. When his breathing calmed down, Nabooru said to him once more.

"Link! I haven't seen you since the fall of Ganondorf! Why...have you come all the way to the spirit temple?"

Link looked at her inquisitively, his eyes expressing a deep concern and immediately a terrible feeling crept inside the Gerudo leader's heart. When his words finally filled the air, in a deep yet smooth voice, it was not what she was expecting to hear.

"I have come here to find you."

"Find me? What in Hyrule's name is going on?"

Nabooru replied swiftly, her eyes narrowing as Link staggered to his feet and continued to look at her in the same serious manner. Nabooru secretly enjoyed looking into his deep blue eyes, an eye color seldom seen in the desert.

"I cannot explain it right now, but if you leave the Spirit Temple you will be in great danger..."

He addressed her so indirectly Nabooru wanted to tell him to simply explain things, but it would have to wait. Danger? His words were so cryptic and vague that she could gain no insight as to what he was up to. Whatever was going on, she was unafraid, especially since Link was with her...but the thought of spending time with him alone in the Spirit Temple was something she never imagined would happen...

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and this is one of the first (or only?) NabooruXLink pairings that I know of. I think Nabooru is a sweet character, and there should be way more stories told about her. Please read and review, because doing so will help keep this story going, as well as reveal more to come in what the plot is about in the next chapter.

Anyone who reads this and reviews it will always be thanked when I make the next chapter!