Okay… so I lied. No sorting this time, but at least I updated!

"Faust! Silva!"

"Professor Faust!" Cried Hermione. She looked at him quizzically "right?"


"Don't be so dense, Ron, he's one of our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers!"

"Him?" Ron looked at Faust raising an eyebrow. Faust gave him a warm smile and looked up at the ceiling to reveal the bags under his eyes. Ron made a face, but didn't say anything. "How come you know everything?"

"Who's the other guy?" Harry asked Hermione.


"What's going on?" Demanded Silva before Hermione could say anything.

"Hao, you'd better hide behind me… or something." Said Yoh. Hao glared at his brother.

"Who do you think I am, Yoh?" He demanded.

"So you're alive…" Muttered Faust. He glared menacingly at him. Hao didn't move an inch.

"Um… exactly how many people want him dead?" Ron asked Anna nervously.

"Um… a couple 20…" Harry looked at her hopefully. "…thousand. Living and Dead." Harry and Ron continued to shake their heads in disbelief.

"YOU!!!" Silva pointed an accusing finger at Hao, who merely turned his head and looked up at the two with a kind of look that explained that he didn't want to deal with this all over again. Despite that, he still turned to face them.

"Aw… I hurt Silva. Do you really hate me that much?" Hao asked him with a tone of amusement in his voice. "You know, I it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be here."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Harry. "We want to know what is going on right here, right now!"

"That can be arranged." Said Faust.

"Kill the sinners!!!" Jeanne yelled. Yoh, who had forgotten completely about their 'temporary hostage' whirled around and looked at Ren pleadingly.

"Don't look at me," Horo-horo indignantly. Before anyone could do anything, Eliza raised her scythe and tried to cut the ropes that tied Jeanne to the chair. She missed. Lyserg then dodged a blow that was meant for Hao and tripped over Yoh's foot. He painfully landed on the floor.

"Sorry Lyserg!" Lyserg staggered to his feet and nodded at Yoh.

"Careful, Eliza, my dear. We don't want to hurt the others!" Faust laughed insanely.

"You crazy-!!!" Ron shouted.

"Ron! Don't talk like that to a Professor. It might come up on your permanent record!"

"Shut up, Hermione. He almost killed Lyserg!"

"How about I make it easier for all of you by doing this." Hao rose up his hand revealing three talismans Jufu. Flames exploded in his palm Jeanne was bound by an invisible force and was thrown back onto the chair.

"Thanks Jun. I knew that these would be useful…"

"So that's where they went…" Jun muttered.

"Don't look at me like that," Hao pouted. "I only meant to 'borrow' them…"

"Enough talk. What is going on?"

"He changed, Silva."


"No way."

"It's true!" Yoh insisted.

"Ugh. I'm getting sick of this, Yoh. If you can't make them believe you, I'll makethem." Yoh didn't like the sound of it, neither did Lyserg, but they too, were sick of trying to prove that he changed, so they didn't say a word.

Like Anna, Hao had decided to gain their trust by force. Well, if it meant forcing his point of view into their minds. Unless they knew Occomency, it shouldn't be much of a problem. He would give them flashbacks of what occurred in the past few days. He hoped that it would be effective enough.

Hao pulled out 4 strands of thoughts out from his mind. Horo-Horo whistled as the 'hair' started to glow blue. Before anyone could react, Hao fired his thoughts into Faust and Silva's minds turning their brains into mush.

…Not really. Long story short, Hao's plan worked. After 5 minutes, they shook hands and made a peace treaty. Jeanne looked at the two men as if someone had slapped her.


"I remember that!" Harry whispered to Ron and Hermione.


"When Yoh… um… Hao pulled out his thoughts… That's like how Dumbledore extracted his thoughts and put them into the pensive."


"Don't you find it kind of weird? They said that they didn't have any education in magic until recently. How could he put his thoughts someone else's? That's what I'm learning… To prevent people form invading my mind. But that guy… He broke through their barriers so easily! They're supposed to be teachers yet he can…"

"They're not ordinary." Said Hermione.


"There's more. But…I think we should talk somewhere a little more private." Said Harry.

"Good point. Ron nodded. "When I give the signal, we get out of here." The two of them nodded.

Back with the others…

"I'll I want to do is wipe out the only other person that will soon destroy us if we don't act. I will assure you that nobody will be harmed unless they get in my way… Do we have a deal?"


"It's done then."


"Don't you see? He's messing with our minds!"

"erm… what's Jeanne talking about?" Ron pointed to the poor distressed girl in the chair. Thanks to that, everyone became aware of Jeanne's existence in that cabin (again), and lost all hope of clearing Hao's name.

"Let's just say we need to something a little more drastic for this case." Hao said wearily.

"Well, assuming that this train goes at an average of 25 to 35 miles per hour, and two hours have already passed, we only have 9 minutes left to deal with Jeanne, so we'd better make this quick." Said Manta knowledgably.

"eh?" Horo-horo scratched his head confused.

"You baka! He means that we don't have much time!" Pillika told her brother.


"How about Chocolove?" Asked Tamao.

"Good question. We'll let it all hang." Hao said this in a tone which a lot like Yoh's. One who stood far away might not even be able to tell the difference between the two.


"You know I'm sick of this. We'll deal with him later."

"Mari thinks that Yoh-sama is a bad influence on Hao-sama!"

Hao said nothing. Yoh laughed nervously.

"Why the heck does she talk in third-person anyway?" Ron asked to no one in particular.

"Because Mari wants to!" Mari glared at Ron and held Chuck protectively in her arms.

"Ok…" Ron blinked. "But whats with the doll?"


"I agree. It's freaky." Horo-horo scratched his head again.

"We'll be here very soon. I've ordered our equipment already. It should be in our dorms. " Jun, who had been quiet for the whole train ride, had walked over to where the group was, and sat next to a trio of confused wizards.

--We will be reaching Hogwarts in exactly 3 minutes, and 34 seconds. Luggage will be carried directly to your common rooms after the sorting is complete. —

"I'm hungry." Said Horo-horo.

"That was random." Said Manta. "Didn't we already eat lots of candy earlier?"

"Yeah, but that was an hour ago!" Horo Horo whined clutching his stomach.

"My frog ran away…" Yoh started to cry anime style. Anna ignored him and sat down thinking of evil training programs for Yoh while she was absent.

"Musssttt haaave foooooood."

"Is food all you think about?" Sighed Pillika. "If it-"

"HEY! I'm not done with you yet, Hao Asakura! Let me go!!!" Jeanne's face was now red with anger and frustration. She hated being ignored, and certainly wasn't used to it.

"Jeanne-sama…" Lyserg shook his head sympathetically.

"Uh… perhaps we should leave before someone gets hurt…" Said Harry.

"Good point. We're outta here." Harry, Ron and Hermione picked up their bags, and discreetly left the cabin without a word. Anna was the only one to notice the three run out of the cabin. She glared at the door for a moment, and decided to follow them.

Harry, Ron and Hermione went to the corner of the cabin where they couldn't be heard.

"…So what are we going to do with those… weird people-"

"Shamans." Hermione corrected.

"Guys, make sure the people here don't hear you." Harry pointed to the group of Hufflepuffs sitting to the right of them."

"Who cares? Those Hufflepuffs are half-deaf anyway."

"Don't let them hear you say that." Warned Hermione.

"Exactly. They didn't hear me." Ron smiled. "Anyways… what were we saying?"

"What I was trying to say was that those shamans might be with Voldemort!" The people in the cabin gasped upon hearing that name. All eyes were on Harry. So much for half-deaf. The three of them dashed out once more not noticing Anna walking back to her cabin.