I do not own Peter, Tink, Neverland, etc. J. M. Barrie would have to take the credit.

This story came to mind the other night when I was watching the movie and so I decided I'd put it down on the screen. I hope you enjoy it. This may turn into a romance later but I'm not certain yet. I would appreciate reviews. Constructive Criticism is welcome. Also just happy "your story rocks" reviews are welcome as well:) I'd prefer no nasty reviews because I get all depressed and stuff and the whole rest of my day goes down the tubes. Moving on.........I hope you enjoy.

Embrace of the Starlight


Wendy's gaze never strayed from Peter. Her heart was slowly shattering each moment she looked at him. Hook was feeding him posion. Of course Peter was loved! She loved him so much it hurt. But Peter's face seemed to radiate a pain within that she could not reach. But oh did she love him. If only she could get to him, perhaps he could yet be saved. She didn't know how though.

All the lost boys felt as if they were invisible. It was as if they were seeing another side of Peter that had never been shown before. It was as if he did not know anyone who loved him was there, and he was slowly breaking out into something that had been hiding for so long. They had never seen Peter like this. He had always been their leader. Their anchor. He was always cheerful and always knew what to do. Now they were looking at him with a whole new perspective. Peter's body was layed out on the deck motionless, battered. The powerful body was now weak with hurt. Peter's face had no more glow. Where was the glitter in his eyes? It was as if all the nightmares and unhappy thoughts had drowned out the old Peter and brought someone new. Someone so alone and sad, it was hard to look at him. Had this always been hiding in Peter? Had they all been blinded by Peter's games and pretends and not seen? Not seen the broken lonely boy inside?

His tanned body lay on the deck battered. No longer could he fly. It was as if all the unhappy thoughts had pulled him down and tired him. He was broken. It was as if he had no memory of anything happy. The sun was gone and darkness was filling into every pore. All of his nightmares were swirling about him. His parents shutting the window, being alone, Wendy leaving him, Tink dieing, falling from his paradise in the sky, Hook. No longer could he remember what it felt like to have the wind rush through his hair as he flew through the air, the laughter of the lost boys, games, being a child forever, his games with Tink, his dance with Wendy. It was all gone and there was no more will to even try and save himself. He was lost. He was alone.

His beautiful blue eyes looked up at her, his own blood pouring from a cut into his left eye. Hook yelled and he looked away from her to him. Wendy struggled in her captors arms but to no avail. As if in slow motion, Peters face seemed to smile sadly. Time slowed down and she knew she would remember his face like that forever. He knew this was it. No more adventures. He would die a young boy.

Hooks' hook, fell in the air and the lost boys all looked away. Wendy could not. The hook plunged into Peter's chest. His body shuddered. Tears poured from Wendy's eyes as she sobbed and tried to go to him. Hook ripped his claw from Peter and with a sneer he looked into Peters frightened eyes. "Alone and unloved."

Peters eyes that once held the stars began to dim as blood began to trickle from his mouth. The water became violent, rocking the boat and the wind screamed. Slowly, Peter's eyes closed as a tear slipped from them. Wendy screamed out to him, "Peter I love you!"

Whether or not he heard her, Wendy never knew. For the boy who never grew up was no more. No more adventures. Peter Pan died that sad day. No more did the happy, mischivous, cocky boy come to any windows. The story of Peter Pan defeating Hook somehow was passed around. Many dreamed of the day he would come, but none knew the story was pretend. None really knew he was no more. The day the life of Neverland was killed, the pirates took the youths body and threw it into the violent water, where it is said the mermaids took it to a secret place to honor him.

As for the children, no one is for sure what ever happened to Wendy, her brothers, or the lost boys. It is said they somehow escaped and flew back to England. But it is also said they never got off the Jolly Roger alive.

All that is known for sure, is that a certain fairy awaits the day the youthful boy would return. For the two shared a bond stronger than anyone can fathom. For if one could bring back the other, it would certainly work the other way around. For Tink waited in their home under the big oak for the day someone would come and get his body from the mermaids. For she was too small to reach the hidden layer in time and still draw breathe. But, crying for years on, she knew not how anyone would come. For no one could fly to Neverland without Peter's and her help.

Since fairies are so small, she could only focus on one emotion at a time. Poor Tink still couldn't get the image of Peter out of her head and so never left the Neverland.

It would be a long while before the tears stopped and Neverland saw a figure fly in the air again.