Lupin looked at Mrs. Weasley and the boys. "You're back! she...?"

"She's going to make it!" Molly said happily.

"Oh! Excellent! I've been so worried!" Tonks squealed. She rushed forward and hugged Harry. Mrs. Weasley was hugging Lupin. Tonks then hugged Mrs. Weasley while Lupin gave Harry a hug. Ron stood to the side laughing at all the hugging going on when Tonks and Lupin hugged each other briefly before pulling away awkwardly.

Fred and George rushed down the staircase with Ginny following in their wake.

"She's okay!" Tonks yelled as she wrapped her arms around Fred and George at the same time.

"Well, I promised these boys breakfast. Looks like the rest of you could use some too." Mrs. Weasley spoke up.

"We'll help mum!" Fred and George took off for the kitchen.

"Ooh! Me too!" Tonks followed, leaving Mrs. Weasley standing in the entrance hall with a look of horror on her face.

Lupin had to force himself to not laugh. "I – uh – Molly, go have a rest in the parlor. I'll supervise in the kitchen."

Lupin took off rather quickly as explosions could already be heard radiating through the house. Mrs. Weasley looked very pale as she walked to the parlor and for the first time in what seemed like days – even though it had only been hours, Harry and Ron laughed huge belly laughs. "If only Hermione could see this!" Ron said.

In the dining room, Harry and Ron expected a burnt, flavorless breakfast. Instead – although they expected Ginny and Lupin had something to do with it – they found scrambled eggs, raisin scones and tea. Mrs. Weasley was very impressed with what they had brought out of the kitchen. Had she seen the state of the kitchen however, she would have keeled over in an instant. Harry, Ron and Mrs. Weasley all hesitated on taking the first bite. But seeing Fred and George devour their breakfasts put them at ease to eat theirs. While, the scones were a tad on the dry side, no one complained. When every one had had their fill Mrs. Weasley ordered Harry and Ron upstairs to nap before they would return to St. Mungo's.

They reluctantly obeyed – and even though the two of them told each other they were just going to pretend to have napped, Harry and Ron quickly fell asleep. Fred came in to wake them just after two in the afternoon.

"Oy, you lot!" Fred yelled. "Lupin and Moody are taking you to see Hermione."

Within three minutes, Harry and Ron were at the entrance hall waiting to leave. Mrs. Weasley approached.

"Your dad and I will be along later, Ron. Lord, you're getting tall." she said as she stood on the tips of her toes to give her youngest son a kiss. "Take care you, lot."

"We'll see you later Molly." Remus said.

Harry and Ron filed out the door with Moody following behind them.

Moody stopped in the waiting area. "I'll have a seat out here; wait for the others to arrive. Anyhow, I can't imagine Hermione wanting to see my beautiful face, straight away."

Harry laughed, but had a feeling that Moody was purposely staying out of the room to keep watch. The three men entered Hermione's room, where she appeared to be sleeping. As soon as they had gathered around her bed, she opened her eyes and smiled.

"Hermione. I'm so glad you're alright." Lupin said.

"Thank you, Professor." she said weakly.

"You think he's glad?" Ron smiled and sat on the edge of Hermione's bed putting her hand in his.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

Hermione paused for a second. Then said "Like shit" in the most straightforward tone possible.

Lupin chuckled slightly. "I'll leave you to these two." He said, giving Harry a pat on the back. "If you need anything, Hermione, anything at all. Please do not hesitate to ask."

"Thanks." Hermione said.

"I'll be just outside then." With a gentle smile, Lupin left the room.

"Really Hermione, how are you holding up?" Harry asked.

Hermione looked up into the eyes of her best friend, then she started to cry.

"I'm sorry Hermione. I..." Harry tried to be comforting.

"I begged him. I told him to kill me. He said he had every intention to do just that once I'd seen my parents killed." She said. Her voice was breaking. "Then one of the Death Eaters asked if he could have the privilege to torture me to death. V-Voldemort agreed. I got hit with curse after curse until another Death Eater came in and asked for a chance to have a go at me. I felt like I was going to die right then and I begged. I just wanted it over. Instead he walked over and told me to keep my mouth shut. The Death Eater said he was going to help me. He forced me to drink a potion...then I woke up here."

Hermione broke into full sobs again as both Harry and Ron rubbed circles on her back, trying to give some comfort to her weary soul. They all remained silent for a long while. Ron couldn't comprehend the horror that Hermione had faced less than twenty-four hours ago. Harry remembered how he felt after his trip to the graveyard with Cedric and felt doubly sorry for Hermione.

When Hermione's tears had dried up and was sitting propped up by a pile of pillows, she turned to Ron. "Would you...I could use a cup of tea." she asked.

"Sure!" Ron jumped up and made quickly for the door. When he was halfway there, he turned around walked back to the bed and hugged Hermione before darting out of the room as quickly as he had tried to before. Harry could have sworn he heard Ron whisper "I love you" in her ear.

Hermione managing a wan smile, turned to Harry this time. "Harry, I want to tell you something."

He held her hand again. "What is it Hermione?"

"I know Ron won't say anything – there's no reason really – Ron and I..."

Harry cut her off. "You're together." he smiled. "Ron told me this morning."

Hermione looked surprised, "He did?"

"I think he was afraid he was going to lose you, Hermione. I know I was." Honesty. Hermione was opening up. Why then couldn't Harry do the same? He got up from his chair and walked to the small window.

"Hermione. There's something I have to say too." he continued to stare out the window. "That prophecy..."

"Oh, Harry. Whatever it was it's gone." Hermione said reassuringly.

"No. Well, it is gone. But, I know what it says." Harry turned to face her.

"What does it say?" she asked.

"That I'm the only one who can defeat Voldemort." he said plainly.

"But, that's good Harry!" she replied.

"No...that's not all of it." Harry paused. "In the end it's me or him. Either I kill Voldemort or he kills me. I'm his murderer or his victim." Harry looked down at the floor.

"Oh, Harry..." Hermione sighed. She motioned for him to come over. Harry walked slowly and sat on the edge of the bed. "When did you find out?"

"That night. The night Sirius..." his voice trailed off.

"And you haven't told us? Harry that's not good!" she said curtly.

"I couldn't tell you! And now your parents are dead, and you could have died and it's all my fault!" Harry yelled.

Hermione grabbed Harry by the shoulders. "Look at me!" Her brown eyes met his shining green. "This is not your fault! Do you hear me?"

She started crying and hugged Harry tightly. He returned the embrace and found himself crying on her shoulder. Ron returned minutes later looking very uncomfortable at what he had walked in on.

"What's happened?" he asked.

" best tell him." Hermione said.

Harry broke apart from Hermione and returned to sitting in the chair. Hermione reached out for Ron's hand and pulled him on to the bed. Harry looked directly into the eyes of his best friends before reciting the finer points of the prophecy for Ron.

"I don't know what to say..." Ron broke the silence in the room.

"I can't have the two of you involved in this. It's going to be my fight." Harry said.

"We're not going to let you do this alone, mate." said Ron.

"The prophecy says it's only me." Harry retorted.

"Then, we'll be beside you." Hermione said. "Does anyone else know?" she asked.

"Dumbledore told me. Sirius knew...I don't think anyone else does." He paused. "I'd really rather they didn't."