Embracing the Darkness

Chapter One – Repeating the Past

Patience, my pet...

"How much longer must I pretend?"

The end is in sight...

"A day, a month, a year?"


Ginny Weasley has no patience. That has always been her problem. When she wants something, she wants it now. That's how she got started in all of this...


Ginny Weasley was lying on her bed, her eyes half-closed. If anyone in the dorm had been listening, they would have heard her muttering to herself.

She opened her eyes briefly, to confirm that the curtains around her bed had indeed been closed all the way. Her hand rested on her stomach. She let her hand inch upward, under her shirt. A slight groan passed her lips as she squeezed her nipple and then gently tugged.

Her other hand moved lower, past the drawstrings of her pyjama bottoms. She felt the silky hair and caressed the inside of her thighs. The other hand joined, stroking softly. Her fingers moved expertly over the folds of flesh.

She whispered his name.


I'm here Ginerva, I'm here...

"Oh Tom," she moaned, stroking faster.

You're very loyal to me, Ginerva...

"Yes, oh yes," she cried.

Your loyalty shall someday be rewarded...

"Please, Tom, please," she begged.

We will be together soon...

Her voice rang out as she reached her final release.

Sleep, Ginerva. You need your rest...

Ginny Weasley turned over on her side and fell asleep, a slight smile on her lips.


"You look tired, Ginny," Harry Potter said at breakfast the next morning.

"I am tired," Ginny admitted, "I've decided to take the path of the straight and narrow and actually study for class this year. N.E.W.T.S are only a year away."

"Good for you, Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed.

When did lying become so easy for her? It took a couple of years before she could lie without anyone being suspicious. It was her fourth year where she finally felt comfortable, when she was truly useful to him.

Knowing Tom was back in human form helped. The Dark Lord wasn't her Tom yet, but it was the first step. The Tom Riddle she knew never left her side. He was mingled in her every thought and every breath.

"Thanks, Hermione. Good thing I know where you live in case I need help studying!" Ginny joked.

Hermione looked at her seriously. "I'm always willing to help you, Ginny. Just ask," Hermione said.

Ginny smiled, that sweet, innocent smile people seemed to love so much.

Ginny's eyes locked with his across the room. His steel eyes met her amber ones. Ginny felt a thrill that shook her very core. She never knew why looking at him made her feel so alive. Was he the forbidden fruit? Romeo to her Juliet? Nothing that romantic. Ginny shared her secret with him, and now he demands payment to keep quiet. He has earned her respect.

Ginny shifted in her chair. "Don't forget quidditch tryouts this afternoon, Ginny," Harry said excitedly.

"Yes, sir. Captain, sir!" Ginny gave Harry a mock salute. This was Harry's final year at Hogwarts. He had been named the quidditch captain. Ginny was his best chaser.

The bell rang and the students at all four tables stood up. Ginny waved good-bye to Harry, Hermione and Ron and walked out of the Great Hall.

She slowly walked at the edge of the hallway, waiting...

He quickly grabbed her arm. He pulled her behind a tapestry where no one could see them. Furiously he thrust his tongue into her mouth. His hands grabbed her bottom. Ginny could feel his hardness next to her thigh. She pulled her mouth away and gasped for air.

"When?" Draco demanded.

"Not this afternoon," Ginny said.

"When?" Draco repeated, rubbing himself against her.

"Tonight?" Ginny said desperately.

"When?" Draco asked furiously, nibbling on her neck.

"Ten o'clock. Same place," Ginny whispered, licking her lips.

Draco gave her one last passionate kiss and walked away without a backwards glance.


The day went by slowly. Twice, she toyed with the idea of summoning him. She knew better than that though. Once, she had summoned him just to keep her company during class. She had suffered his...displeasure.

Tom didn't like being at her beck and call, but that's what he was. He could only share her mind when she called him. At first, she wanted him there all the time. But he refused. Then punished her by disappearing for over six months. Ginny had sunk into a depression that was only went away when she knew he was back

Her last class of the day was potions, which had become her most enjoyable class. Ginny didn't care about her class work anymore. She wanted to watch the man who Tom respected so much. The man who was playing both sides so skillfully it was like a dance.

