Notes & Summary: I'm really not sure where this whole idea came from, but I love it nonetheless. I think it's inspired a little bit by the manga, "Fake." Okay, why don't I dish out a little summary here? First off, Kent is vice president for a company in which Hector is boss of. Lyn was Kent's former secretary, but after a love affair between the two grew sour, Lyn quit and Kent was left by himself; this story takes place directly after that. Unfortunately, Wil, the "copy-guy" (stands around in the copy room) finds one before Kent can, and this secretary is the complete opposite of what Kent would have chosen. Eliwood is the other vice president, and he was part of the reason things went wrong between Kent and Lyn. When Kent's new secretary arrives, he is everything that Kent didn't expect…and yet, there is something so endearing about him and Kent finds himself somewhat interested.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kent, Lyn, or any of the Fire Emblem characters (or Downy, Oxy Clean, Maxwell House Coffee, Starbucks, and FAKE for that matter).  I don't own the rights to the game, but I do own a copy of it and did write this story, which is mine, so don't even think about stealing it.  Someone copied my work before, and let me tell you, the end result was not pretty. I hate plagiarism, so please, let's not have any of that happening around this section or anywhere for that matter. Sorry, I felt like ranting…;;

Warnings: What is there to say? Um, SHOUNEN AI and YAOI warnings, yup. Can't say I didn't warn you. Of course, there will be a lot of het pairings thrown into here, too, so be on the lookout for those! Um, what else? Strong language? Whatever, like you guys really care about any of that.

This will be a bit more mature than "Can't Complain," the rating may be moved up. I will include warnings for "those" chapters, so don't worry.

Alright, so, that being said, I give you:

---Simply a Corporate Affair ---

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep-"

The alarm clock buzzed in his ears, reminding him that now, at 5:45, he was supposed to be getting up. Of course, being a very tired businessman, he decided to ignore its annoying call for five minutes as he tried to fall back asleep. He pulled the Downy-scented cotton sheets over his head with hopes of dulling the sound of the alarm, but unfortunately for him, it did nothing. Finally, the fiery-haired man reached an arm out and felt around for the alarm clock, his hand fumbling around on it until he finally found the "off" button.

The young man crept out of bed with a tired yawn, making his way towards the door and shuffling down the small hallway that led to his kitchen. He rubbed his eyes as he grabbed a mug and poured himself a hot cup of coffee that his roommate had made for him earlier that morning.

His roommate, Guy, most likely had gone running like he did almost every morning to keep in shape. Normally, Guy would take him along, but the past couple days had been especially rough for him, so Guy thought it best for him to get extra rest to keep his mind off of what had happened.

He rubbed his eyes and took a seat on their brown leather couch, propping his legs up on the nearest pillow. Raising the steaming cup of coffee to his lips, he savored the rich smell before he took a small sip.

The past week had been an emotional roller coaster for him. One day he's engaged and the next, his fiancée quits her job and runs off to God knows where, leaving him behind to sink into a deep depression. Now there's an example of devotion.

As he drank his coffee, his mind drifted off to memories of the times he had spent with her, like the day they kissed for the first time, the time she threw him a surprise party when he got promoted, the day where she left him…

She packed all of her things in a box and slammed the door behind her, long green hair swishing behind her as she walked away from him.

"Lyn!" He called out her name but she couldn't hear him, she was already gone, and was never coming back again.

Sure, she was his secretary, but to him, she was much more. His best friend, his lover…

"Lyn, why? I love you! You can't leave me now, after all we've been through! Lyn, I-"

"Kent, I'm so sorry…"

Kent felt the coffee cup slipping from his hands and he watched it fall to the floor, shattering into pieces, the brown liquid spilling everywhere and staining the apartment's carpet. Tears welled in his eyes; he felt helpless, useless, and lonely, none of which he felt when he was with Lyn. What did he do that made her want to leave? Why was his life falling apart when everything had been going so well only a week ago?

