Story and Trivia:

Deaths and Survivals:

Yakuzas: Makoto is recovering with Amaya Kaida outside Liberty City. Their gang is regrouping at this moment.

Diablos: El burro lost control of his gang. They disbanded into two seperate gangs, El burro still has control of one half.

The Cipriani Crime Family: Tony's gang has taken a severe beating. The Forelli crime family will take advantage. Tony still has hope from several sources including Tommy Vercetti in Vice City. Still his gang was partially disbanded from Donald Love's hiring, deaths from Augustus Armando, and walk outs such as Trent.

The Triads: Have taken a severe fall. There position to rise up is not yet known.

Augustus' Cartels: Have lost interest in Liberty City. Falling apart from the inside out.

Max Payne: Was admitted to Portland Hospital with a bullet wound in the head. He will recover completely.

8-ball: Was pronounced dead on a arrival. His body is awaiting autopsy.

Tommy Vercetti Jr.: Spent two months in intensive care but died of unknown causes.

The Nico's: Have died but left a legacy of several relatives and family. Their Uncle recently became a Made Man in New York City.

Fidelio Gerodi: Deceased. He left a widow she's now good friends with Sal's widow.

Carlos: Spent time at the hospital but disappeared at a time when death or recovery were impossible to determine.



Tony's name is spelled wrong throughout the entire story. This is because I started the story before I bought a new copy of Grand Theft Auto III while mine was broken. By the time I had a chance to check the spelling it would have taken too long to replace it so it was left in.

San Fierro is spelled San Fierra because of a few misinformed websites before San Andreas came out.

There are likely several time inconsistancies in the Plaza chapters. You can't be completely sure how much time Max and Carlos spent in the building, or how long the other's spend in it.

There are countless points in the story where I could have messed up everything completely. There is no real major screw up in the entire story. I was just lucky enough to spot the biggest ones before I put them into the story.

Movie and Entertainment Tie-ins:

Shady Aftermath: The words shady and aftermath were purposefully put into the same chapter. And no I'm not a huge rap fan. Nor am I a huge rock fan. I rarely listen to music.

Scarface: The line 'Say Hello to my little friend!' is spoken by Tommy Vercetti's son an obvious reference to Scarface in which Grand Theft Auto Vice City is based.

Playing God: 'Fox' the doctor is the main character from the film Playing God. It's funny how you can tie-in a movie (Playing God) and TV (X-files) character along with a real life actor.

Die Hard: The Stuanton Island Plaza incident is based almost completely on the movie Die Hard. This is because I was playing the game and happened upon a billboard of the would-be finished product of the Plaza, it seemed to bear a striking resemblance to the Nakatomi Plaza in Die Hard.

Back to the Future: The showing of one event as two (or from the point of view as another). Was - believe it or not - not inspired by Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs' muddled timeline. Or Memento's. Or even Resident Evil 2; which actually is my favorite one for that very specific reason. No it was actually inspired by none other than Back to the Future Part II. Marty watches himself do things in 1955, it always kind of caught my attention.

Underworld: Underworld and The Crow are both mentioned by the Nico brothers and Samantha. But the part in the subway where Trent almost changes is based on three movies; Full Metal Jacket, Underworld, and From Dusk Till Dawn. Underworld: Subway, flashing lights (can't remember if I remembered that in the chapter), and an action scene shootout. Full Metal Jacket: A shot woman - she's put out of her misery. From Dusk Till Dawn. The flash of images in his head. This is inspired by the scene in which Richard Gecko is accused of murder by his brother. I felt that scene was much too powerful to be in such a goofy movie.

The Book of Lists: The Book of Lists for Teens is a real book and so are the facts that Samantha states. It's recommended but just a little corny - so have a sense of humor if you pick it up.

Reservoir Dogs Cameo: Yes, fans caught it. Mr.Pink makes a guest appearance in my story. Talking to Tony; voiced by Michael Madsen in the game. A little bit of a Reservoir Dogs family reunion.

