Please note that chapter specific information (ie. notes, rating,
part/chapter number) will be included at the top of each chapter/part.
Title: Arashi Nochi Hare Guilty Party (email): Ayrki ( Element: Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Timeline: Sometime after the end of the manga/anime. Genre/Category: Uh...romance, angst...uh [shrugs] Drama? Overall Story Rating: M (or PG-13 for those confused) Pairing: Minako/Hotaru (Would I write anything else? ) Summary: Mmm...Oh, I hate these things. Well, 'calm after the storm' seems to summarise it pretty well. It's short, so just read it. Status (beta'd/unbeta'd): Unbeta'd, but checked through by me.
Accomplice (if applicable): Just myself is to be held accountable for this one. Total Number of Chapters/Parts: Just one. SiS (Stories in Series if applicable): Sole entry unless I'm either bludgeoned by others (ha!) for more, or if the muse gets some strange urge to make more of this. Archive Listing: Nocturnal MSD (, (, Stars in Love If anybody else wants to host it, send me an email and I'll send you a post friendly copy. Disclaimer: As my bestest-best friend put it to me one day, this is based off of the un-'DIC'ed with version, which means no North American names or the like. That said, I lay no legal claim over the characters featured in this thing I hesitantly call work. BSSM quite happily belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei, and Kodansha. I'm just meddling and playing, though the actual order of words is my own. Legal Disclaimer: Standard language and the like warnings apply. Special disclaimer one: undoubtedly, this will have excessive use of shoujo-ai in it. I've seriously come to doubt my ability to write anything without such overtones or undertones, or even sideways tones, so be warned. For those confuzzled, shoujo-ai is a gentler and much less violent way of saying slash. That should really be it. There's not really any excessive language, and hey, no violence either! Just a thunderstorm...and an argument. Author's Ramblings aka Notes: Ooooh, I get to ramble! Right, the story. Well, this little bugger literally jumped upon me one day while I was undoubtedly working on something else before Ezri distracted me. If you need something to blame it on, I think it is a safe bet that this is what late night writing sessions with the song 'Left Outside Alone' at very high volumes produces. [grins and shrugs sheepishly] It's an idea that pounced, and who am I to be picky? If it seems a little out of character, I apologise. I agree that it could be, though it should be taken into account that some years have passed from the cannon, so some development presumably would have taken least that's my excuse. Now, I'll shut up and let you get on with the story if you haven't already.
Oh, bloody silly me! I forgot to explain the stupid title. The title is nicked from an episode title from the anime and, as the site told me, translates into 'calm after the storm' and I felt that it was a strangely fitting title, so I nicked it and it stuck.
Oh, and feedback (HA!) or flames should be forwarded to the above email, or just catch me on Yahoo!messenger under the name 'Ayrki'. I will really, really, really appreciate to hear what you think of this crazy endeavour of mine. Accessory: You know how you are, even if you probably don't read my stuff. [grins] Even though you are thousands miles away, you've always been by my side.
Title: Arashi Nochi Hare Guilty Party (email): Ayrki ( Element: Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Timeline: Sometime after the end of the manga/anime. Genre/Category: Uh...romance, angst...uh [shrugs] Drama? Overall Story Rating: M (or PG-13 for those confused) Pairing: Minako/Hotaru (Would I write anything else? ) Summary: Mmm...Oh, I hate these things. Well, 'calm after the storm' seems to summarise it pretty well. It's short, so just read it. Status (beta'd/unbeta'd): Unbeta'd, but checked through by me.
Accomplice (if applicable): Just myself is to be held accountable for this one. Total Number of Chapters/Parts: Just one. SiS (Stories in Series if applicable): Sole entry unless I'm either bludgeoned by others (ha!) for more, or if the muse gets some strange urge to make more of this. Archive Listing: Nocturnal MSD (, (, Stars in Love If anybody else wants to host it, send me an email and I'll send you a post friendly copy. Disclaimer: As my bestest-best friend put it to me one day, this is based off of the un-'DIC'ed with version, which means no North American names or the like. That said, I lay no legal claim over the characters featured in this thing I hesitantly call work. BSSM quite happily belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei, and Kodansha. I'm just meddling and playing, though the actual order of words is my own. Legal Disclaimer: Standard language and the like warnings apply. Special disclaimer one: undoubtedly, this will have excessive use of shoujo-ai in it. I've seriously come to doubt my ability to write anything without such overtones or undertones, or even sideways tones, so be warned. For those confuzzled, shoujo-ai is a gentler and much less violent way of saying slash. That should really be it. There's not really any excessive language, and hey, no violence either! Just a thunderstorm...and an argument. Author's Ramblings aka Notes: Ooooh, I get to ramble! Right, the story. Well, this little bugger literally jumped upon me one day while I was undoubtedly working on something else before Ezri distracted me. If you need something to blame it on, I think it is a safe bet that this is what late night writing sessions with the song 'Left Outside Alone' at very high volumes produces. [grins and shrugs sheepishly] It's an idea that pounced, and who am I to be picky? If it seems a little out of character, I apologise. I agree that it could be, though it should be taken into account that some years have passed from the cannon, so some development presumably would have taken least that's my excuse. Now, I'll shut up and let you get on with the story if you haven't already.
Oh, bloody silly me! I forgot to explain the stupid title. The title is nicked from an episode title from the anime and, as the site told me, translates into 'calm after the storm' and I felt that it was a strangely fitting title, so I nicked it and it stuck.
Oh, and feedback (HA!) or flames should be forwarded to the above email, or just catch me on Yahoo!messenger under the name 'Ayrki'. I will really, really, really appreciate to hear what you think of this crazy endeavour of mine. Accessory: You know how you are, even if you probably don't read my stuff. [grins] Even though you are thousands miles away, you've always been by my side.