Author's note: This is a sequel to Sissy's Regret so you know it will be good. Make sure you've read Sissy's Regret before you read this because it might confuse you otherwise. R&R

Chapter 1:

The funeral was over and Yumi was headed back to her house and Jeremie and Odd went back to their dorms. Jeremie went into his dorm and shut and locked the door behind him. He sat on his chair and turned to his computer to announce the news to Aelita.

"Aelita, are you there, I need to tell you something."

"Yes Jeremie, I'm here, what is it."

"Well... you see... Ulrich was killed by Xana and we just got back from his funeral."

"Funeral? What's a funeral? Ulrich is dead! But how did Xana... why did... this just doesn't make any sense. Did he do it in person?"

"No, he did it through a robot. A funeral is a time when we remember and burry the dead."

"Why would you burry someone?"

"It's a long story but I just wanted to inform..." Jeremie was cut short as Aelita shouted

"Xana has woken up!" At that moment Jeremie's computer rang as Yumi called him.

"Yumi, what's wrong?"

"Crows are mobbing the city and I think its Xana."

"Your right, he has woken up and Aelita needs us."

"I'll call Ulrich and..." Yumi stopped herself at the mention of Ulrich's name. She had forgotten that he was dead for a second and began to cry.

'Yumi, this is no time for weeping, go to the factory and wait for me, I'll call Odd." Yumi and Jeremie hung up and Jeremie ran to Odd's dorm and walked in. Odd was just lying on his bed petting Kiwi.

"Lets go Odd, Xana is attacking." At that memories shot through Odd's head of Ulrich and him always going to the factory and Ulrich always staying behind trying to be the hero. He got up and followed Jeremie. When they got to the factory, they found Yumi waiting in the elevator. As they got in she pushed the button and turned to them.

"It's about time you guys got here. I've been waiting for at least 5 minutes."

"Oh no, we made her wait for five minutes. Please punish us." Odd blurted starting his drama act trying to cheer them up. This was close to impossible at the moment. Jeremie punched in the code and the doors opened. He got out and the doors closed again and started downward. When it stopped, they got out and Yumi headed for the middle scanner and Odd the left one, they both looked at the empty right scanner.

I miss Ulrich. Yumi thought as she stepped into the scanner. She stood up strait, still thinking of Ulrich and there lost relationship. Back in the computer room Jeremie was typing and began the shouting.

Scanner Odd-Scanner Yumi-Scanner... he cut himself short. Even he was thinking of Ulrich. He continued

Transfer Odd-Transfer Yumi


Author's note: How's that for a sad beginning. Hope you liked it because there's more where that came from meaning more chapters. Yea. Please R&R so I can get some ideas for more chapters.