A Summer's Tale - Friday, June 8th


A/N: I'm trying my luck with a Princess Diaries chapter fic since my others are one-shot lemons....this won't be a lemon though....jus PG-13 to give me some leeway just in case I put them in a closet or something!!

A/N2: Since I'm writing this in Diary format, I will separate things by days, instead of just cutting off randomly when I feel like it. So it might be a cliffhanger or it might be. It's just by the luck of the draw. Enjoy!


Princess Diaries Doesn't belong to me


Friday, June 8th. Break between finals

I just finished my last "real" final. G&T is next and we don't do anything in there. I'm pretty sure I did okay on Mr. G's final, I stayed up extra late instant messaging with Michael. He was helping me study. Not asking me to prom or whatever. Which I thought was very considerate of him because he has his Honors Physics test today. I hope he did alright, it would look really bad on his transcripts if he got accepted to Columbia early and then failed his second semester exams. They'd drop him like a fly.

Lilly's mad at Michael right now. I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't want to be forced to take sides on this, but if I had to, I'd pick Lilly. Only because Michael is moving out after summer into a dorm. He said he was doing this so he didn't have to commute to school everyday and then he could sleep more, therefore getting better grades. He told her this and when she got all mad, he offered her his room as a studio. He told her that he'd move all his stuff out and she could use it as a studio for her Cable show.

I hope Michael doesn't move out. It'll be so weird waking up in the morning and eating breakfast without him. Without him being shirtless, too. I don't want to create more trouble for myself though. That's why I'm not taking sides on this issue. It's strictly between them. They have to work it out for themselves.

I wonder what we're all going to do in G&T since there is no final to study for since it's the last class. I don't know why the school put it last, it's very stupid. I'm not so sure I should really be complaining since the worries of school are off my back until September. I just have to worry about Genovia and Genovian stuff. I don't want to go there this summer. It's going to be Michael and my last time to spend time together and I'm going to have to spend most of it across the Atlantic Ocean. My dad promised me two weeks of vacation, but two weeks isn't exactly enough time. I want a whole summer.

But all he did was make this face and go: "All royalty has to make sacrifices," SACRIFICES! What is he talking about? Does Grandmeré make any sacrifices!? Not really. Why can't I just have the summer? They can take me the rest of the year in chains, but summer is sacred to a teenager. It's a time to do absolutely nothing and sit out by the beach and get a tan.

"Amelia," Grandmeré said to me when I brought my concern to her, "You don't tan, you burn up like a tomato," That was totally besides the point. The point was I wasn't supposed to spend my summer in a palace away from my one and only true love: Fat Louie. He wasn't over the fact that I was gone twice already this year: Once in Genovia and then to build homes for the less privileged.

The bell is ringing now....Michael out stretched his hand for me....

Friday, June 8, The Loft

I think G&T will never be the same again now that Michael is no longer going to be in there with me. But I think I'm going to still be in it. I don't really care though anymore, it's a free period basically.

Like today. We all decided to not lock Boris up in the closet. Lilly wasn't very happy with this since Boris decided that he didn't want to date her anymore, that he wanted to "Explore other girls who were more normal," This didn't go well with Lilly and she went all off to me over the phone with brief interruptions from Michael to stop screaming. I was thankful of this since my ears had started to hurt. So you can see why Lilly liked Boris locked in a closet. It was like a punishment for throwing away an opportunity of a lifetime.

But whatever. Lilly's got so many problems right now, I really feel sorry for her. It's going to be like she's an only child now with Michael moving out. She doesn't have anyone to fight with. This could be really bad because then she'll fight with me or Tina. Or worse, she'll get on Shameeka's back about the whole cheerleading thing. When you get her started, she doesn't stop.

I'm going off again on the main point of what happened in G&T, I'll get back on track now.

After I took Michael's hand, we walked in silence to G&T as Lilly shot daggers at Michael. I was standing between them so she wouldn't try to harm him. Knowing Lilly like I do, she'd fully hurt Michael in order to keep him in the house. That would be nice, but I don't want him hurt. He'd have to stay in bed all day and sleep.

So we walked in casually and sat where we normally sat. Michael let go of my hand when we sat down. But it didn't really matter if the teachers knew that we were going out. Mr. G knows and he most likely told every other teacher. It's a little weird but, I guess it's not as weird as bringing a body guard with you when you go on a date.

