If I owned Naruto I wouldn't be living off of cafeteria food at my college, now would I? >. All other characters are original, and mine. But you can borrow them if you e-mail me and ask politely. .
This story is the sequel to my other Naruto fanfiction Changing Times. I suggest reading that one first, to save your mind from overwhelming confusion. .
This fic takes place twelve years after Changing Times, when Setsuko is seventeen and Akira is twenty.
Return of the Lost
Chapter One: Tsukiyomi
The two figures stood outside the walls of Konoha, eyeing the village warily. The taller one, his ANBU like mask highlighted only by three crimson streaks slashing across his eyes, the shorter one with a fox's grinning eyes and whisker slashes.
"I still don't see why we had to come back," the man hissed, "This place is evil."
"We can't go any further in life without facing our past, Akira," the blonde whispered, looking up at her friend, "You know that."
"That doesn't mean I have to agree with it," Akira growled, looking back toward the village, "But we might as well get this done with."
"Thank you, Akira," Setsuko smiled, leaping after her friend toward the city gates.
Aoi glared out toward the forest. She had only been made Chuunin three years before, and still the Hokage would not give her any missions outside of the village. It caused her temper to boil, no matter how her fathers tried to calm her, telling her it was for the best.
"Identify yourselves!" Aoi snapped at the two approaching figures.
"Excuse me, but could you be so kind as to let us in without a fight?" Setsuko smiled, removing her mask.
Aoi glared down at her, and the still masked Akira.
"No one enters Konoha without a passport," Aoi snapped, the sand taking hold of the blonde's foot with deadly accuracy.
Setsuko grunted, trying to free her feet as she watched the sand spiraling upwards, encasing her legs. Akira growled in ager, quickly throwing his mask to the side as he glared upwards at Aoi, the tell tale sharingan glowing in his eyes.
"Tsukiyomi," he whispered, the sand quickly freeing Setsuko as Aoi collapsed, her mind struggling with Akira.
"So, you like to torture people, do you, little girl," Akira hissed to the tiny form curled up on the floor of the Tsukiyomi world, "let's see how well your own mind likes to torture you. For the next 72 hours you will relive your most horrifying memory."
"No, please, I'm sorry, please don't!" Aoi screamed, the memory of the Akatsuki attack she had survived when she was seven coming easily to her mind.
"Daddy, what's going on?" the little seven years asked, her voice wavering in fear as Shino picked her up, running for the back window.
"Don't worry sweetie, everything will be just-" Shino was cut off as he was knocked off balance by one of the cloaked figures, sending the little girl flying toward the wall behind him.
"Hand over the demon child, and we promise not to kill you or the rest of your pathetic family," the man hissed, dragging a nail across his cheeks.
Shino hissed, and send a swarm of bugs spinning upwards, encasing the Akatsuki member with stinging venom, ignoring his screams of pain.
"No, let me go! Daddy, help!" Aoi screamed, digging her kunai into the back of the man picking her up to no avail. The kidnapper seemed to revel in the pain she was causing him.
"Let my daughter go, you bastard!" Shino screamed, hurling himself head long at the man, ripping Aoi from his arms, "Are you okay, Aoi?"
"Thank you, Daddy," Aoi smiled, looking up in shock as she noticed that the liquid running down his face was blood, not tears, "Daddy, Daddy!"
"Sorry, demon, but Daddy can't hear you right now," the man cackled, throwing Shino's limp form across the room, Aoi screaming as she watched him bounce of a wall with a sickening crack.
"Get away from her," Neji hissed, crashing through the back window, and quickly stabbing several points on the Akatsuki members chest.
"Stupid fool, she'll kill you all one day," the man gurgled, coughing up blood as he collapsed, dead.
"Daddy, wake up, please," Aoi sobbed, rocking Shino's shoulder, blood pooling beneath his head.
"Aoi, come with me. We have to get Daddy to the hospital," Neji whispered, cradling Shino's limp body carefully in his arms as the little girl followed behind, tears streaming down her face.
"I didn't hurt Daddy, the Akatsuki did. Daddy said it wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault," Aoi whimpered, the Tsukiyomi falling apart around her.
"Damnit, Akira, quit cackling and help me with these bastards!" Setsuko hissed, dodging another shuriken from the five ANBU who had been summoned by Aoi's frightful shrieking.
"Sorry about that, but I couldn't resist," Akira grinned, unleashing another genjitsu on the ANBU about to decapitate him.
The ANBU collapsed in a heap, clawing at his eyes and screaming.
"Figures, you always were obsessed with stupid techniques," Setsuko laughed, her voice cut short as a blade went through her chest, blood dribbling out the corner of her mouth.
"Setsuko! You bastard!" Akira roared, his eyes flashing dangerously as he attacked the man who had impaled the blonde, not noticing the two ANBU coming up behind him until the kunai began piercing his chest.
"Kami-sama, they put up one hell of a fight," one of the ANBU whispered, gripping a broken arm, "Do you really think it's the missing Uchiha child?"
"Just get them to the hospital," the head ANBU hissed, picking up Setsuko's bleeding body, "The Hokage ordered them captured alive."
Naruto growled as he looked over yet another mission report, groaning and flopping his head on the desk. Papers flew upwards and covered his prone form. He hated paperwork more than anything else in the universe, and it seemed to be drawn to him.
"Hokage-sama," an ANBU Naruto easily identified as Tetsuo Uchiha, entered his office.
"If you have another mission report for me, Tetsuo, you can go stick it up your ass, I don't want it," Naruto sighed, the twenty-three year old easily sensing the exhaustion in his voice.
"I'm glad to say, then, that I do not have a mission report for you," the man chuckled, leaning easily on the door, "But I do have good news. Akira and Setsuko have been captured while trying to reenter the village, but they managed to put one Chuunin and one ANBU into a coma."
"They're back!?" Naruto's head popped out of the wave of paperwork, his eyes flashing with joy. He had waited for this day for nearly twelve years.
"They're in the hospital, Hokage-sama. We couldn't take them without force," the man explained, trying to calm him, "But they should be fine with a few days rest."
"Tell no one of this," Naruto hissed, leaping to the window with ease despite his forty-six years, "And I mean no one, not even Hinata."
"Yes, Hokage-sama." Tetsuo nodded, closing the door behind him.
Tsuzuku (To be continued.)
Author's Note: So I didn't wait a week before writing this fic, so sue me. I got bored on Saturday and couldn't resist sitting down and writing out my notes on the characters, and expanding their info into the future twelve years.
It's surprising how long, and how much effort, goes into something like that! I had to decide who got married, who else had kids, and who died. That was kinda hard, and I had to take a lot of factors into account.
Mainly who was still living to begin with. .;
Well, please leave a review after reading this. Lots of reviews always make me happy. .