"Kent? Are you out there?"

A voice sounded from the hallway, where Guy's room was located. Dirty-blonde hair popped out from around the corner, a face that Kent recognized immediately. Matthew was dressed only in a pair of loose-fitting plaid pajama pants and his hair was a mess.

Matthew worked with Kent and Guy, so they both knew him fairly well, especially Guy. The two seemed to be hanging around each other more and more everyday.

Matthew made his way over to Kent, an expression full of worry overcoming his features as he noticed the broken coffee mug and the very large stain left by the sudden mishap.

"What happened, Kent?" Kent looked at his feet, his mind a blur as he tried to come up with something to say. "Are you still upset about Lyn leaving?"

Kent felt a tear trickle down his pale cheek as he brought his arms around his legs and his head down on his knees.

"Kent, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

Kent looked up as Matthew walked over and placed his hand on Kent's back, trying to comfort him best as he could.

"No, it's okay. I'm sure the whole company knows by now…"

Kent cast his eyes downward as Matthew sat down next to him on the couch.

"Kent, you know you have to go back to work today. You can't just skip out like you did yesterday and the day before; the company needs you; you are vice president after all," Matthew urged him, placing his hand on his shoulder again.

Kent looked up at him as he spoke, wiping the solitary tear off of his cheek and forgetting about Lyn and all of the pain she put him through when she left. Matthew looked tired, Kent noted as he watched him closely.

"Matthew, forgive me if this sounds rude, but why are you here?" Kent asked, slightly curious, especially because of what he was wearing (or not wearing, for that matter) and since he had come out of Guy's room.

Matthew grinned. "Guy invited me over."

Were Matthew and Guy…involved? Kent wondered, the thought slightly humoring him.

"Really? He invited you…okay. Sure."

Matthew's eyes bugged out for a second as he processed what Kent had said in his head, a slight blush creeping over his features. "No, Kent, I think you've misunderstood. Guy and I are simply close friends, and nothing more! You…believe me, right?"

What if they really were together? Would that really be such a bad thing? Kent pondered over the thought for a second before smirking briefly and responding.


"I don't think you're really taking me seriously," Matthew complained, his bright eyes shining under the dim lighting. Matthew took a short pause before he looked at the remains of the coffee cup and stared back at Kent. "You know, we had better clean this up before Guy gets back. If he sees this on his rug, believe me, he will not be happy."

Kent shot Matthew a look. "You think I wouldn't know? I've lived with the guy for a couple years now!" His eyes narrowed when he thought about what he had just exclaimed. "No pun intended, or anything."

Matthew chuckled as he stood up and went to go fetch a roll of paper towels and some Oxy Clean. It was time to put that cheap product Guy had bought from an infomercial to good use.

Matthew carried it over to where Kent was sitting on the floor by the stain and placed it down on the floor next to him. Matthew gestured to the tub of Oxy Clean. "Does this stuff actually work?"

Kent sighed. Guy really needed to stop watching those infomercials; he always bought the most useless things that just cluttered up their small apartment. The sad thing was, if Lyn hadn't left him, then Kent would be moving into a nice house in a week or two after they would have gotten married, and he wouldn't have to deal with Guy and his infomercial obsession any longer. A part of Kent told him that he would miss that side of Guy. Maybe it really was better that Lyn left…

Kent simply shrugged as an answer to Matthew's question and snatched up a few rectangles of paper towel, beginning to carefully remove the broken mug and place it in the nearby garbage can.

"I really hope Guy doesn't notice that his favorite mug is gone," said Matthew, glancing at the door and back at the garbage in a paranoid sort of way. Guy could come home any second…

Kent threw Matthew a curious glance. "How would you know that the mug I broke is his favorite?"

"You forget, Kent, I know everythingthere is to know about Guy."

There was an awkward silence as the two both thought hard about what they were actually discussing.

"So you're telling me you know his pant size, too?" Kent retorted with a wicked smile on his face, trying desperately to make Matthew admit to his secret relationship, if there really was one.