Pulp Fiction: The numbers 25:17.

The Quentin Tarantino Super Tie-in: The Tie in is by far the most insane. With constant references to both Pulp Fiction (PF) and Reservoir Dogs (RD). 8-ball and Trent take a prisoner who works for their boss (PF). Their prisoner is a cop (RD) who was taken hostage so they could 'get the fuck out of there' (RD). He's accidentally shot (PF). They throw him in the back (RD). His name is Marvin (both). One of the characters mentions not letting him go because he's a witness (RD). And finally they end up leaving him alone with Toni who's voiced by Michael Madsen who acted in Reservoir Dogs; as Mr.Blonde who was left alone with the cop Marvin.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: There are a ton of other tie-ins including 8-ball's Texas Chainsaw Massacre inpired escape. The very short appearance of a character named Roy is inspired by a real person (so is Tommy chopping the light off of a cop car). And the psychopath that tortures D-Ice was (after awhile) inspired by Johnny The Homicidal Maniac. Though he wasn't invisioned that way I did draw inspiration from it. Carlos was inspired by Ruben Blades a great Latino actor (though Carlos is much younger). Samantha was both inspired by the little kid in Road to Perdition and taken from another original story of mine. There are actually tie-ins with stories that I haven't written yet: The mysterious man in a black cowboy hat that Max Payne mentions; along with Trent's sister-in-law and brother. There are some accidental tie-ins: The Nico brothers could be compared to the Vega Brothers. D-Ice's torture was not supposed to be similar to Pulp Fiction but I knew the mention of it would come about. Samantha's injury at the end was actually comparitively inspired by Reservoir Dogs' Mr.Orange. The Nico brothers' attitudes was slightly drawn from the attitudes of my brother and me. The part where the Nico's are arguing about who should talk to Misty is played out constantly in my life; He and I will stand and argue over who should go up to the counter to buy our Taco Bell.

Original Works: Again many of my ideas come from original works. Including. The use of 'shattered glass', 'needles', and 'MM's' in shotgun shells. A man is hit by a car and fires through the windshield almost hitting a man's daughter. Max Payne's escaping concrete shoes. Seeing from the point of view of - and connecting to - both the good-guy's and the bad-guy's. There are countless others.

Other Trivia:

8-ball's Death: 8-ball's very grim demise was the exact same as he describes his brother's was. Also when he's gunned down a dove flies into his trailer. As we know of 8-ball's superstituos nature this is actually very foreboding; in folklore a bird flying through your window is ment to send a message. The white bird fortells death.

The characters rarely drink and never use drugs.

For a majority of the story after the Nico brothers have a conversation about the 'F' word they are trying to avoid saying it in front of Samantha.

Even I as the author don't know if there was something going on between Sam and Agostino. It was something that built itself.

The Death of the Nico brothers was planned before the story started. I was tired of watching characters in movies and knowing they were going to die because they have no personalities.

There is a slight but noticable pattern of violence towards teenagers. Though it's true there's violence towards everyone after writing the story I realized: Tommy Jr. is killed in a 'low blow' type of way; his father shoots him in the back of the head. Samantha is shot at the end of the story to show the moral. But Fidelio is the teenager (and the character) who argueably gets it the worst. He's beaten out of his car, he's stabbed by accident, his arm is cut off by a helicopter propeller, and he's gunned down by machineguns. At nineteen Fidelio turns out the be the badass of the story.

There are consistent weather themes. It never stops raining in Liberty City, and it's always cold at night in Vice City etc...

I was hoping the story would be (at the very least) possible in real life no matter how improbable. I like to think I succeeded. I certainly didn't want it to be as extreme as Mission Impossible or The Matrix. But every once in awhile (in spirit of truth is stranger than fiction) something nearly impossible will be placed into the story. Like Sal's long range shot into a moving car.

The first member of the Crew to die is Lucio Forelli.