I'm in Love with my Sister's Prince Charming

Disclaimer: You know who owns em and last time I checked I wasn't one of em. But I do own: Henry, Lillian, Eleanor, and Charles

Summary: This is an AU fic. Back in the Middle Ages Piper falls in love with the new prince and so does he, but his parents won't let him marry her. They want him to marry P—how about you read and find out! R&R (oh yeah, Patty's a livin and she didn't give up Paige nor have an affair!)

Chapter 1: The New Prince

Prue: Piper, would you stop daydreaming about Prince Leo and help me out here on the farm!

Piper: I wasn't daydreaming

Phoebe: Sure you weren't

Paige: I mean we all know the new prince is hot and all, but you seem to be in love with him!

Piper: I resent that

Phoebe: I bet you do

Patty: Victor?! Hey have you girls seen your father?

Piper: Nope

Paige: Haven't seen him

Phoebe: Me neither

Prue: Maybe around 6 in the morning

Piper: That was 4 hours ago

Prue: Than no

Patty: Oh no. I think he went off to catch the chickens again. I better go save him while I can

Piper: Mom, you already lost him

After Piper said that, everyone turned around to see Victor running away from the chicken coop with a whole lot of chickens running after him!

Victor: All I did was get the mail!

Patty: Are you sure that's all you did. Looks like you got some scrambled eggs in your pocket

Victor: Very funny. Piper, take the mail inside and sort it too will ya

Piper: Okay

Phoebe: Don't get your hopes up on getting an invitation to the "Royal Party"

Paige: I mean its not like we're royal, I mean were peasants for Pete's sake

Piper: No one ever said I wanted to go to that party

Prue: No one had to. Your face practically says it for you

Piper: I have work to do

Prue: Then why you standing around here. Hop to it!


Lillian: Leo, are you sure you did the right thing?

Leo: Positive, Mom

Lillian: Its just some peasants don't have any money to buy nice clothes for these kinds of parties

Leo: It doesn't matter what's on the outside, just the inside. You're the one who taught me that.

Henry: Son, you need a bride. I want you to pick 10 women and then next week you can choose between them

Leo: Father, with all due respect, you know I can't do that

Henry: Ah but you can Leo, you're a prince remember


Piper: Omigod! Piper opened a letter from the Royal Court. It read:

To every fair maiden in the lands of my court
I present my son to the fairest lady
He will choose his bride at the party this coming Friday
at midnight. All single women welcomed and their
Father and Mother

King Henry

Prue: What's wrong now

Piper: Absolutely nothing

Paige: Then why'd you scream?

Piper: Because we got an invitation to Prince Leo's party and he's also looking for a bride

Phoebe: Get out!

Patty: Well than we must all go

Paige: What are we gonna wear?

Patty: Go look in your closet for your best dresses. You're going to a party and competing for the Prince's love.

Piper: Which one's going to win his love

Patty: Any one could. I just hope that those royal snobs won't. But everyone knows he's going to pick one of my four beautiful daughters

AN: Ha! Done the first chapter. By Wednesday I'll have the next chapter up! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!