A harsh glare was aimed in Kent's direction as he put the last of the broken mug in the garbage and began to cautiously blot the brown stain that his coffee had left.

Matthew looked Kent in the eyes. "I was worried for a moment there, Kent. I almost thought you were going to ask 'boxers or briefs.' I seemed to be forgetting that you're not all that dirty minded."

"So which is it?" Kent questioned Matthew as he unscrewed the top of the Oxy Clean container.

"Which is what?" Matthew, although usually completely on top of things, now looked utterly confused.

"Boxers, or briefs?"

Matthew's face turned as red as Kent's hair, and that was really saying something. Matthew never blushed, or at least Kent had never seen him do so, except for those times earlier today. Needless to say, Kent was rather proud of himself for unnerving his friend with a simple question.

"I'm not going to answer that, Kent," Matthew finally replied after thinking of a suitable response for a number of seconds.

"I'll take that to mean that you actually know…"

"Oh, quit it Kent! What's with you today? One minute you're crying and the next you're picking on me. This is so unlike you!" Matthew noted as he studied Kent's actions on the apartment's rug. "Here, let me try."

Kent handed Matthew the Oxy Clean drenched paper towel and he began to scrub it fiercely into the rug. "You know, I think I might know what brought this on."

One of Kent's crimson brows was raised high. "Oh really?" Kent asked unenthusiastically, still examining the stubborn stain.

Matthew ceased his mad scrubbing actions for a brief moment to flash Kent one of his patented smirks. "I think you're getting interested…in male to male relationships."

This time it was Kent's turn to blush. "I don't know what you're talking about! Matthew, for God's sake I was just with a woman a few days ago!"

Matthew began to battle against the coffee stain once again as he continued his onslaught of questions towards Kent. "Was Lyndis really that bad of a lover that you decided to become gay after you break up?"

There was no reply as Matthew angrily pounded the paper towel into the floor. "Out damn spot!"

Kent rolled his eyes. "Somehow I don't think Shakespeare is going to help you here, Matthew."

Matthew turned back to look at Kent, his messy blond hair falling over one eye. "Do you want me to help you get this out?"


"That's what I thought…damn you, Maxwell House!"

"Hey Matthew, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"That 'ding' sound that the elevator makes when someone comes on our floor."


Matthew and Kent shared a look of pure agony before they both began to scrub for their dear lives in the remaining seconds before the doors of the elevator opened and the 'ding' sounded once again.

"Okay, it's fine. Just cover what's remaining with the leg of this table and we'll be okay." Kent explained, each word rushed as they threw away the paper towels and stuffed them over the broken mug. They then raced over to the table, moved it a bit so that it covered the stain perfectly, and slammed the Oxy Clean back where it had been resting on the counter a couple minutes ago.

They waited in anticipation, but nothing happened. However, the door to the apartment across the hall was heard opening, and both of them were released of their tension and flopped down on the couch.

Breathing heavily Matthew said, "Close call," and rested his eyes.

"You know, Matthew, I'm not gay." Kent stated, trying to persuade him.

Matthew opened one eye and cocked his head to the side. "Pardon?"

"I'm bi." Kent added. At that moment, Matthew's eyes widened and he stared at Kent in disbelief.

"No way! So you're saying that you would jump me, right here, right now, if you felt the need?" Matthew inquired, his mouth still gaping wide open.

"Matthew, I was joking, I'm not bi. I'm completely-"

"Gay." Matthew finished the sentence for him, lips curling into a smirk. "I knew it!"

Kent sighed, his hand making its way into his bright orange hair. "I was going to say 'straight' until you interrupted me."

"I wasn't interrupting you, Kent, but merely stating the truth!" Matthew huffed, looking quite proud of himself and the 'secret' he had found out about his friend. "I always knew you were different from all the other boys at school."

Kent got out of his seat on the couch and climbed over Matthew, one hand on the armrest of the couch, emphasizing each word as he spoke. "I. Am. Not. Gay."

