Summary: Cloe wants to end her life, but something or as a matter of fact... somebody ruins her plan. What is it with the new tribe, and who are they? And why does it change her life? Cledism and perhaps some Jebony!

Disclaimer: The characters belong to EnterCloud9 and Tribeworld!

A/N: I know it's not a very long chapter - sorry about that. Hope you will like it nevertheless! This chapter have not been beta'ed, so there might be a few spelling mistakes.

Thanks to mistude and libertykid for your kind reviews!

Chapter 10

"I've missed you so much."

Cloe stopped walking. She turned to look at the red metal door, merely 3 feet away from her. She could hear hushed voices through the door. She couldn't help but walk closer to the door.


Weird, that sounded oddly like Jay, Ved's older brother. Cloe pressed her ear against the door. She couldn't hear anything. She was about to yell that they should talk louder when she remembered that she was actually listening to other people's conversations.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

Cloe twirled around. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Ved leaning up against the wall in a casual manner.

"Yeah, well… Cats have nine lives."

He just shrugged. "I suppose they have nine lives, but I'm pretty sure, that when Ebony and Jay opens the door in a few seconds, and finds you glued to the door, they will get mad… I think you will loose a life or two, perhaps even seven depending on Ebony's mood."

Cloe glared at him, but moved nevertheless away from the door.

"What do you mea-" started Cloe, but was silenced by Ved who laid tow fingers on her lips. His soft fingers against her lips were like silk against the skin. She shivered with delight, almost forgetting that she hated him for abandon her.

"Let's go to your room," he whispered, his hot breath caressing her cheek. She nodded.

He grasped her hand, giving it a soft squeeze before starting to walk in the directions of Cloe's room. But when the red metal door suddenly opened, Cloe pulled her hand back quickly, as if she had been burned. Ved just smirked at her actions. Cloe scowled.

"Ved," said Jay in a shrilling voice, obvious surprised to find his little brother just outside the door. Jay coughed, as if trying to cover his girlish scream just seconds ago.

"Hello Jay, fancy meeting you here… isn't that Ebony's room?" asked Ved, tilting his head to the side, smirking.

"Eh, yes, it is. We – I… We had some important matters to discus," finished Jay, looking rather pleased with his answer. Cloe lifted an eyebrow, was that really the best he could come up with?

"Jay, you forgot your…" Ebony stopped talking when she noticed Cloe and Ved standing in the corridor. Then she smirked and continued, "your zapper on my bedside table."

So Jay was Ebony's mystical lover? Cloe glared at Ebony, silently praying that Ebony didn't want to suddenly 'talk' with her right now.

"Well, nice to meet you all, but Cloe and I must really get going," said Ved suddenly, intruding the somewhat uncomfortable silence.

"Of course," said Ebony before slamming the door shut behind her.

"Well, I better get going, Ram wanted to talk with me, and I have a few matters I need to tend to," said Jay, blushing slightly before leaving.

"Coming?" asked Ved, grinning mischievously.

Cloe looked at him, noticing that he was already in the other end of the corridor. She thought about this for a moment. Should she follow him? Or rather wait till she had to go on her mission? The latter sounded more appealing, so she just shook her head 'no' and turned around, walking the same way Jay had left moments ago.

"Cloe!" said Ved, in a surprised voice.

"See you in two days Ved!" yelled Cloe back, smiling satisfied. Then he could learn what it would say to be left behind, neglected.

"But Cloe..."

"Cloe, are you ready to go?" asked Siva, opening the door to Cloe's room. Cloe looked around, trying to see if she had forgotten anything. She nodded softly, glaring at the trashcan in the corner. Her old clothes were lying in it. She really wanted to take the clothes with her, but she knew that she had to say goodbye to the old Cloe. She was now a Techno on her very first mission.

"I think you should keep it as a reminder," said Siva gently.

Cloe walked over to the clothes, picking up her blue-purplish jacket, Patsy's gift. She touched the fabric, letting her fingertips running loosely over the material.

"Yeah, I think so too," whispered Cloe, thinking of Patsy.

"Besides," said Siva, "maybe it's good to have virt clothes, in case you will need it on your 'journey' with Ved?"

Cloe nodded, her mouth suddenly felt dry and her eyes watered. She brushed away the non-exiting tears hoping that real tears would not be shed.


Siva opened the door.

"Everything is set," stated a Techno.

Cloe coughed lightly, trying to gather her strength.

"Ready Cloe?" asked Siva.

"Of course," said Cloe, turning around to look at her mentor. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Then lets go," said Siva.

Cloe and Siva followed the Techno down the corridors, after what seemed like an eternity they reached the main entrance. Cloe noticed Ved standing outside, talking with another Techno. When Cloe emerged from the doors Ved turned around a looked at her, his eyes scanning her outfit.

"Took you long enough," he finally said, his attitude indicating that he was really irritated about having to wait for her. He pulled on a black jacket that fitted to the entire Techno outfit. He held out a similar jacket for Cloe, and she took it, touching the fabric with her fingertips as she had done with her blue-purplish jacket. Then, without a word, she put the jacket on, and zipped it. It fitted nicely.

Ved looked at her, smirking ever so slightly, causing Cloe to shiver from his gaze.

"Come on," said Ved, "let's go." He started to walk down the road. Cloe picked up the bag, and swung it easily around her shoulders. Then she started to walk, keeping her own pace, not even bothering to try and keep up with Ved.

A/N: Like it? Hate it? Review and let me know! Thanks! I'll try to get the next chapter posted soon, but I need to get home from my study trip to Palermo (Sicily) - so please be patient. I'll do my best...