The Dark Lord had been upset when he realized Severus had been working both sides. But eventually he saw the logic to it and Severus was rewarded for his cunning. Ginny lived for this class. To watch his every move, to try to learn something that could help her weave the dangerous web she worked on.

When Ginny was supposed to be cutting her lionspine plant, she saw him looking at her. She matched his gaze and refused to look away first. For the hundredth time she wondered if he knew the truth about her. And for the hundredth time she accepted what Tom said, that Severus had no idea they were loyal to the same side.


"Ginny, pass the quaffle to Seamus!" Harry yelled later that afternoon. Ginny did as she was instructed and skillfully threw the quaffle to Seamus. She quickly changed the direction of her broom when...


A bludger hit her right in the face, causing Ginny to lose control of her broom. She fell ten feet in a matter of seconds and landed on the ground hard. Her nose was bleeding. Ginny looked up to see who hit the offending bludger. To her dismay, Dean Thomas landed his broom next to hers.

"Ginny! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit it at you," Dean stammered.

"You asshole!" Ginny cried, pushing him to the ground. "That was deliberate!"

Dean looked up from the ground. "Honestly, Ginny. It wasn't!"

Harry held back one of her arms. "Ginny, calm down."

Ginny pulled her arm away. "I'm going to the hospital wing," she announced. She picked up her broom and left the other players on the field.

She looked down at her practice robes and saw that blood had splattered everywhere. "Shit!" she said loudly. Only the Fat Friar heard her swear.

Ginny held her nose to try to stop the bleeding. As she ran up the stairs, she passed Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. She hoped that Draco wouldn't say anything to her. Crabbe and Goyle didn't know anything about their relationship, so she hated putting up an act in front of them.

"Blood matches your hair, Weasley," Draco drawled as she ran past him.

"Fuck you, Malfoy," she spat.

"What was that, Weasley?" Draco said menacingly.

"You heard me, Malfoy," Ginny said, running faster and taking the stairs two at a time.

Ten minutes later, she left the hospital wing. The bleeding had stopped and her practice robes had been cleaned. She knew he would be waiting for her.

He stood there, arms crossed and leaning against a pillar. "I need to teach you some manners, Weasley," he said, grinning slowly.

"I have to get back to our try-outs," she said, walking past him.

"You have a lesson to learn first," he told her, grabbing her arm.

"We said ten o'clock, Malfoy," Ginny said, upset.

"Maybe I've changed my mind," said Draco.

He pulled at her long hair, which normally excited her. Today, it simply infuriated her. She took her wand out quickly and pointed it straight at Draco.

"Ten o'clock, Malfoy. Not a second before," she said through clenched teeth.

Draco put his hands up. "Ten o'clock it is."


There seemed to be a cold breeze going over her body. Ginny looked up. "Where am I?" she muttered to herself. She sat up and saw that she was in what she thought was the first floor girl's bathroom. Seeing Moaning Myrtle sobbing hysterically in the corner confirmed it.

Frantically, Ginny pulled out the small pocket watch she always carried with her. It was nine o'clock at night. Ginny looked down and saw that she was still in her practice robes. That could only mean one thing.

"Tom!" she whispered, not wanting Myrtle to hear.

Yes, Ginerva...

"You bastard! You promised!" Ginny cried.

I am often forced to break promises...

"Not to me you're not!" Ginny said furiously.

I am helping things speed along...

"What the fuck did you have me do?" Ginny was seething.

Nothing you need to worry about...

"What did I do?" Ginny screamed.

Temper, Ginerva...

"Fuck you!"

We'll talk again when you're not so...emotional...

"Tom!" Ginny yelled, "Don't go! Tom!! Please!"

Ginny stood up, shaking. He promised. He had promised her! He told her that if she let him share her mind, he wouldn't take control.

Ginny couldn't remember anything from the last three hours. Which only meant one thing.

Tom Riddle was possessing her again.