At that exact moment, a key turned in the lock, and Guy walked in on one of the worst looking scenes possible. His face immediately turned ten shades redder as he eyed his two friends with a very shocked expression on his face.

Kent had Matthew pinned against the couch, right leg between Matthew's, and Matthew's shirt was nowhere to be seen. The brown leather squeaked underneath them as they tried to rearrange themselves.

"Matthew, I didn't know you were still…here." Guy said, that same look of horror washing over his face.

Matthew pushed Kent off of him and he fell to the floor, dangerously close to hitting his head on the table.

"Hey, Guy, it's really not what it looks like," Matthew shouted, following Guy as he ran towards the hall.

"How could it not be?" Guy screamed, his long green braid swishing back and forth behind him as he fled from the room, Matthew following close behind.

Kent stared shamefully at his feet. "Uh, guys?" It was useless for him to call after them, because they were too absorbed in their own conversation to even see him there by the couch.

"We need to talk, Guy, you see, I was…"

Their conversation sounded like a bunch of mumbles from where Kent was sitting, so he stopped trying to listen in on it and just gave up, waiting for his two friends to make their way back into the room.

"Ooooohhhhh Matthew!"

Kent's eyes widened. That most certainly did not sound like normal "talk."

"Guy, no, not there, ah!"

"…" Kent decided that there were no words. Yes, Matthew and Guy were definitely more than friends. Much more. There was no doubt about it.

A few moments later, Guy and Matthew walked back into the room, faces slightly flushed and both of them looking somewhat disheveled.

Guy grinned sheepishly. "Well, we made out-UP! We made UP! Up, yes we definitely MADE UP!"

Kent laughed. "You're telling me…"

"I'm glad that we could-" Matthew pulled down his shirt that, a second ago, was showing a little bit too much skin. "-Work things out, Guy."

A small wink was shared between the two that Kent didn't seem to catch.

Changing the topic, Guy suddenly asked, "So, Kent, how was your coffee? You know, I woke up extra early to make that for you."

Kent put on a fake smile. "I…appreciate it, Guy. That coffee was…was…uh, it was delicious!"

Guy smiled cheerfully as he made his way over to the cabinet where they kept their cups. He opened the door and started looking around. Both Matthew and Kent knew exactly what he was looking for, and they also knew that he wasn't going to find it; at least, not in there.

"That's funny," Guy said. "I can't seem to find my favorite mug. Kent, do you know where it is?"

Kent and Matthew shared a look of panic. "Hey, maybe it's in the dishwasher, Guy." Matthew suggested, shuffling over to the dishwasher and blocking the way. "But it's washing right now, so you better not open it."

"Okay, I guess I'll just have to use another one for today."

Matthew looked relieved and his cover up was a good one, but only for that day. Kent was scared of what would happen the next day. Maybe somebody at work could pick him up a new one…

"Matthew, I think you ought to get ready. Works starts soon, so you should too, Kent. Go take turns taking a shower; that is, unless you want to take one together." Guy teased as he poured himself a cup of the same coffee that had left its mark on their rug.

"Very funny, Guy," Matthew snorted as he went into Guy's room to find his shirt. Kent, sighing heavily, made his way into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He could tell that it was going to be a long day.

Kent gripped his suitcase more tightly as the elevator made its quick descent to the main lobby, letting him off as the doors automatically closed behind him. Kent was greeted with the sight of the shining bald head that belonged to the building's overly friendly doorman, Wallace. He offered Kent one of his hearty smiles and forcefully clapped him on the back.

Kent choked out a small "oof" as he was pushed a few meters across the room from the impact. Did Wallace never realize how hard he was actually hitting him?

"Kenty boy! How's it goin'? Great morning, isn't it? The streets of New York City are busy already! Ahahaha!" Wallace began to trail off onto his morning ramble, which was an everyday ritual for him. Kent could only nod dumbly in agreement, only slightly listening to what the fool was actually saying.

