Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

Kairi's POV

I couldn't believe it had come down to this. How did this all happen? This can't be me. This isn't my life. This is a nightmare. I'll wake up soon. But wait......this can't be a nightmare because I have an unbelieved angel lying in my lap. Oh don't leave me my love. I can't live without you. I need you. DON'T LEAVE ME DAMMIT! Oh my God, I'm going crazy. Wait....going crazy? I AM crazy!! You made me crazy! You made me what I am now! Oh no, I can't blame you. I love you. I love you. I am who I am now because you are a part of me. I REFUSE to live without you. Oh please wake up.

I pushed the orange tablets away and brushed away the wet, sliver hair that was sticking to his forehead. I held him tight. I never wanted to let go. I wanted to melt within him. I wanted to be his eyelash.....a skin cell on his body.....something attached to him. God, how did this happen? Was it really that long ago when I was normal? What the hell is normal anyway? If it's anything then I am defiantly not that. This is so wrong. We loved each other too much. We were to dependent on each other? But would I take this unhealthy romance away? Never.

I kissed Riku's cold cheeks. This is all my fault. If only I hadn't been gone for so long. I lifted my head up and looked around the room. White. Lonely. A bed lying in the corner. His guitar propped against the wall. All his paintings and drawings scattered across the floor. I looked though the glass that had separated us for so long and watched the other lost souls. I could see a girl with long, stringy brown hair putting fresh bandages on her arm. I wondered if she had any new scars. Beside her room was a boy just staring out his window. He looked so vacant, so sad.....waiting, wishing, dreaming, reaching, wanting.....I squeezed Riku tighter. He warned me about this place. He told me not to come back.

"We are lost souls. Don't follow any of'll become lost too. If you listen closely you can hear the song we're all screaming...."

I heard the song. It was playing in my head over and over again.....

In the land of dirt and plaster

Lies an army of a thousand nowhere kids

Losing ground and falling faster

Into a life that no one should have to live

We are the people you hate

We are the bastards that you created

A generation with no face

A generation of all your sons and daughters

Behind the fake family image

Behind the smile of a thousand moms and dads

Inside the cage that we've been given

I see an image of the future that we don't have

We are the people that you hate

The fucking bastards that you created

A generation with no face

A generation of all your sons and daughters

And what did you expect?....A perfect child?

Raised by TV sets.....abandoned every mile

We never get respect.....never a fair trail

No one gives a long as we smile

We are the people that you hate

The fucking bastards that you created

A generation with no face

A generation of all your sons and daughters

Everything the human eyes could see was something totally different from the reality of this awful place. What was actually happening was a thousand nowhere kids were reaching, clawing, and pounding onto their cages.....all screaming, crying, and shouting out a story of no happy ending to all the those that did this to them. They could see each other. But no one could see them. Even I can't. I've tried. I've tried so hard.

How did I get here? How did my life boil down to this single portion of time and space? It's funny how a person can have their very lives dangling in the palm of another's hand. And that's how it is now. He has to wake up. He's woken up a thousand times before. Just one more time my love......please....

Man.....I remember how this all started......