This is my very first fanfic. I am Dutch so mind the grammar errors and stuff like that.

This is the second version of chapter 1. I just had to post this, I couldn't wait. So for those that just have started reading: Don't bother with chapter 2 right know. It is completely out of place.

Summary: Voldemort died on that fateful night of Halloween. But not without leaving something for our young hero. A few surprises and something no one wants to have...and yet every Slytherin craves it.


'Inner voice or dreams'




Chapter 1



Lily, take Harry, I will stop him.

James Potter is dead.

He is walking upstairs towards the nursery.

No! Have mercy.

Lily Potter is dead.

He walks towards the young child that is on the ground. He raised his wand and the next moment there is a blinding green light.

Lord Voldemort is dead

Not even a piece of bone or clothing survives. Even his soul is dead, only one thing survived.

The-Boy-Who-Lived is born


Harry Potter is being taken away from the ruins what was once his home by a giant named Rubeus Hagrid. He will be going to Privet Drive number 4. Upon arrival, two other people are waiting there for him: Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall.

'"Ah Rubeus, just in time.'" Said Albus.

Rubeus Hagrid gives Dumbledore a bundle of blankets and within those bundles is a boy with scar on his forehead in the shape of a lighting bolt. They are all staring at the little bundle, smiling and cooing at it. Dumbledore then walks to the front door and put the bundle of blankets on the doorstep of Privet Drive number 4.

And in the next moment they are gone. Not knowing what will happen too the savior of the Wizarding World.


The next morning the little bundle is discovered by Petunia Dursley. Not knowing what to do, Petunia Dursley takes the boy into the living room and calls for her husband Vernon Dursley. They decided to take the boy in and swore to never mention his parents to him, no matter what. They would do everything to make sure the boy does not grow up to be one of them.


Harry Potter age 7 runs into the garden because Uncle Vernon was mad at him. Somehow his teacher's hair turned blue and his Uncle blamed him for that. He was now hiding under the hedge. He heard his Uncle screaming. He would be spending the next couple of days in this spot if he didn''t want to be used as a punch bag.

'"Stupid humans, disturbing my rest. How dare they!'"

'"Who said that'" He looked around franticly but he saw no one except for a snake that was curled up at his feet and hissing dangerously.

'"You can speak my tongue young hatchling?'" By now Harry believed he was going crazy. Maybe his uncle was right and he was a freak.

'"Answer me hatchling! Can you speak my tongue?'" He was trying to answer the snake but he was still sitting there opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish. After a few minutes which consisted of the snake glaring at him, he finally was able to answer the snake. To his surprise he answered not in words but in the language of the snake.

'"Yes, I can understand you'"

And this was the beginning of a new life, for him and his pet snake Celiel.

The only problem was The Dursleys.


Not long after the Dursleys found out about Celiel. He was thrown in his cupboard under the stairs and he was to stay there till the end of time. Well at least according to his Uncle. Not an half an hour later he heard screams coming from the living room. He could vaguely hear his Uncle say 'Damn snake' and other colourful words. He could of course tell her to quit, but this was so much more fun.

That's how Uncle Vernon found him when his door was opened, grinning like a maniac. He was dragged out of his cupboard and into the living room right in front of Celiel. She looked at him questionable and started rambling on about how those humans should treat her Harry better. He (Harry) listened like a good boy and kept encouraging her, in the snake language.

The Dursleys were now officially afraid of Harry. They didn't dare to lay one finger on him with Celiel around.

Not soon after he managed to get Dudleys second bedroom.

Harry now had only one tiny small problem. Okay, scrap that, it was huge. During the day and when he was awake there were no problems. But when he went to sleep that's when the problem would start. For as long as he can remember he has been dreaming about gory rooms, bloody battles and snakes.

After a nightmare he would wake up drenched in cold sweat, and afraid to go back to sleep. So he was forced to accept them. But he couldn't talk about, to no one. Believe me when I say that when he met Celiel things changed. He could talk to her about it. But the damage was already done. Without knowing, he began to like things a seven-year old should not know about.

And after years of bottling it all up, he could release it. In a way no one can even begin understand.


On a normal average day morning the mail arrived like usual. And like usual Uncle Vernon was about shout at young Harry (old habits die hard) to get the mail, but decided he didn''t want to be on Harry's bad-side today so he asked Harry politely to get the mail. That worked and Harry fetched the mail like the 'good boy' he is. While on his the way back to the kitchen he noticed that there was a letter addressed to him. Curiosity got the better of him so he checked the envelope.

It was thick and it looked to be made of parchment. But the most curious thing about it was the address; Harry Potter, Second smallest bedroom, Privet drive, Surrey. So when he entered the kitchen and sat back on his chair with his letter, that's when Dudley shouted that he had a letter. His uncle and aunt saw the letter, looked at each other and they paled immediately. They even thought of demanding the letter from the boy, but they decided against it.

Harry, being the smart little guy he is, noticed this and asked them in is most innocent voice. '"Do you know who this letter is from? You certainly look like you might know it.'"

His uncle and Aunt shared a glance and decided he could open it while they prepared themselves mentally for what was to come. "Go on Harry, open up your letter."

He was already planning to open the letter, with or without their approval.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

'"What do they mean with this?'" He asked getting angrier with the minute '"What kind of sick joke is this?'" When no answer came he stormed out of the kitchen to find Celiel. They would have a nice long talk about this. For he had a feeling that she knew more about this. And after that he would interrogate his aunt.


Second version of chapter 1 done. 17 more to go. I hope you all enjoyed it. I for one, am satisfied with it.