"Ahahaha don't you think it's great? Oh, these streets are so easy to get lost in! You never know which way to turn, do you? Ahaha…"

"Er, yes." Kent replied, starting to walk towards the door, quickening his pace with each step.

"Oh, let me get that for you, sir!" Wallace exclaimed, eagerly rushing towards the door and holding it open. "Say, where are your friends, Matthew and Guy? Usually they're with you when you go to work."

"I was ready earlier, so they just told me to go ahead." Kent answered, knowing that they probably wanted him to head out without them for some other reasons, as well.

"Well, in that case, have a good day at work, boy!" Wallace said loudly as Kent left the building, door closing softly behind him. Every morning Kent heard the same thing from Wallace, and every morning, he was never happier when he made it out of the apartment building.

Whistling a tune from some musical as he walked, Kent briskly followed his usually route to the subway, the morning breeze playing through his hair. Wallace had been right; it was a nice morning, at least as nice as it could be in the city. The streets were full of cars, taxis beeped obnoxiously, and all was right with the world. Well, everything except the fact that a random street thug was blocking his way to the stairs leading down into the subway.

"Excuse me, could you please move? I really need to get to work," Kent asked kindly as he tried to make his way by.

"…" The thug looked him up and down, scanning him for a wallet or any money. His appearance was quite scary; this particular street thug had tall, spiky red hair and a grayish-brown cape-like thing wrapped around his neck. If Kent was seeing things correctly, it also looked like he was holding a dagger at his side.

Kent began to inch away from him and fumbled around in his wallet for ten dollars. He held it out for the thug, and he quickly snatched it up. Instead of putting it in his pocket like Kent thought he would, the thug tore it up into shreds.

"I don't need your charity, businessman," he said with a sneer as he turned around and was greeted by the cheers of his friends.

"Nice going, Jaffar!"

"He didn't look like he was going to pee his pants, though. Not like that other guy we saw earlier! Hahahaha!"

Jaffar…what an unusual name, Kent thought to himself as he began to rush down the stairs, trying to avoid another encounter with the scary guy. Without noticing where he was going, Kent ran down the steps quickly, eventually finding himself landed on his butt in the middle of the stairwell, face to face with an unfamiliar man.

This guy looked like he was about his age, and he had greenish-brown hair that fell close to his eyes, a pair of chocolate brown eyes, and a bouquet of flowers and a briefcase in his hands. During their first surprise meeting, the man's briefcase had hit the wall and burst open, papers flying everywhere.

"Oh no! Here, let me help you with those," Kent offered as he crouched down on his knees and began to place the papers back inside the other man's briefcase.

The man stared into Kent's two beautiful amber eyes, admiring them for a moment before he broke his gaze. "You have beautiful eyes; do you, by any chance, have a sister?"

Kent stopped rearranging the papers and looked up at the man. "What did you just say?" He asked, hardly believing his ears.

"Oh, it was nothing important. I appreciate your help, um-"

Kent stretched out his hand. "It's Kent."

The other man accepted it and gave it a light shake. "I'm Sain, and I'm about to miss my ride. Are you taking the 7:15 subway?" He inquired as he shoved the last paper inside his briefcase and stood up with Kent.

"Yes, actually. If we hurry, we'll be able to make it." Kent replied, and the two businessmen jogged quickly towards the subway, making it just as the last call sounded. The doors slid shut behind them as the stepped up inside, looking around for any empty seats. Spotting two in the back, they pushed their way through the aisles and eventually sat down in the two seats that faced each other. A couple of pretty women were sitting in the section across from them, and Kent could tell that his companion was scanning them up and down.

"So Kent, do you live in the city, or are you commuting from some far away place?" Sain asked, leaning his elbow on his knee.

"I live nearby, so every-" There was a sudden violent shake in their ride as Kent began to speak, and unfortunately, this sudden lunge resulted in a very awkward first kiss between the two of them.

