Disclaimer: I hate J.K.Rowling. I only came up with the plot and the names of the characters you don't recognise.

This is my first James/Lily fanfic. I hope you like it.

Chapter One

Three weeks ago I finally came to my senses. I don't know how I survived not being able to kiss his gorgeous mouth. I just wish everyone else knew, then we wouldn't have to hide in broom cupboards and the Room of Requirements. Sigh.

I pulled away and stared into, in my opinion, the most stunning eyes Hogwarts has ever seen. He, of course, begged to differ. Mine were the most enchanting eyes to be seen by Hogwarts. Just early that evening he had told me that my eyes were so intense, that it seemed that when you looked into them for just one second, it was impossible for you to look another way again, ever.

"You know, I have a mound of homework the size of the Himalayas back in the common room."

"And your point is?" replied James, blinking up at her through his horn- rimmed glasses.

"I'm not even sure of it myself." I giggled. Slowly my smile settled and I stared harder. Without even realising what was happening, my face was moving towards his and I captured his lips with mine.

I opened my mouth wider to give his tongue access but before it had gotten further than my teeth the lock on the door clicked and someone was opening the door to the room we were in. I was so shocked that I clamped my mouth down quick trapping his tongue between my teeth. He yelled out, or at least he tried to, and I quickly released him.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. Are you o.k? I am so sorry..." I was almost crying. The only reply I got was a whimper and a nod.

"Hem Hem!" Came from the corner by the open door. We looked at each other fearfully for a second and slowly turned our heads. I bit my lip as I saw none other than Sirius Black, one of Hogwarts best gossipers, and James' best friend, standing there staring like he had just seen a ghost. Come to think of it he probably had considering the place is swarming with them. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Uh ... well ... um ... Lily?" James had never had trouble coming up with something to say in all the years I had known him, and he's been in some sticky situations with McGonagall over the years. When I say sticky, I'm being quite literal.

"Don't look at me! He's your best friend!" I strangled back. And then we have the attack of the puppy dog. I have yet to meet a girl who can resist those. "No!" I whined. Trying to resist my breathing becomes heavier, gawking, fighting a definite losing battle.

"Excuse me? Will one of you just answer me? Please?" Sirius is infamous for his impatience.

I tore my eyes away, lip trembling. "Uh well, James and I are going out. Have been for the last three weeks. Isn't it great?" I looked up at my boyfriend's best friend with an apologetic smile.

Sirius' head rounded slowly to James. He gulped and his Adams apple bobbed around his throat. "Really great, huh Padfoot?" James was looking really apprehensively at his best friend.

Sirius, for a minute looked like he was going to explode. His eyes were narrowed and his hands started to clench. The next thing I was aware of was being squashed to a sweaty armpits faintly hearing in the distance "Finally!" he smiled wickedly, letting us go, his eyes going wider with glee. "See you two love birds later." With that he stormed out of the room running into the girl he had obviously brought along with him. The girl, some sixth year we didn't know the name of stuck her head around the door, gaped, and took off after Sirius.

"You do realise that he is going to tell every single person in the whole school?" James looked up at me. Then looking disgusted he said: "Probably even Filch."

"Oh God." I sighed. "What are we going to do?" I looked down regretfully.


"What?" I asked.

"We'll just act normal. Okay?"

"Normal how? D'you mean like when we wait a few minutes after each other before we go into the common room. Because that seems a bit pointless now that everyone knows about us."

"Sorry." I realized had snapped at him.

"No, I'm sorry. You're just trying to help the situation. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

James looked lovingly up at me. "Okay." he said. He thought for a minute. "Okay. We'll just walk into the common room holding hands. Yeah, we should do that." It seemed that he was talking to himself and not to me. "That's okay right?" he was asking me now.

Nervously I nodded my head.

"Come on then. We should go now. Get it over with and everything."

"Yeah." I stood up and pulled James up by his hand. He brushed himself off, looked at me lovingly and brushed the back of his finger across my cheek.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

I know I was blushing but I got over the embarrassment quickly. "Yes." He looked confused. "You tell me about a thousand times a day." We laughed together.

"We should go. It'll be past curfew soon and I don't have my cloak. I think Peter took it for something."


We walked together silently towards Gryffindor tower holding hands, not meeting anyone. When we came in sight of the fat lady's portrait I froze. "I just remembered. I need a book from the library for my . . . charms essay."

"We don't have a charms essay." James pulled me back by my hand when I tried to get away. "Come on Lily. We have to go in there. All our friends are in there. We can never go back in there."

"Yes. Yes we can. We could run away. Let's go to New York. I've always wanted to go there. Please. We can go together, never see that lot again and live happily ever after."

"You really don't want to go in there, do you?"

I shook my head. "Please don't make me."

Before I knew what was happening, I was being pushed towards the fat lady. "Sorry. I can't do that." He said the password and pushed me through the hole to face every Gryffindor gawking up from there work.

A/N: I would really like to know what you think of this fic. This is the first chapter of the first story I wrote, I just didn't put it up on the website because once I had a user name I had already written the first few chapters of my other story. Please let e know hat you think by clicking the button that says 'submit review'

Loadsa Luv

Sexy Seeker