Michael set his elbows down on the table that we shared and looked around, looking a little depressed at the fact that this would be the last time he'd see this room. He didn't see how lucky he was to get out of AEHS. I'd come with him to Columbia and share his dorm, but you know, I can't. I'm sure if I really set my mind to it, I could graduate early from High School, like that American pairs skater, I forget her name. But I wouldn't be able to share a dorm with him since he's eighteen and I'm just fifteen. The press would have a field day with that and then they'd investigate statutory rape and stuff like that. Like that would ever happen. HAHA!

I looked at him and saw that he really didn't want to leave this place. "Why don't you want to leave, I'd want to get out of here if I were you," I asked after the teacher took role and left for the teachers lounge to smoke.

"I guess this place has really grown on me," Michael shrugged. "College is going to be really scary," Michael, scared of something? Scared of College? It didn't seem possible because he would do so well. In fact right now, I'm sure he's smarter than some of the people in college right now. He's that type of person. Even though he's lived most of his life in his room writing HTML and songs and doing science experiments.

"It can't be worse than this place," I said raising my eyebrows as everyone started moving around into little groups to talk about what they were going to do with Boris since it was the last day. As I said before, they cut him a break and just took his violin away so he couldn't play it.

"And I'm really going to miss this class," He added. "I'm not going to be able to really tutor you anymore with all the pressures of College," I knew that already, but I didn't want to believe it. I really hated Algebra, but it had it's part on bringing us together. And that I am forever grateful for.

"I wonder why they make us come to this class, we don't do anything on the last day," I looked around at everyone. They all looked so happy that the school year was finally over. I had wished it away, I had. And now I wished it all back, but it wasn't going to come back.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

I smiled. He knew I would have told him if I had any plans. It's not as if I had a hot date with Colin Farrell. But if I did, I'd so dump Colin for Michael any day. "Not that I know of." I leaned back in the chair so only two legs remained on the ground. I loved doing this with chairs. I would always get into so much trouble if a teacher caught me.

"We should go and do something," It wasn't the prom though. No prom for me, but I think I was starting to live with the fact that we wouldn't go to his senior prom. There was always mine, three years from now. He'd be twenty-one and I'd be just eighteen. No one could press statutory rape charges.

I bounced a little in the chair, two legs still on the ground until one of the legs slipped and the chair crashed down, me in it. I hit my head lightly on the floor. Then I realized why teachers always yelled at students who did this. Michael jumped off his chair and kneeled next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked all worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my head just hurts a little," I said, feeling the back of my head, all the while smiling because of how much fun it had been until my head hit the tile floor.

By now everyone was crowded around me, all their faces above mine all peering at me. It's not as if they've never seen a girl fall off the chair! "That looked like it hurt, Mia," Lilly said, kneeling on my other side. Michael and Lilly both helped me up and set me back in the chair I had fallen out of. "You should get some ice for your head, you might get a bump," Michael said, winking so only I could see it. He felt the back of my head with his hand.

"People, it's not as if a person hasn't done this before!" Lilly semi-yelled at everyone. "Go back to what you were doing," She crossed her arms. "People...." She shook her head and went back to her desk where she was story-boarding for her last episode before summer.

"C'mon, I'll walk you to the office," Michael said. But I knew that's not where we would end up. You needed a hall pass which we didn't have since our dear old teacher was smoking. I really didn't want to get her into trouble like I did in the TV interview so long ago.

No one had noticed that we had left since they were doing there own things. And it's not as if they care what a princess does anymore. It's all old news. Which I am very thankful for that everyone just brushes me off before this princess thing happened.

"Did you see the latest issue of Cosmo Girl?" I asked absently to Michael as we slowly walked to the door that lead to the outer courtyard where no one would be.

"No, I forgot to pick it up on my way to get my hair done," Michael said, so casual that he could have almost been believed.

"Well, there was a really stupid article about how to keep a guy who goes off to college....They had published a picture of us in Central Park on that bench a while back...." I was surprised actually that this was almost all the news about me and Michael. I mean, I would have thought that the Tabloids would be all over Michael, but they hadn't bugged him at all.