Once everything stopped shaking about, the two very startled men pulled apart quickly, averting their eyes from one another.

"I'm sorry, Sain, I didn't mean to-"

"Really Kent, I understand. It wasn't your fault I leaned forward to keep steady in my seat and you, well, you know, flew in my direction; I wasn't quite sure what to do." Sain explained, grinning somewhat as he talked abnormally quickly.

Kent felt the blush fade from his cheeks. Why had that felt so…oh, who was he kidding? He hadn't felt anything. No, nothing at all.

One of the women from across the way walked by Sain, and he took the opportunity to physically get a feel for her. She quickly turned around and slapped him hard as her friend gave Sain a look of disgust.

What a scoundrel…Kent thought to himself. It was a good thing there were only two stops left.

"You know, most women don't appreciate that. At least wait until the second date, Sain. It's not exactly the perfect way to start a relationship." Kent advised him, amused by his earlier antics. Some men just had no self-restraint.

"Well, I wouldn't think a sloppy kiss would be a good start to a friendship, would you?" Sain shot back, smirking as he caught Kent's embarrassed expression. "Well, truthfully, it wasn't all that sloppy. You're a good kisser."

People started to turn around and stare at the two of them, giving them disapproving glances every now and then. Kent scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Sain, stop joking around."

Sain rested his feet up on the space next to Kent. "Who says I was joking?"

Kent gulped. This guy was really starting to give him the creeps. "Sain, you're-"

"I'm joking. Again. Man, you're awfully gullible, aren't you, Kent?" Sain said with a chuckle, his eyes pouring into Kent's.

He simply stared back, not saying anything or moving until the train came to its first stop. There was only one more stop to go.

Kent tried to change the subject. "So, Sain, who are the flowers for?"

"Oh, well I'm starting my new jo-"

Kent lost track of what Sain was saying as he noticed a flash of green out of the corner of his eye. A long green ponytail, beautiful curvy hips, lustrous pink lips; it could be none other than her!

Kent immediately stood up from his seat and ran down the aisle after her. "Lyn! Wait! It's me, Kent!"

Sain tried to shout after the determined businessman, but he didn't hear him. Slightly disappointed and somewhat lonely and bored, Sain glanced down at Kent's suitcase. "You forgot…your suitcase, Kent." He mumbled to himself as the train started to move again, his new friend no longer near him.

Racing through the bustling streets of New York City, Kent followed the woman all the way to a corner, and he looked back and forth. His breath was heavy and loud, and his throat felt sore and dry. Perhaps today wasn't the best day to go for a run, not that he had meant to in the first place. His head followed the backs of many civilians, but none of them looked even remotely familiar. Had he been seeing things?

Feeling defeated and depressed, Kent made his way back to the subway station, in need of a new ticket and a new ride to work. At this rate, he would definitely be late.

Matthew took a sip of his Starbucks coffee, secretly sneaking a peek at his friend, Guy, who was working in the room across from him.

"Ah, the wonders of large glass windows," Matthew said to himself as Guy bent down to pick up the phone that he had just dropped. "What a lovely view."

"Matthew, what are you talking about?" The company's loyal coffee-server, Erk, asked in annoyance.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Matthew replied as he took another sip of his caramel Frappa-whatsit. The ringing of phones sounded from outside his office as Matthew lounged back lackadaisically in his office chair, waiting for his boss, Eliwood, to give him the plan for the day. Supposedly Eliwood, the vice president of the company, and Hector, the boss, were in Hector's office joking around with one of Eliwood's family friends. It was rumored that his name was Marcus, and he was quite older than most of the people in the company, but only one person had actually seen him, so the fact was basically meaningless.

"Mmm, Starbucks is so much better than Maxwell House," Matthew said as he closed his eyes.

"Why, what's wrong with Maxwell House?" Asked Erk, looking confused as he held up a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Oh, um, never mind. It's a long story," Matthew answered, shuddering at the memory.

Erk groaned as he saw the face of the person he had been trying to avoid all morning, Serra, appear in the doorway. Serra was Matthew's annoying assistant who had become strangely attached to the purple-haired coffee man.

"Errrrk guess what I heard? Kent's got a new secretary! They just came in now! And supposedly, he's felt up Fiora, Farina, Florina, Rebecca," And the list went on and on and on, according to Serra.

"Serra, please, not now. Interesting as that information was, I'm really not in the mood," Erk said, raising a finger to his temple.

"Well, unlike some people, I'm a bit curious to meet this new co-worker of mine. And you should be too, Erk, especially since you'll be serving them coffee every morning from now on," Matthew reminded him as he exited his office with Serra beside him.

Erk rested his head on Matthew's desk. "Why me?"

The elevator doors opened to reveal a pair of baggy gray overalls, belonging to none other than the company's redheaded janitor, Raven. Raven and Kent had never really gotten along, so when Kent was forced to ride up a couple floors with him, he was less than pleased.

Kent stepped into the elevator, making sure to stand as far away as possible from Raven and his lethal mop. There were just some things that Kent didn't feel like having shoved in his face in the early hours of the morning, and a wet, dirty mop was one of them.

"So, late for work, are we?" Raven taunted him, glaring at him. Well, if you wanted to consider it glaring. His expression never really changed from a glare, so you couldn't ever tell if he was happy, sad, depressed, cheerful, or really just angry like his expression depicted.

"Just a bit."

"I don't know what you learned when you went to school, but a bit never meant an hour and a half where I was taught."

Kent was very close to asking him if he actually went to school and graduated college but decided against it, for he wasn't energetic enough for a fistfight in the elevator. It wasn't that he couldn't handle it if the opportunity ever came up, though; Kent didn't make his nightly visits to the gym for no reason.

After what seemed like years, the elevator finally got off on Kent's floor, and Kent stepped off as quickly as he could. He could have sworn Raven pushed the "door close" button a bit too early, and it was more than likely that he did it on purpose.

Kent's nose was greeted with the aroma of fresh coffee, courtesy of Erk, who Kent found easy to relate to on stressful mornings such as this one. Kent said "hello" as cheerfully as he could to each of his co-workers as he passed them by; he was a reasonably friendly and polite person, heck, he even said "hi" to Rath, the UPS man who made frequent visits to their office, and to the copy-room, for some unknown reason.

"Oh, Kent, there you are, I was getting worried." Fiora, one of Kent's close assistants said as she approached him. "Someone is here to see you about-"

"Sorry to cut you off, Fiora, but is it, by any chance, Lyn?" He asked, his eyes watering as he mentioned her name.

Fiora looked sad, and she tore her eyes away from Kent. "No, I'm sorry Kent. I don't want to say this, but you really shouldn't be so hopeful. She packed her things up yesterday; Kent, she's gone."

Kent smiled half-heartedly. "I understand. I'll go introduce myself to whoever it is right this instant." Kent turned the knob on the door to his office, and peeked inside.

A voice was heard from across the room and behind his tall desk chair that was currently turned around. "So you finally decided to show up, Kent."

That voice, it was so familiar to him. Who was sitting in his desk chair? Was it—

The chair slowly turned around to reveal the sly smirk of the man Kent had met earlier. Kent noticed the bouquet of flowers was now placed in a vase on his desk. "Hello, Kent. I'll be your new secretary and assistant starting today."

Kent's eyes widened in surprise as Sain held up the briefcase he had left behind. "I believe you forgot your briefcase, Kent."


­End of Chapter One

Yes, Sain is his secretary. Heheheheh. And we all know he'll be much much more in the chapters to come. Bwhahahahaha…ha. Okay, many more of the characters will be introduced in the next chapter, and the mystery of "the company" will start to unravel. Better go work on the next chapter of "Can't Complain." Hope you liked this so far! I'd love to hear from you guys, hint hint.