"Where's Lars?" He asked, looking up at the fountain that was on.

"I told him that he could hang around with Wahim today....I told him that he could pick me up after school,"

"And he agreed to that?" Michael said in disbelief.

"Well, I had to convince him that I just wanted a period to myself. It does get very tiring to have a bodyguard around you. I mean, you have to watch what you do because everything I do gets reported to my dad," I rolled by eyes. I couldn't have one bit of privacy with Lars always around.

"And now I'm surprised I haven't been receiving death threats from your dad,"

I had to laugh at this because Lars had complained about us kissing in front of him. I knew that he reported every move Michael took, every hand placement. But I wouldn't have a problem with Michael's hands because that's not Michael at all. He's not like Josh with his hands. When he and Lana kiss, his hands are focused solely on her too-good-to-be-true breasts.

I don't have any. No problem there. Dad's probably way thrilled about that. Maybe that's why he puts up with Michael because there's nothing up top.

"He likes you actually....the only thing he doesn't like about you is your age and the fact that you're not royalty." I said truthfully. My dad is no one to complain about me being involved with a non-royal. He's the one who landed mom pregnant with me.

Michael smirked as he sat down on the edge of the fountain. He looked so adorable with that semi-distant look on his face as he played his my hands absently.

So we stayed outside for a while, just talking about what I was going to do in Genovia for the summer. After I would finish describing something, he would kiss me on the lips, sometimes the cheek. He didn't have a reason as to why, but I thought it was nice all the same. I didn't question it. If he wants to kiss me, the he can go right ahead.

And we had to leave because there was only a half hour left in the period and we still needed to get our stuff from the room. "It's about time you two came back," Lilly said mostly to me because she isn't on good terms with Michael.

And that was pretty much G&T. Lilly said something to me, but I wasn't really paying attention. It really played my heart strings to know that Michael and I would never be like normal for a long time. We were still in love, but everything was going to change from then on out.

I made a vow that this would be the best damn summer I would ever have. Even if I was in Genovia, it wasn't like they'd miss me if I accidentally slipped off the plane before it even left the ground. I mean, Frank Abignale did it in Catch Me If You Can. Even with all the FBI agents around.

Friday, June 8, The Loft (11pm)

I've made up my mind completely on this one. I'm going for it and no one, not even Grandmeré can stop me this time. I'm not going to Genovia, I'm going to spend my summer in New York. But it's not as if it's going to be easy. If I were to slip off the plane, they'd turn it around and search all of the airport until they found me. And it's not as if I have the luxury of blending in with the crowd.

And when they find me, they're going to drag me back onto the plane and keep a watchful eye on me. The only way is to plead my case in front of the two who put me in the situation: Dad and Grandmeré. I need to think this trough some more, but I talked to Michael. Here's what was said:

LinuxRulz: Mia, I have something to ask

I didn't have a clue what it could have been. It kind of spooked me out since I thought he might ask me if it was alright if we brake up. Which I know he wouldn't do, but still....the thought is still there.

FtLouie: Okay, ask away

LinuxRulz: Well, my mom and dad have decided to go to Maine on a last family vacation, but Lilly's been just cold to me lately and I don't think I could stand being with her for a whole week. Could you maybe come with us? I asked my parents and they said it was fine.

Oh my God! Did Michael just ask me that? I had to pinch myself and re-read it to make sure it was what he said it was. I know building the homes thing didn't exactly work out since we only made out, like once. But that was because we were busy building homes and stuff.

Imagine the possibilities in Maine.

FtLouie: It depends when it is since you know how I have to go to Genovia in two weeks.

LinuxRulz: It's next week actually since I have to start packing away my stuff for storage since it's not all going to fit in the dorm.

FtLouie: I'm sure my mom won't have a problem with it, I'll ask her and tell you tomorrow.

This had totally taken the blues of going to Genovia away. It was a week with Michael. Well, with Lilly also since she is technically my best friend. I just can't abandon her for the person who I love most (besides Fat Louie of course). I'm starting to feel really bad about that. I haven't been the friend I should have been for her. I really wasn't there for her when Boris decided to call it quits.

But I'm going to Maine with Michael if my mom says yes!! And I will spend the time there split between Lilly and Michael. It's only fair. But...YAY FOR ME!